Ronny Zamora

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  • in reply to: In heavy rotation… #32147
    Ronny Zamora

    Thanks for that – I will check out the NPR site. I also found some stuff on the ‘Sugarmegs’ site (which was recommended on another thread on here) – which you can download free of charge (and very quickly). I transfer it to my ipod and take it to work with me.

    in reply to: Who did this song? #35321
    Ronny Zamora

    Hi Stan – sorry for delay replying, not been on here for a few days. I have not been to Muswell Hill – the nearest I have been is Highams Park where friends used to live (also in North London) – we mostly headed up to the West End. I pass by London most nights on the M25 – Lucinda keeps me going on those long trips!

    Not sure what you are referring to with ‘Konk’ – Google tells me they were an 80’s band out of New York. ‘Conk’ is English slang for ‘Nose’ – are you referring to Ray’s Nez? When I got into my car the other night, heading home from work, what should be the first tune on? but ‘Waterloo Sunset’ – how spooky is that? That really is one of the very best British Pop songs – EVER!

    Just been out shopping – I can never go to the Supermarket without coming away with at least one CD – so I limit myself to going once a week! Got Robert Plant and Alison Krauss’ album and Radiohead’s In Rainbows today (oh and a Pretenders singles collection – well it was only £4).

    Stay safe.

    in reply to: In heavy rotation… #32145
    Ronny Zamora

    Thanks for that last post. I only got into Lucinda 12 months ago, when I heard her interview with Bob Harris on Radio2 – it was just before ‘West’ was releaded and ‘Wrap My Head Around That’ was the very first track I heard. I’ve never looked forward to the release of an album as much as that one for a long time. Now 12 months on I have everything that is commercially available including both 5CD sets and saw her twice last year too.

    I was not familiar with Chuck Prophet either – but have just been checking out some stuff on YouTube and just know I am going to have to start buying up his stuff too. Do you have any recommendations of where to start ? – I love the heavier guitar stuff in particular.

    in reply to: Who did this song? #35319
    Ronny Zamora

    The original Cavern closed in 1973. It was remodelled and rebuilt with some of the old bricks and partially on the same site and reopened in 1984. The venue still hosts gigs and an annual Beatles festival.

    This year Liverpool is European City of Culture – so plenty to look forward to locally. Ringo was at the opening ceremony last weekend.

    Last time I visited Stow on the Wold, I stayed at Stow Lodge Hotel – a Beautiful part of the country. No doubt now full of Londoners!

    Had the benefit of seeing Lu twice in November (London and Sheffield). Two very different shows (what else would you expect!) – but both just as great.

    Now looking forward to seeing Neil Young in Manchester in March. Can’t wait!!!!!

    in reply to: Who did this song? #35317
    Ronny Zamora

    It’s ‘Sorrow’ by The Merseys from 1966 (Fontana Records). Later covered by David Bowie on ‘Pin Ups’ (1973).

    They were formed in Liverpool and formerly and latterly known as the Merseybeats. I live just 12 miles from the Cavern Club where they used to play. They have a website you can check out.

    I was familiar with Bowie’s version, the lyric strikes a chord as they describe my ex. You can see his version on YouTube too.

    You can play it and a selection of their other hits from the Home Page.

    Hope you can sleep now!

    in reply to: Sheffield 21/11/07 #35081
    Ronny Zamora

    Hi Padchio (and others!) – I have now managed to upload my stuff from the Sheffield gig. If you search Lucinda Williams Sheffield, you should find them all. They are posted under the username ‘Nordy Trucker’. Hope you enjoy them! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you All !!!!!![/quote]

    in reply to: 10/4 New York LIVE CD Editing Error #35098
    Ronny Zamora

    Got my 5 NY cds today – the 4th Oct (1988 album) – is completely BLANK, although it is printed on the front side of the disc. Any ideas?

    Also, the NY copy of S.O.W. does not transfer a track list when I copy it to my PC – although all the other (8) do.

    in reply to: Sunday at the Indigo #35034
    Ronny Zamora

    At last ‘Ventura’ is on YouTube – search under Lucinda Williams Ventura – there are currently 2 posts of the same video – one has been deleted, so if you call this up first – go to the next one posted by ‘Nordy Trucker’ – it IS there (honest!)

    in reply to: LIVE CD UPDATE #34115
    Ronny Zamora

    @Pigalle wrote:

    @Ronny Zamora wrote:

    My L.A. set arrived today (in the U.K.) – 15 days after submitting my order. Thank You!. At that rate my New York set will be here tomorrow.

    I wouldn’t bet on it.

    I ordered all ten cds on October 1st and apparently they only shipped on 3rd December. I’d be lying if I didn’t say from thousands of internet shopping experiences this has been the worst ever. Any goodwill Lucinda generated from making these discs available long since dissipated. Indeed I doubt I will ever buy another Lucinda cd or concert ticket so shabbily has my order been dealt with.

    Well, my NY set has just arrived and they took 19 days from order and they were both via paypal too! Either I am very lucky or ??

    Are these discs still a limited edition (I think I read 1000 of each were being released) – or was that only the ones released after the shows?

    in reply to: LIVE CD UPDATE #34110
    Ronny Zamora

    My L.A. set arrived today (in the U.K.) – 15 days after submitting my order. Thank You!. At that rate my New York set will be here tomorrow. Currently burning them to blank discs to keep the originals mint. ‘Abandoned’ playing in the background – I feel a Lucinda fest’ coming on tonight!

    in reply to: Sheffield 21/11/07 #35079
    Ronny Zamora

    Hi Padchio – I too was at Sheffield (and IndigO2 on the Sunday night) and have some great footage on a new camera which I am struggling to get on YouTube in an acceptable format – but I will find a way. I have 8 complete songs from Sheffield – Drunken Angel, Jailhouse Tears, Still I Long for Your Kiss, Righteously, Come On, HoneyBee, Joy/Riders and Essence. I am trying to get some ‘techy’ help – keep checkin’! The two gigs were very different but equally as good – London was much more of a ‘show’ and the acoustics far superior, sheffield was more ‘organic’.

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