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KeymasterI would love to have heard West.
KeymasterFyi, the Art Deco Festival doesn’t happen until the Labor Day weekend.
KeymasterI knew you meant that. Have fun in San Diego. Say hi to Lu, Tom, and all site dwellers. I hope you had a good night at the Holiday Inn. The QM is an experience.
P.S. I saw the bus pull out at 10 am while I was taking a walk around the place.
KeymasterHere is a picture of some drop dead handsome guys. You can just barely make them out behind Paul, Tom, and me.
Sorry I didn’t get to meet KJR.
KeymasterGreat report Tom. This is the third time I have met you for the first time! I was also pleased to meet West Words and to see Paul as always. I wAs happy to see that Webmasta made it. I hope everyone has a good time tonight while I remain behind on this old bucket of a boat.
I got to Long Beach around 4:30 yesterday and was pleased to replace the now usual blow torch type heat with a cool and breezy 70 degree evening under the blue sky. The site was indeed perfect for us. I somehow missed everyone who went to the Hotel Maya but met up with everyone before Chrissie’s set. I was lucky enough to be in the first row, right in front of Val. The website was well represented, although we get no love from Lu as she again went on at length about her Facebook site like it was some marvelous new invention. I guess we are comfortably under the radar here, hiding in plain site.
Chrissie’s set was good, her new CD is starting to grow on me, I guess I will have to pick it up. The guitarist, Patrick, is phenomenal. A tight 60 minute set took us from 7:40 to 8:40. Lots of Chrissie fans near me.
Lu started around 9:10 and seemed in good spirits and she was in fine voice. The setlist has been covered and Tom’s remarks are spot on. Once again she seemed preoccupied with the sound. There were several flubs as Tom mentioned but she just laughed them off. I think the pleasant setting and cool air put everyone in a nice place. Val indeed put on a nice show, he has much improved since Ventura and he knows the songs now. A tad rock and rolly at times. He looked like he was having fun.
After the show I said my goodbyes and went back to the QM as I was fried, having been up to 2 am the night before seeing Ryan Bingham. I wonder if the band stayed here as I saw Butch here before the show and I think I saw a member of the sound crew as I was coming back from breakfast. No ghost sightings.
I have a picture to post as soon as I figure out how.
KeymasterGreat show. More tomorrow. The setlist:
I Just Want to See You So Bad
Big Red Sun Blues
I Lost It
Crescent City
Lake Charles
2 Kool 2 B 4Gotten
Metal Firecracker
Drunken Angel
Out of Touch
Real Live Bleeding Fingers
Born To Be Loved
Honey BeeJoy
KeymasterI will be checking in the the Queen Mary Hotel around 4:30 or so and I have been told the Maya Hotel, which is on the other side of the park from the Queen Mary, is a nice place to go for eats and drinks so I may head over there. I would not mind getting some relief from the 107 degree heat here at the office in Woodland Hills, which I bet our Webmasta is suffering through as well.
KeymasterGreat report Paul! See you tonight.
KeymasterA review of Neil’s new CD in today’s LA Times:
KeymasterHere is a review of the show from today’s Sacramento Bee:
KeymasterOutstanding report Stoger. Have a safe trip home.
Lu has a heavy schedule this week, with shows everynight from Tuesday through Friday. I look forward to Thursday night.
KeymasterThx for the great report. I think M. Ward recorded Oh Lonesome Me with LW accompanying.
KeymasterWas Out Of Touch really played twice?
KeymasterWelcome to the forum, sbbbob,
Doug has been gone for a while. At least a year and a half. He was (is) pretty great. I would assume no Doug going forward, but he did make a guest appearance in Ventura, so you never know.
I’d say the Ventura show was not atypical for the first night of a tour.
KeymasterThx for the great report.