Forum Replies Created
Smokin Joe
ParticipantExcellent… watching to vids now… I hope that someone will post a vid of Susan Tedeschi singing Janis soon…. She’s another fav of mine… Hopefully Lucinda and Susan meet and swapped ideas or something…
Smokin Joe
ParticipantI am so happy to see Nothin in Ramblin making the setlist.. One of my favorites.. especially now..
Smokin Joe
ParticipantWow.. a book by Lucinda… Didn;t she mention on one of her LIVE cd’s about it???
I hope it comes out soon,, I’d love to read it and it would make an excellent Christmas Present to a friend…
Smokin Joe
Participant@Bear wrote:
I was the giant scary biker up front-extremely long hair and sunglasses-with tears streaming down my face.
I thought that was me…
I’ll have to tell my story at another time, as I am living it as we speak…
Smokin Joe
ParticipantWow Kids…this one is a good.. a Must have for any Lucinda fan…
Caution – I do not know this link, I just linked it for a reply purpose..
I don;t know the details about cd release’s and copyrights and all that…. But this one is phenominal… It has turned out that this CD has brought more smiles to my face in a rough time of life for me that the others.. and it’s really the bomb… IMHO…
I think that this was her True Country attempt, or something; a couple are even Truck driving sounding… But it’s true Lucinda and worth every nickel that you can give for it…
Smokin Joe
ParticipantDid not mean to compare musicians as much as share music appreciation…
Susan Tedeschi, J Lang, KWS… Debbie Davies…
Is there an open Blues forum somehow, somewhere, someway… on da intrawebs?
Smokin Joe
ParticipantWow… Yes it is a Strange turn of Events on Bobbie Gentry… I am a big BG fan.. I posted on the other thread “Pineola” and made a couple comparisons about Pineola and Ode… And how Bobbie claimed people misunderstood the song. I also noticed that Lucinda had Ode to Billy Joe on one of her setlists… Man how I would love to hear Lucinda sing that one…
Yep.. Roberta Steeter From Greenville MS. That is her hometown.
Old Bobbie was My Mother’s Fav back in the day. ANd I grew up with BG’s music. I loved the Delta Blues sound that she had, but I really loved they was she mixed Southern Slang in with the Lyrics.. AN example would be “Chunkin Rocks”… ANd I think that you can pick up some 60’s drug overtones prevelent in the south at that time. but that’s just my opinion…
I know that Sheryl Crowe tried to call Bobbie out and it didn;t work. Maybe this tune by Jill will…
This thing abut Bobbie is kinda strange how she just dropped off the earth, But for some reason she just gave up the Biz and wanted Privacy… It is unfortunate for her fans.. Last know whereabouts that I heard of was some island off Georgia, to living outside of Hollywood California.
But there have been rumors or two about her making an appeaence once or twice in Greenwood MS. She still has family there to my knowledge..
ANyways… I sort of find this a strange irony as well… I do hope that Lucinda will keep adding Ode to her setlist as I’d love to catch it one day…
But yes.. I find it really ironic that you posted this here.
Smokin Joe
Participant1. Hot Blood
3. Well, Well, Well
4. Wrap my Head Around That
5. Long Way to the Topedit later 7-27-09
Smokin Joe
ParticipantYa Know…
Memphis Pearl is pretty kewl…Nashville huh?
Smokin Joe
ParticipantI have my copy now…And in my honest opinion, the song Pineola was not really about one person, but the feelings of others that have to deal with suicide. But it’s just my view…
I also have read all the links to the articles… Very interesting.. I put Lucinda at the Age of about 25 at this time. The Poets, her father teaching at the U of Arkansas at the time etc… All these things speak about how that Frank was close to the family…
Now I could go on about the realtionships and this and that, but I sort of make this post about Lucinda as a Songwriter… She has a way being able to… to…. Exspress the emotons through music… While I cannot speak for Lucinda, nor the reason that she wrote the tune… I would like to exspress my thoughts.
One article made mention of “Pineola” as a tribute to Frank Stanford, and this verse.
In the song “Pineola,” for example, news of a family friend’s suicide plays out in plaintive, understated lines, fitting for a piece about the death of poet Frank Stanford, who was a staple in the Williams household in the 1970s. Notice the detail in these last lines describing the large crowd at the funeral, much to Stanford’s mother’s surprise, as if revealing the hidden life of a clearly popular and mysterious person.
we drove on out to the country, his friends all stood around
Subiaco Cemetery is where we lay him down
I saw his mama, she was standing there and his sister she was there too
I saw them look at us standing around the grave and not a soul they knewBUt I view thing a little differently and this I guess is my whole point of even posting this… and again I cannot speak for Lucinda… But I believe the song was written not about the life of one, but the feelings of many others…
But what I pick up on is this… Her way of expressing the sense of stunned hopelessness.. I know that hopelessness is not the word that I am looking for here. but bear with me…
In such a situation, it is a shock, like a blur.. and everyone one wants to do the right thing, but in reality, there is nothing you can do and nothing you can say…
She heard the news and could not say a word.
Her parents went to the house to help, but there was nothing that they could do.
The friends meet, and not much they could say.
The Mother and Sister were at the funeral and I think more shocked at the amount of people that loved him as much as they did, not for the legecy of a poet, but the person.and the last line… Lucinda says… “Some of us we stood in silence, some bowed their heads and prayed,
I think I must’ve picked up a handful of dust and let it fall over his
grave.”There is my whole point… In her state of shock, and that dream world of such an event, when you look back through the fog… That was all that she or anyone could do or say… Nothing.. Just deal with it…
I will not go on a Pineola dogma, nor make this my Lucinda petistle [sp].. But I did want to respond to this, and let it be known that I feel Lucinda was able to make her emotions of that event come so freely in her music, that she should have won 4 grammies instead of 3, and the Louisiana/Arkansas connections are almost too profound…
I won;t be posting too much on this site, but I will be part of it and will always await news of new shows, albums, tours and etc…
And forgive me for taking this thread into a tangent… I may delete it tommarow… But for some reason, she made me relate…
RIP – My Little Brother…
edit- I would like to add this… This kinda reminds me of “Ode To Billy Joe” by Bobbie Gentry… Years later Bobbie made a statement that so many people misunderstood the whole meaning of the song. “Ode” was not written to relay the cause of the boys death, but that fact that the family had such a casual non-chelaunt conversation about his death at the dinner table in front of his grieving girlfriend.
“So Your boyfriends dead, pass me them mashed tators.”
Please don;t feel threatened to reply to this thread…
Joe again
Smokin Joe
ParticipantThanks for asking the Question and posting the truth…
I did not know about Pineola until last thursday night… Now for reasons that I do not wish to disclose… It is now probobly my most favorite song as it has touched my soul…
Smokin Joe
ParticipantActually.. The Diamond Ballroom is a good venue… My little Club itself is just less than 1/2 mile away.
It may seem likes it’s no where, but it’s not… It sits on I-240 just down the road from a couple hotels. Hooters, Bike Night and resturant row…
Heck, you could throw a rock from there and hit my club and my house too…
But again. For these past few years the place has catered to kids, trash Metal, and punk bands… Should they continue with better bands, it would be good for the old DB.
Smokin Joe
ParticipantNo.. I don;t twitter, nor do I tweets or engage in tweeting in any shape form or fashion…
I am a little upset though, I just got of the phone with my friend Sherri. It sems that the CD’s that we bought at the show were not the orginal CD’s, but SPecial Live Versions of the Orginal CD… Kinda bummed on that one.. Cause I plan on getting all of her original cd’s and the Live at the Filmore… So now I am two cd’s behind already….
Lafayette.. Yes.. I’ll zap you a pm.. Helping me get a poster for my shop would be great… It will go right between my Bobbie Gentry and Susan Tedeschi.
Smokin Joe
ParticipantThanks Lefty…
Smokin Joe
ParticipantHi Kids… My Name is Smokin Joe…
Anyways… That’s for the setlist… There was a tune in the opening 3 or 4 songs that became a new favorite… Me and my friend made sure to grab us a few cds…
I work and live around the corner from the Diamond Ballroom, where she played… First. I am a little upset with us Okies that we did not have a better turnout. Why I do not know… I do know that me and my club have been playing her music alot.. and I pushed the show in my club… Please don;t hold it against me, but I am a DJ in a strip CLub, been one for a long long time…… anyways.. When you get the girls diggin on her music, that’s a good thing.
I do know that not too much advertising of the show went on, and the DB is mostly know as a heavy metal venue… It is nice that the DB and out local Classic Rock station picked up on her show, and I hope that the DB starts carrying more and better bands…
Back to Lucinda… She brought it to the table baby.. and did not dissappoint. And talk about a tight band… They all had it together… Anyways… What a great show.. and I hope that Lucinda returns to OKC again, and that she was not dissappointed in us here for a low turnout…
Loved the Boots and the spurs… Lucinda Looked good last night…
I tried really hard to get a Lucinda Poster from the DB.. Would have been great in the shop with the harley, but they were all gone.
Again, Thanks for the setlist…
Smokin Joe…
and Lucinda, if you read this… OKC luvs ya… Come back soon.