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  • in reply to: Album release show NYC #53544

    Excellent pictures! Thanks. 😀

    in reply to: DWTSMTB #53558

    What’s interesting about this record, among other things, is for someone who is happily married and the long dark days of misery are over, Lu spends much of the record ripping people new assholes, or saying how everything has turned to shit. It does make for good music. 😀

    P.S. Note I got 2 more naughty words past the censor.

    in reply to: DWTSMTB #53555

    Here is a fun fact for all y’all: My favorite song to date is Foolishness. Runer-up, When I look At The World. So 2 facts really. 😀

    in reply to: DWTSMTB Liner notes, credits & lyrics #53416

    Ok I think I get it now. Greg Leisz is the guitarist. The drummer’s name is missing.

    in reply to: DWTSMTB Liner notes, credits & lyrics #53413

    I noticed the lack of a guitarist credit for Protection. Good guitar work indeed.

    Having worked on liner notes in the past that I edited multiple times, I can tell ya it sucks to see that mistakes still get through.

    in reply to: Santa Monica Pier Tickets + Show 9/26 #53213

    The pier was a zoo but it was a pleasant night. I was going to stand back a bit but there was a space on the rail next to Grumpymama so I took up residence. Lucinda looked and sounded great. Cool large tv type screen in the back of the stage . All was well until halfway thru Ventura when there was a huge commotion behind me and I turned around to see the crowd was being parted by a man pushing a woman in a wheelchair. Keep in mind you could not have slipped a piece of paper between the throng of drunken revelers at the front, but here they came, destination front row right in front of Stuart, the precise exact spot I was occupying. Through the hysteria the woman, at least 90 years old, informs us Stuart is her son, and the resemblance was obvious so she was wheeled up to the rail, hoisted out of her chair, and propped up with her arms over the rail. The chair is folded up behind me, catching my pants leg in the foot rest part and almost de-pantsing me on the spot. Hilarity ensued. Eventually she had to sit down again in the chair, which was hastily unfolded, which nearly removed two of the toes on my right foot. That’s rock and roll for ya. Stuart’s parents were very nice and apparently they had not seen him play in person for over a decade.

    The crowd enjoyed all the songs, old and new. The show ended at exactly one hour. Lucinda had an adventure leaving the stage at the rear when she tripped but was OK.

    It was great to see all the band and crew, Webmasta and Mrs. W., forum members Grumpymama, Paul from Los Angeles, JStreet and Mrs. JStreet, and forum member Kathy and her husband Jim.

    in reply to: Santa Monica Pier Tickets + Show 9/26 #53210

    Lu 9/26
    On at 7:22
    Can’t let go
    Drunken angel
    Burning bridges
    Are you down
    Honey bee
    Rockin in the free world
    off at 8:22

    in reply to: Grammy Museum, Los Angeles, Oct. 13, 2014 #53565

    What’s funny, in a tragic way, is I applied for an American Express card solely for the purposes of buying tickets to this event, as AMEX is the sole payment method allowed for these presales. So naturally that was a complete waste of time and effort. 🙄

    in reply to: Santa Monica Pier Tickets + Show 9/26 #53209

    Thank you Stoger for allowing me to edit your post title. I will do my best tonight. Grumpymama and I will be in the VIP area, as befits our status. We will keep an eye out for Paul. 😛

    in reply to: Santa Monica Pier Tickets + Show 9/26 #53207

    I edited the title of this post. Please post your remarks about the show here. I plan to post the setlist “live and in real time” from the show. Because I can. 8)

    in reply to: Press, interviews and reviews for DWTSMTB #53581

    Yikes! Consider my feathers ruffled. 😡

    in reply to: Grammy Museum, Los Angeles, Oct. 13, 2014 #53563

    It sold out in one-billionth of a second. Fuck. 👿

    p.s. I guess the censor doesn’t know that word lol.

    in reply to: Grammy Museum, Los Angeles, Oct. 13, 2014 #53562

    Always a huge pain in the ass getting tickets to a Grammy Museum event. But worth it. Says me. 8)

    in reply to: Nashville off Radar Show #53546

    Awesome Stoger. 🙂

    in reply to: Lucinda Recording A Christmas Song #53504

    I vote for Have a Holly Jolly Christmas! 😀

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