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  • in reply to: New Lu "Rarity" #47677

    Somehow I missed this thread. Very cool find, love the artwork, and good to know my basement could have been the beginning of many more Lu rarity finds!

    in reply to: Amos Lee Saturday 8/20 in LA #48061

    Thx for the report, Tony!

    Here is a short little informative interview about the making of “Mission Bell.”

    Joey Burns of Calexico co produced “Mission Bell.” Amos recorded at Wavelab Studios in Tucson.

    Zach is a really nice kid. I spoke with him several times in the past after shows, outside the bus, waiting on Amos.

    Too bad you’re on one coast and I on another. It sounds like we could be Amos concert buds!

    in reply to: Townes Van Zandt #32404

    @Lafayette wrote:

    I found these photos of Twownes while looking at some recent Mellencamp ones on a fan’s flickr site.

    Five in all, dating from 1994. Two are with Joe Ely.

    A collection of fantastic photos including Bob Dylan

    in reply to: Townes Van Zandt #32403

    I found these photos of Twownes while looking at some recent Mellencamp ones on a fan’s flickr site.

    Five in all, dating from 1994. Two are with Joe Ely.

    Townes van Zandt - Sesto Calende 2.12.1994

    in reply to: Amos Lee #41089

    @LWjetta wrote:

    Have you entered yet to win, Lafayette ?
    The “Secret” show in Tucson.
    Not valid for Canadian entries.
    Wonder if airfare+ accomodations are included ? ๐Ÿ˜†


    Air fare and accommodations are not included. My guess is they pull from the locals as someone who will *win* this contest.

    I doubt I make any more Amos shows this tour. ๐Ÿ™ The AMA’s, 2 Mellencamp shows and a Lu show, all within a short time frame, means few kitchen passes left to be issued.

    in reply to: Fall 2011 Tour Dates Announced #47909

    @tntracy wrote:

    @Lafayette wrote:

    Experience Track 29.

    Why, yes – I think I will do just that! ๐Ÿ˜†


    I do believe the four horsemen will be saddling up for Chattanooga. :mrgreen:

    in reply to: Fall 2011 Tour Dates Announced #47904

    Chatanooga is a brand new venue. If the sound is as awesome as they claim it will be…mama will be happy. I’m leaning towards this show.

    stoger…how about Chatanooga choo choo?

    Track 29 – world-class entertainment in a world-class venue

    Atlanta has the Tabernacle, Knoxville the Valarium, Nashville the Mercy Lounge and Cannery, Birmingham has Work/Play and Asheville has the critically acclaimed Orange Peel. Now, Chattanooga joins the ranks of world-class entertainment venue locations with our very own Track 29.

    Featuring national touring acts in an intimate setting, Track 29โ€™s state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems provide an experience much more on the scale and quality of a concert than a club show. A custom line-array sound system combines the efforts of each and every speaker in the room to make the show sound incredible no matter where you happen to be standing. And, the lighting configurations are simply mind-blowing to say the least.

    In addition to an amazing show, youโ€™ll enjoy ample parking with 900 on-location spaces and plenty more close by, a full bar with beer, wine and liquor, convenient coat check and even a sound-equipped outdoor smoking area. Plus, for the ultimate concert experience, rent one of Track 29โ€™s VIP skyboxes with comfortable seating, dedicated servers, private restroom facilities and a birdโ€™s eye view of the stage.

    Therefore, in addition to a great concert experience for the fan, Track 29 offers hard-working touring acts comfortable dressing room facilities with couches, showers, washers and dryers and Internet access. Track 29 enlists top promoters like Bonnaroo organizers AC Entertainment to help coordinate its schedule of acts. And, Track 29 utilizes DV Communications and Paul Gussack, who each year manages Bonnarooโ€™s second largest stage, to provide sound and lighting services on the specifications and quality of a typical national touring rider contract.

    Experience world-class entertainment in a world-class venue. Experience Track 29.

    in reply to: Copenhagen video premier #48049

    @tonyg wrote:

    I like it. I don’t get it. But I like it.

    I’m going with love conquers all.

    in reply to: St. Louis NOW #48071

    tnt–you usually understand stoger speak…

    I may regret not getting tix to this one. Still holding out something else works out.

    in reply to: Fall 2011 Tour Dates Announced #47897

    Thanks for keeping us posted, TO!

    in reply to: Farm Aid… #47870

    The volunteer work I do, lwj, pales in comparison to yours. Kudos to you!

    We didn’t drive, past my 8 hour rule of thumb. Air fare was within our budget.

    I had on a (cheap) fedora type straw hat this year. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Farm Aid will be uploading videos to their YouTube channel soon.

    in reply to: Amos Lee Saturday 8/20 in LA #48058

    Awesome, Tony! Maybe Lu will make an appearance, too?!

    in reply to: Farm Aid… #47867

    Thanks! We always have so much fun at Farm Aid.

    in reply to: Farm Aid… #47864

    What?! I’m disappointed, lwj…no mention of sightings of me dancing and singing to Mr. Mellencamp?! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    I was receiving postings on my FB page and text messages during the show I was spotted twice during JM’s set and I know at least once during Neil’s set because my husband was grabbing my shirt and pointing at the screen as they had zoomed in on him while I’m trying to tell him nonchalantly to act like he’s been there before. ๐Ÿ˜†

    I’ll back up a bit though and give a quick run down.

    We arrived in Kansas City early on Friday. A friend of mine and I volunteered to work the concert and was given a pretty sweet assignment, working the press conference the day of the show. We had 2 hours after we arrived before we had to be at the volunteer hotel and venue for meetings—one to pick up our volunteer credentials and go over the rules and then over to the venue for a media meeting where we had to tour the venue and get the lay of the land. Of course we were in KC so we had to sample the BBQ—this was my first trip. We settled on eating at Jack Stacks which was near the hotel. Our friend was with us, riding the elevator to leave for lunch, when in stepped a guy with a roll away suitcase and earphones in listening to his ipod and not making eye contact. Didn’t think too much of it. We step off the elevator and pass this guy that has a shirt on with a caricature and Tommy Chong written on the shirt. We sort of giggled when we saw it because the guy looked like Tommy Chong. We then pass someone and overhear the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are staying at the hotel, playing the Chiefs, so we put 2 + 2 together and are convinced the dude in the elevator was a player.

    We ate lunch and drove 20 minutes to volunteer meeting. We pull into the hotel and right in front of us is John’s airstream he uses as a dressing room, parked behind a truck. We wanted to take a picture but there was no time. We pick up our credentials, come back out, and I pull out my camera to get a shot but the truck pulling the airstream pulls out! Missed it. We walk across the street to go to meeting, drive back to hotel to get changed to go back to venue for a Farm Aid eve party, an acoustic set with Rebecca Pidgeon. My party wasn’t too impressed with Rebecca. Afterwards, we head to a bar to meet other Mellenheads that had come in for the show. It was here that someone mentions Tommy Chong was in town for a show. My friend and I looked at each other and said…that WAS him!

    Saturday morning finds us bright and early at the venue…we had to be there at 8:30 a.m. Not much sleep is had during Farm Aid weekend. We helped decorate the stage and do whatever else needed to be done and then had the benefit of staying and listening to the press conference which had an 11:00 a.m. start time…that’s always cool. I’ve had this volunteer assignment one other time. The doors are opened after the press conference and the show starts.

    I loved Billy Joe Shaver, missed seeing Jakob Dylan but heard him (we decided to eat without knowing he was next), and loved Neil’s acoustic set. It was a great day. After the show, we walked across the street to a bar where a lot of artists and crew ended up. One of our Mellenhead friends became a fan of Lukas Nelson from last year’s show and had his logo tattoed on her arm. He walked in and she ended up getting it signed and she hat that tatted as well. She was thrilled.

    lwj…I’m seeing articles and tweets where Minnesota and Vermont are heavily lobbying to get Farm Aid in their respective states for next year. Perhaps it will be within driving distance for you. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    in reply to: Fall 2011 Tour Dates Announced #47889

    @stoger Stranger things have happened! I’m going to wait and see if another date will work out, if not, perhaps I will ask for a three day kitchen pass. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

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