Forum Replies Created
KeymasterWelcome to the forum DNR and thanks for posting your thoughts.
KeymasterSo when she said “intelligent” she meant me, right, Mr. S.? 😆
KeymasterHappy Birthday Lu!
KeymasterThx for the great report! 😀
KeymasterGreat reports fellas!
KeymasterGreat report Mr. S. Hope the kilt was stylish. 😀
KeymasterHave fun gents and gals!
KeymasterDid you try Highway20?
KeymasterThanks Mr. S. Expository writing, I believe you call it. The record is 14 songs and a few of them are quite long so I thought I heard 2 discs. You may be right, as you usually are.
KeymasterOk so I heard the new record. I don’t know how I did, but I did. Maybe it was a dream, but it seemed real. I was minding my own business, watching the Clemson-Alabama game, when I was mysteriously transported through time and space to a room full of people who looked vaguely familiar yet I was not exactly sure who they were or what they were saying to me. Someone handed me a piece of pizza and said to me “that gum you like is back in style”. Puzzled, I washed my pizza down with wine and sat in the corner. I shuddered with cold as if an alien presence had passed through me. I could hear my heart beat as loud as a drum. I peed in my pants a little.
Music began to play and I realized through the fog of my dream-like state that it was the new Lucinda record, The Ghosts of Highway 20. Lu was singly softly to the tender guitar playing of Bill Frisell. Song after song was melancholy but accompanied by delicate guitar interplay by Bill and Greg Leisz. Towards the end of disc one there was an upbeat number followed by 2 long sad pieces, the latter of which was the title track. A couple of songs performed live last year, Bitter Memory and Factory, followed. The most haunting song was If My Love Could Kill, a sad song about the death of a father. The disc 2 closer was a departure from the mood and sound of the rest of the record.
The record is an emotional experience and quite different from the last one. When the music ended I opened my eyes and I was home, in bed. Maybe it never happened?
KeymasterLet’s start a rumor!
KeymasterIt is? I see 6 pictures and I thought you were talking about the 5th one. 😕
KeymasterI think that is David’s microphone behind his head Mr. S.
KeymasterFrom Tom:
While the winery shows have been great, I know Lu and the band were feeling really ready to play a full show and it showed right from the top with really great version Protection to start the show -with the sold out crowd with there from the start. Lots of great highlights -we put in Pineola and Side Of The Road for the fans who have been coming since Lu’s first tours over here in the early 90’s. And this fans were definitely out there because bot songs got great applauses. It was also really special to see how the Spirit Meets The Bone songs were received but also the two brand new ones from Ghosts— the Ghosts Of Highway 20 and Dust. During Righteously Lu accidentally sang the “don’t play no games with me as, don’t fuck with me” and then said “I don’t even know where that cam from-but hey I think it’s a better line”. We had a two hour window to play and the last drum notes hit a 11:00 sharp. Everyone came of the stage saying “man I want to keep going”. And with all of the requests that were shouted from the audience that would have been very easy. Next up New Zealand.