An artist is responsible for 50% of the artistic experience.
The viewer, reader or listener brings the other half.
Average art is nice, pleasant, entertaining and decorative.
High art on the other hand engages the viewer, reader or listener to contemplate life.
To recall old memories and events and see them in a different light.
It makes you thinks. Sometimes it makes you face those
uncomfortable moments from long ago that need to be resolved.
It lets you see and question current life in different ways.
High art is interactive with the mind.
“West” is high art.
Often the detours in life provide us with the lessons we need.
Views and understanding of events that exist beyond the realm of words.
Events that can only be experienced.
Lucinda’s real gift is her ability to bring these events to life in the mind of the listener.
With her words, her music, her voice, “West” lets you see.
Years ago the spirits of art and creativity and the muses of inspirations around Andalusia
smiled at the wonderment of life in the bright eyes of a young girl playing in the fields.
It is obvious they continue to smile upon her.