While Lucinda certainly was cranky last night, I think the show was excellent – one of the best LW shows that I have seen. Hearing Car Wheels from start to finish reminded me of how great an album it is. I kept saying “wow…i forgot THAT was on there too!”…the whole bad was great…pettibone is amazing…Steve earl joined for much of the night…there were a few others that i am not familiar with…i dont have a set list, as it was choppy with the guests interspersed with lucinda…my highlight was a great Jailhouse Tears with steve earl…and “you’re still standing there”…
that being said, lucinda is an odd bird at times. she was bitching at the roadies much of the night…complained about bad reviews (“take it or leave it”)…and stopped and re-started one song 3/4 of the way through….she also, I think, criticized the kid Fion at one point…he was the guy who opened at irving plaza and walked off the stage….he played one song last night and after he left she made a reference to “at least I don’t walk off teh stage like some people I know”…she also has, imo, a very uncomfortable stage presense when she is not holding a guitar…
but that voice overcomes all!