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KeymasterGood work Stoger. I am starting to get pumped up about seeing Lu on 2/14.
Hollywood men also wear funny hats. I need to get one.
KeymasterI’ll let you know if I get a reply to my RSVP Grumpy. It looks like Plan B is stay home.
KeymasterAny ticket info Tom?
P.S. After further investigation, it looks like there is no cover but there is a guest list one needs to be on. I RSVP’d to get on that night’s guest list. I’ll see if there is a reply.
KeymasterGreat report Stoger! Good luck getting a ticket for tonight.
KeymasterFrom what I can gather, Bardot is an “exclusive” club above the Avalon on Vine Street, across from Capitol Records. It is a place where cool, young, hip people go, like people who dress in black and have tatoos. Doubt they would let me in. They have music there and on Monday nights there is a regular thing called It’s a School Night and they do show LW down for 2/14. No ticket or other information.
For what it’s worth, Avalon was formerly the Palace and before that was the place where the tv show the Hollywood Palace was broadcast, from 1964 to 1970. It was the west coast version of the Ed Sullivan show. Lotta history there. I’ve driven by there a million times but I have never been in it. In the movie Against All Odds, James Woods and Jeff Bridges I think go to The Palace one night.
KeymasterGood find. I went to their website and didn’t see anything about this.
KeymasterHey Grumpy,
Did you go to the show at the Viper Room? Did you have a good time? Do you check out the music scene in Ventura?
KeymasterI think it’s a solo show. Have fun.
KeymasterFYI, I posted a cell phone pic on her FB page from the show.
KeymasterNo goodies or extras for the price, LWJ. No merchandise table either. No room.
The only Jackshit to play withh LW was Val, for the entire show.
KeymasterBack from the airport. Great report by Stoger. I actually thought Lu said “put the past year behind us”. I coud be wrong. Here we go:
Tim, Etienne, and I got to Hollywood around 8, ravenously hungry. We parked in a lot behind the Whisky A Go Go and strolled over to the Viper Room, where we could hear the band rehearsing I Lost It, I think, from the sidewalk. Lots of freaky looking people around the Whisky and the general Sunset Strip area. We walked 2 blocks to a mexican cantina that was in a pre-NYE mode with party hats and such at the ready. We were pleased and surprised to find Stoger and West Words already there having something to eat. We joined them and ate dinner and I had 3 margaritas in rapid succession. At around 8:30 we made it back to the Viper Room.
Once inside the club, it appeared they only had about 60 watts of light going. It was so dark, I couldn’t tell how many people were there, or who they were. We repaired to the bar and I had another margarita, my last alcoholic beverage of the night.
Jackshit took the stage at 9 pm. They played a pleasant and amusing one hour set. Tim, Etienne, and I watched from in back. Stoger and West Words wisely took up positions at the side of the stage, in front of Val.
Lu hit the stage at 11 pm. By then the place was jammed; we were packed in like sardines. By then I took up a position in front with Stoger, West Words, and newly arrived Paul from Los Angeles. Unfortunately, Lu’s guitar guy, who I think was James Trussart, was working Lu’s guitars in the same spot we were standing, so it was a constant struggle to maintain one’s position and sanity. Add to that, every part of my body was being crushed by one drunk person or another, which caused to me to go careening into West Words every 5 minutes. Sorry Sandy. The guitar guy was very pleasant though.
Lu looked and sounded fantastic. She was in great spririts. Surprises abounded in the setlist. Val and Doug complimented each other perfectly, and engaged in a massive guitar duel during “Joy”. The band toasted the new year with the song I noted in the setlist. It was hot and loud.
Around 1 am Lu said the band was going to take a break and then come back and play some more, but they never left the stage and kept going until about 1:20 am. The exit door opened and a sea of humanity poured out of the tiny club onto Sunset Blvd. It was a brisk 46 degrees out and the fresh air felt great. Many of the Sunset Strip area clubs were also emptying out and the street was filled with insane revelers and the odd serial killer here and there.
I am pretty sure I chatted with Tom O. before I left but it was so dark it was hard to tell who was who. Plus my hearing was pretty much gone by then.
Kudos again to the website peeps who made it. I think everyone had a super time. No one had more fun than our Webmasta, who I saw rocking out in the corner. After a year of rest, I will be ready to do this again.
KeymasterAwesome. Here is the marquee. (sp?)
Keymaster6 hours later I am awake since I am giving Tim a ride to the airport but let me give a New Years tip of the cap to Stoger, West Words, and Tim for traveling across the country to catch this show. They are great fans and are also truly insane.
Also NYE shout outs to Paul from Los Angeles and our famed Webmasta, who was rocking out all night, for making the scene. One of our newer website members was there but I did not get to meet them. I am sure everyone I just mentioned is still fast asleep.
A full report will follow in many hours. Safe travels to Tim, Stoger, and West Words.
KeymasterCount on massive reporting, LWjetta.
KeymasterHappy Holidays Dr. O’Boogie.
Happy Holidays to Lu and Tom and our friendly forum.