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  • in reply to: Heartless Bastards, 2.0 #36733

    Heartless Bastards To Do Austin City Limits TV Show

    The season will also feature the first appearance by Cincinnatiโ€™s Heartless Bastards. It will be the band’s first major TV appearance since they did Letterman in February, and corrected Dave when he asked if they were from Austin. The Bastards have a full summer that includes many of the major festivals and tour dates with Rilo Kiley’s Jenny Lewis and The Decemberists.

    in reply to: Lu On Twitter? #39633

    @tntracy wrote:

    Ah, so is the proper verb “Tweeting” as opposed to “Twittering” as I wrote above?

    Things that may make you go hmmm…?

    My favorite Lu tweet for the day. v

    “stonermc I love this woman! Lucinda Williams – Car Wheels On a Gravel Road โ™ซ about 9 hours ago from”

    in reply to: "The Methuselah of Righteous Cool" #34319

    @Lefty wrote:

    The question, CB, is: Is that a good thing? ๐Ÿ˜•

    It is in my book… ๐Ÿ˜€

    in reply to: US TOUR MAY/JUNE 2009 #39183

    @nickle wrote:

    howdy, just wondering does anyone know what the ticket situation is like for the Covington show? Hubby has a conference in Cincinnati AT THE RIGHT TIME(!), and he’s considering going to the Lu show there. But he probably doesn’t want to get a ticket too soon, unless his trip is cancelled (or trying to figure out who to send the tickets to)…. We’re the ones who were lucky enough to see her in our home country of New Zealand, so for him to score a work trip that coincides with a Lu show is pretty damn fantastic. I’m a teeny bit :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: But am insisting that he goes, if it was me I’d be there in a shot!

    Oh, wow! There are a few of us in this forum going to this show! Message me if you want to co-ordinate something or need additional information.

    in reply to: Lu On Twitter? #39631

    Oh, and by the way, stoger, yes, I”m on my way to hang posters for Lu’s Cincinnati show today! Going to stop by the studio as well. WNKU is officially on board now for promoting the show.

    in reply to: Lu On Twitter? #39630

    ha, ha! I’m always one for a good natured rib. Thanks for the laughs this morning, you can always kill me with satire and humor…

    I am trying to figure out how to send tweets from my phone. I signed up, sent a test tweet and it didn’t work, so I will have to ask some friends to help me get on board on that. Just imagine, real time information, and pictures, say, from a show, that can be instantly sent for others to view and read.

    I’m just saying…. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    in reply to: "The Methuselah of Righteous Cool" #34317

    Mr. Dylan is on the cover of the Rolling Stone (May 14 issue). He has appeared 16 times on the cover, according to a blurb on the inside.

    in reply to: Eilen Jewell #39511

    Caught my interest. Thank ye.

    in reply to: WHAT SONG WOULD YOU WANT BUICK 6 TO DO? #38698

    Creedence Clearwater Revival ~ Suzie Q

    in reply to: "The Methuselah of Righteous Cool" #34314

    Sauget, IL, Dayton, OH, Eastlake, OH, & Sevierville, TN…check, check, check, check. Husband approved, at that.

    It will be interesting to see how they hold up in the heat in the middle of summer. Vegas, in August, are they out of their minds?

    Looks as though you got your wish, Lefty, with Syracuse being reserved seating!

    in reply to: "The Methuselah of Righteous Cool" #34312

    You ROCK! Intercepted from JM”s website, HA, even better! I will be able to make several of these shows, the dates all work out, I just have to figure out how many shows I can push without having divorce papers waiting for me on the kitchen table ๐Ÿ˜†

    Yet, another LOL for me on your Neil comment, I apologize, it was at your expense. I would like to share a very cool, at least in my opinion, cool, story about Neil. Several years ago, while volunteering at the Farm Aid show, several of us (volunteers and some friends) were seated in the catering tent after a meeting we had the night before the show, to go over volunteer duties, etc. We were instructed, as volunteers, to never approach the artists for pictures or autographs. As we were seated, I looked over to the table directly in front of me, a long table, and there was Neil, in the middle, seated with many, many folks (band members, family, friends, whoever). The next thing I realize, Neil had his cell phone up in the air and the entire table started singing “Happy Birthday.” It was truly a Kodak moment for a music fan, at least for me, but I wasn’t about to take a picture. 8)

    Thanks for all the info, I really do appreciate it.

    in reply to: "The Methuselah of Righteous Cool" #34310

    A promoter friend(he has the South Bend show) of a friend claims national announcement tomorrow (Friday). The good news is (for me) South Bend isn’t opening night, I was just told that would be the Illinois show, July 2, and I can make that, so, St. Louie, here I come!

    This google alert came thru on another date:,0,1593484.story?track=rss

    NORFOLK – Bob Dylan will perform at Harbor Park in Norfolk this summer, and he’ll be bringing along a couple of friends – Willie Nelson and John Mellencamp.

    The three musicians recently announced plans for a summer tour of minor-league baseball stadiums. Dates for the tour are expected to be announced soon.

    A source in Norfolk confirmed that they would perform at Harbor Park on July 25. No ticket information was immediately available.

    in reply to: Heartless Bastards, 2.0 #36732

    I liked this question and subsequent answer…

    What are some of the more memorable shows you’ve done?

    Thee are so many great towns. Some of my favorite…we opened for Lucinda Williams at Radio City Music Hall. That was pretty cool.

    in reply to: Feeling Blue #39498

    Hey,Tim, welcome! I’ve been to “The Vogue”, great venue! I wanted to go to this show, I’m from Cincy area, but it’s a school night and can’t do back to back shows. I’m going to the show at the Madison Theater in Covington, KY the following night. You should try to come to that one as well! Same vibe and set up as The Vogue.

    in reply to: "The Methuselah of Righteous Cool" #34309

    @Lefty wrote:

    And, the commentary about this summer’s tour begins…two very recent posts on

    F***ing John Mellencamp. Yuck. The ballpark tour with Willie before wasn’t exactly a great experience either.


    Mellencamp will get things rocking. He’s a regular heartland boy and a tremendous showman. Good choice, Bob! Great use of accordion on Cherry Bomb, too!


    First, couldn’t find any live footage of “Cherry Bomb.” but did find the vid. John has been credited with incorporating traditional folk instruments into a pop rock sound, and it started in 1987 with “Lonesome Jubilee” and “Cherry Bomb” was on that record. In the video, John used an interracial couple intimately dancing, and as a result, received threatening letters from the KKK. On a sidenote, I have seen the 8 room farmhouse John sings about, his parents still live in it (not that I’m a stalker or anything – his former art teacher wrote up a driving tour guide of John’s town ๐Ÿ˜† )

    HaHa! It’s somewhat amusing, believe it or not, when John is criticized lol. He has said several times in interviews he knows it’s not easy being a JM fan. He’s right on spot many times. I only take offense, I suppose, when criticism is thrown to the fan’s direction ๐Ÿ˜ณ

    I was googling Mellencamp, Dylan, and Nelson and was lead to the neverending forum and was giggling over the comments posted.,com_fireboard/Itemid,22/func,view/id,55513/catid,8/

    I particularly loved the comment about “I doubt Bob will even leave his trailer to introduce himself.” and the one about Kenny Aronoff on drums. Kenny hasn’t been with the band since 1996, however, if you’re not a JM fan I can see that being a misnomer and unknown.

    The one I was really giggling about, though, was this comment, because I am a fan of dry sarcasm, and this certainly seemed to be on spot, if I were reading “tone.”

    “i doubt if bob will even leave his trailer to introduce himself.”

    The reason for the giggles is that John and Bob have, indeed, worked together so no need to introduce himself. John directed the video for “Politcal World” from “Oh Mercy”. If you look close enough to Bob’s ” band members” in the video, the “band member” seated in the background playing is Mike Wanchic, original Mellencamp band member and JM’s right hand man.

    I’m not sure about the following story but I found it quite interesting and amusing if it is, indeed, true. I found this in a Springsteen forum after Joan Baez let the cat out of the bag about the tour. Just imagine, if true, Dylan sitting on a corner in Bloomington, IN waiting to be picked up (probably wouldn’t have been an issue if cell phones were main stream at the time, eh?)…

    “Dylan and Mellencamp go way back and are friends. Dylan came to Bloomington, IN in the late 80’s or early 90’s to have Mellencamp direct his video for “Political World.” There was a funny story in the paper at the time that Dylan got into town and called Mellencamp from a Pizza Hut in Bloomington to have John pick him up. Only problem was he didn’t tell him which one so Mellencamp is driving between the four or five Pizza Hut’s in town looking for Dylan before finally locating him sitting on the curb in front of the restaurant. I know Dylan has gone to Mellencamp’s house for dinners, etc. prior to playing in Bloomington. Plus, Mellencamp doesn’t go to many shows at all but he’s almost always there for Dylan. They seem to get along very well and John has always clearly idolized Dylan.

    I just wonder how that tour would work. Mellencamp hasn’t really opened for anyone that I can recall since the early 80’s. Dylan has done some co-headlining or opening act tours where he has played first. I would think Mellencamp would feel weird about having Dylan play before him but I can’t see Mellencamp opening a show for someone either. Plus, John is probably still a more popular live act than Bob in most places. Doesn’t really matter to me who plays first but that’s often a big hangup for artists.”

    Thanks for those unconfirmed dates. I’m holding out hope they don’t kick off tour July 4 as that’s family time for me (and that show is within driving distance), I love going to opening night, and more than likely will have to miss that gig because I doubt DH will want to go to that and I can’t leave family home during a holiday.

    Thanks for the giggles today.

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