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  • in reply to: Steve Poltz Belly Up 11/21/13 #52415

    Correct Mr. S., no hug from Sara, but I did get one from Steve P! 😆


    LWj, the way I took it they want your email address to send you updates. The password is to access your pledge info on that site. 8)

    in reply to: Current touring band members #33792

    You win Lefty. ❗

    in reply to: Amos Lee #41174

    Good stuff. I need to listen to his new CD some more. I look forward to the Wiltern Show.

    in reply to: Current touring band members #33789

    You won’t get a lot of argument there, pondshus2. Tom is the only source for this answer, but in my humble opinion , 😮 , before you have a touring band you need a tour. Then you will know who is available to be in the band. Since Lu toured like a demon this year, I think we won’t see anything in the immediate future.

    Stuart Mathis has a regular gig with the Wallflowers, and Greg Leisz is in high demand. I just found out he was on the road in Eric Clapton’s band recently. That is pretty severe.

    My short answer is I don’t know but Tom will keep us updated as always.

    P.S. Note my use of an emoticon mid-sentence. It is revolutionary.

    in reply to: Stump the Fan Forum? #52400

    Yikes. Confiscate the pens. 😮

    in reply to: Lu @ Pappy & Harriets November 2 #52207

    That was before he became unemployed. Now he is on it 24/7. I think he has been recruited by the NSA. He said he just listened to a conversation we had years ago at Zoeys or someplace.

    in reply to: KCSN Benefit show 11/3 #52357

    Great BillG. Stuart Mathis was the guitarist and he is in the Wallflowers. welcome to the forum.

    in reply to: Lu @ Pappy & Harriets November 2 #52205

    Jesus I’m going to kill this guy. ❗

    P.S. We listened to the Blessed CD and then switched over to Deep Tracks on SiriusXM, if that matters.

    in reply to: KCSN Benefit show 11/3 #52354

    I’ll be up there someday! Say hi to Scottie! 😀

    in reply to: KCSN Benefit show 11/3 #52352

    What? j/k.

    I know everyone is dying (dieing?) to know this: LP’s name is Laura Pergolizzi and her claim to fame to date is that her song “Into The Wild” was used in a Citi tv commercial where she is singing “somebody left the gate open” while someone is rock climbing.

    So there. 8)

    in reply to: Stump the Fan Forum? #52393

    A wealth of information! If I remember correctly, the reason Lu told this story at one of the El Rey shows during the 5 night stand was because it was another warm summer night and she was not happy with the status of the fan in front of her on the stage, either because it was off when she wanted it on, vice versa, or the direction of it. Something wasn’t right and she was about to go off on a toot but instead told the Council Bluffs story and turned it into a funny moment instead of a thermonuclear blast. The only other night during that 5 night engagement that looked like trouble was brewing was the night Doug somehow managed to miss his cue on Jailhouse Tears about 4 times in a row and I thought Lu was going to go mental. 😆

    This is a fun topic. We could probably go on like this for a while. 🙄

    in reply to: Stump the Fan Forum? #52385


    in reply to: KCSN Benefit show 11/3 #52350

    The never-ending request was for “Friend of the Devil”. Thankfully Lu ignored him. I wish I could. Safe travels Mr. S.

    in reply to: KCSN Benefit show 11/3 #52348

    I figured out early on that we were sitting too close since even the opening act was deafeningly loud. We walked in during the first set by some woman named LP who was like a one person hurricane. Loud, operatic voice and her mike was super loud so it was battle conditions early. New building, nice concert hall, booze available even though we were on a college campus but I was pinned to my seat by the noise and could not get up and go get a badly needed drink.

    Lu came on at 8:35 and was not too loud and sounded great. Stuart only on the guitar. Tremendous version of Blue. Stuart burned up the frets when called upon. Lu was off at 9:20. No encore.

    Stills and Kenny Wayne Shepherd and band played a bluesy set and were so loud that aircraft were being diverted around the campus so as not to fly over the show and be knocked out of the sky. KWS sure can play that guitar. Stills looked like he was going to have a heart attack at any minute. He had to scream to be heard over the guitar assault. The crowd got their money’s worth and minor brain damage. They closed with an unnecessary version of Rockin in the Free World since for KWS it was like asking Mozart to play chopsticks and Lu’s version from Pappy and Harriet’s was better anyway.

    I am sorry that this is the last Lu show for a while. She had a great and busy year. The website was its usual ever-present self with myself, Stoger, Grumpymama, and Stellablueee in attendance. We travel well.

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