Red Dirt Girl EH

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  • in reply to: St Louis Show recording #33110
    Red Dirt Girl EH

    Yeah I didn’t get at all excited, did I?

    I finally got the recordings downloaded and they are great! I love Honey Bee it’s one of those songs you rock out to in your car and people driving by look at you like ‘Is she okay?’ That concert was incredible and it’s so nice to go back and hear it again! Thank you!!

    in reply to: The Male vs, Female Fan #33081
    Red Dirt Girl EH

    This IS an interesting topic.
    My dad was actually a Lucinda fan first. He went all over the place looking for Car Wheels on a Gravel Road and kept talking about her. Finally he played it for me and at first I thought “I don’t know about this…” That was back in the day where I thought MTV was cool…obviously, my taste in music has vastly improved. I’m all about Lucinda and Emmylou Harris these days.

    Anyway, I was surprised by the Lucinda audience. I’m not sure what I expected, she does seem to have a lot of male fans. I haven’t come across a lot of people who listen to her. We’ve turned my aunt and uncle onto her and I know another woman that listens to her. I think she has something that appeals to both men and women. How could she not? I’m listening to that St. Louis concert right now…it just blows my mind how incredible this concert was!

    in reply to: St Louis Show recording #33108
    Red Dirt Girl EH




    *great big hug*
    THANK YOU!!!!

    in reply to: St. Louis Show #32833
    Red Dirt Girl EH

    That’s really cool! It’s so interesting to see how different she looks up close, in concert. It was such a treat to hear Joy live. At least I think she did…my memory isn’t that great. All I remember is just totally losing myself in that amazing performance. It’s something I will never get over.

    And you will get that hug someday! I never thought that would happen in a hundred million years and it did.

    in reply to: The Truth About Pittsburgh #32926
    Red Dirt Girl EH

    That sounds more like it! After seeing her recently her I couldn’t imagine Lucinda would do anything to upset her fans. She seems like a real sweetheart! To be honest, even if she was a diva I would come back just for that killer music.

    in reply to: Curfew #32907
    Red Dirt Girl EH

    I think the long wait could be attributed to the long line at Charlie Louvin’s table. She was giving time for the fans to meet with him and get autographs. Yeah there was a bit of a wait but there was still a long concert. I don’t think she would start later if she thought she was going to have to shorten the concert.

    in reply to: Lexington, KY show 6/17/07 #32898
    Red Dirt Girl EH

    Sounds like an interesting show! A different set list for sure, I would love to hear Are you Alright and Passionate Kisses live. We did, however, hear Righteously. Kind of makes you want to travel town to town and see what you missed.

    in reply to: St. Louis Show #32829
    Red Dirt Girl EH

    @Stan wrote:

    I’m embarrassed to say, but last year at the Pageant, when it was just Doug and Lu, she did “Where Is My Love,” and I screamed out…”Here I am Lucinda!” LOL I’m usually much more respectful of live performances, but Lu just brings out the beast in me.

    😆 That’s so funny! I was tempted to yell out “More Honey Bee!!”. I wouldn’t worry, I don’t usually dance (ever EVER) and I was dancing at that crowded concert. Lucinda casts quite a spell.

    As for singing, you REALLY don’t want to hear that!

    in reply to: Pittsburgh,PA show 7/21/07 #32890
    Red Dirt Girl EH

    I’m sorry to hear that! I know that sort of thing can really sour you on an artist. I went to see Bonnie Raitt and afterward by the bus her crew said “She wants us to get rid of the fans, she’s not meeting anybody tonight” and I thought ‘Well I’m so glad I drove all the way out here for this’. The concert was still great but music is only part of the package. I hope you will give Lucinda another chance. Last Sunday she was really outgoing and chatted a lot with the audience. She seemed to be getting along really well with the band. She came out and sang several songs for the encore. It was by far the best concert I have ever seen, my dad even commented her live music is just as good if not better than the records. Even in person, it was 12:09 a.m. and she came out to greet the fans. Give her another shot, you never know why she could’ve been off the other night. She’s worth it!

    in reply to: St. Louis Show #32827
    Red Dirt Girl EH

    You will have a story like that! I had never seen her in concert before and totally didn’t expect that to happen. I owe it all to a guy who said “Her bus is that way, but you didn’t hear it from me”.

    I am ashamed to admit this but I hadn’t heard of Emmylou yet in 2001. Right after Stumble Into Grace my dad said “You should pick up her CD, you might like her”. That was it! Now I have 20+ and a pair of her old cowboy boots! I did catch her at the Sheldon a few years ago. I am dying for her to return to the Pageant. It would be lovely to be that close to Emmylou for a couple of hours. I wish she would tour with Lucinda and Patty Griffin, now there is a show I would love to see! Stan would HAVE to wait outside that tour bus!

    in reply to: St. Louis Show #32825
    Red Dirt Girl EH

    @Lefty wrote:

    I hear Lu gives good hugs, Red Dirt Girl. How ’bout it? 🙂

    There are no better hugs then Lucinda hugs! Date or no date I would say “You won’t let me hug Lucinda Williams? Let me show you the door..” Haha. I’m a 21 year old girl so it might be easier for me to get away with it. Anyway, thank you Stan! You will meet her! Just don’t almost faint, that was rather embarrassing.

    I love that she started with Rescue. It amazed me she could do something more mellow like that then totally rock it out.

    in reply to: In heavy rotation… #32122
    Red Dirt Girl EH

    My favorite records (not including Lucinda of course) are
    Patty Griffin-Children Running Through
    Emmylou Harris-Red Dirt Girl (shocking, I know), Wrecking Ball
    Mindy Smith-(Her first record, the name has escaped me)

    in reply to: my top five lucinda’s songs #32370
    Red Dirt Girl EH

    This is difficult. I, too, change my list daily. Here tis’ (in no particular order and sorry, it’s over 5)

    Are You Alright
    Which Will
    Passionate Kisses
    Hot Blood (Can someone tell me how to get this unstuck from my head?)
    2 Kool 2 Be Forgotten
    Car Wheels on a Gravel Road
    Those 3 Days
    Unsuffer Me (Live, oh my goodness)

    I should also mention Honey Bee. It’s probably too early to add this to a “favorite 5” list but that song was pretty great. Curious to see that album cover!

    in reply to: Seeking Your favorite Lucinda Cover Songs…. #32465
    Red Dirt Girl EH

    Which Will is my favorite even though it rips my heart out every time I hear it. There is something very beautiful about that song but I have yet to get through it without the kleenex box.

    in reply to: St. Louis Show #32822
    Red Dirt Girl EH

    The opener was Everything Has Changed? I know what you mean, I can’t quite put my finger on it.

    I did meet her! I hung out outside the tour bus. They said she wasn’t coming out so a lot of the group left. Then Charlie came out to hang with us and posed for pictures. He went on the bus and I believe he was the one who got her. She came off the bus and that was when I started shaking like you would not believe. She walked up to me and I asked for a picture. I blurted out “Can I get a hug first?” and she said “Sure” so after that we posed for the picture. Charlie took it. I was standing there with her and she said “You’re shakin!” and I said “I know, sorry” and Charlie was laughing because I handed him my phone and I almost dropped it. So after that she asked if I wanted an autograph and signed it on his back. Well needless to say, between my shaking and not breathing it was an interesting night. A nice way to round out the show.

    My advice if you want to meet her, when security tells you to go home there’s no hope, hang out anyway.

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