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  • in reply to: What has Butch been doing in his spare time? #42554


    in reply to: Anne McCue #43019

    Great report, Tony!

    Apologies to lefty for bumping “his” girl with this post. 😆

    in reply to: Anne McCue #43017

    Tony, let us knwo if you go. Today, on my NPR station, my guy spun a song from her “Koala Motel” CD. He proceeded to chat, as he typically does, singing her praises and saying she was overdue for releasing a record.

    WELL, I shot him an email and told him she was releasing a record, sent him to her website touting the new single and video, and put a bug in his ear to schedule her for a Studio 89 session, a live in studio session where artists perform and chat, aired live.

    One can only hope. I’ve seen some live footage of her on YouTube. Looks like she can really rock it.

    in reply to: Another Appearance #42466

    OR, my childhood state…”The Bluegrass State.” That could be a good meeting point for some, eh? *insert bouncing emoticon*

    in reply to: Carrie Rodriguez at Hotel Utah Saloon (San Francisco) #41255

    Carrie has many dates on her calendar supporting her latest release of covers (as described by Paul) “Love and Circumstance.” Carrie has her tour itinerary posted AND you can listen to her version of “Steal Your Love” on her Myspace page

    in reply to: ACL 1989 VS. 1998 #38268

    Lindt chocolate is very good. I usually indulge in a few if I’m shopping at Michael’s Crafts or Borders.

    Dove Milk Chocolate would be my everyday choice of chocolate if I had my druthers. I save that indulgence for concert road trips.

    in reply to: Another Appearance #42463

    Missed seeing you on here Stoger. I’m happy Lu is announcing shows…a) something to hang our hat on for the fall b) we’re blessed by your presence.

    Let’s hope the Lu show announcements continue

    in reply to: Randy Jackson Gives Lu A Shout Out On American Idol #42459

    @victhechic wrote:

    Hey ya’ll, my husband and I, both, watched the nite when Randy Jackson, plugged Lu’s name. No need to be embarassed to admit to watching the show (it’s not like your watching the Jerry Springer Show!!!)…It gives the average person with real talent to get contracts, which isn’t easy to get these days. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t I hear Randy pronouce Lu’s name as, “Celinda Williams”? lol

    HA! No, he pronounced it as Lucinda.

    I’m actually (watching almost weekly) and rooting for Crystal Bowersox. The girl can sing, play, and if she can hone some songwritng skills, she will be the real deal!

    in reply to: Shannon McNally #42988

    I actually saw Shannon on the Mellencamp tour. She was promoting “Jukebox Sparrows.” I wish I had the interest then as I do now in opening acts. As I recall, I thought she was okay (Susan Tedeschi in 1999 stood out more to me, than did Shannon) but,then again, I took opening acts with a grain of salt. I’ve missed out on a lot over the years with that attitude.

    With that said, here is a detailed review of Shannon’s performance, opening for JM, from 2002. John had her come out and perform “Pink Houses” with him to wrap the show.

    in reply to: John Mellencamp #42606

    lwj, a fan from Canada just posted to JM’s Yahoo list he scored 4th row seats to Casino Rama show. Fingers crossed we will be able to do the same for Windsor.

    in reply to: ACL 1989 VS. 1998 #38266

    I just received my copy of ACL the other day, lwj. I was motivated while shopping my favorite go-to-place,, for all things discontinued. I am a self confessed chocoholic, lovin’ the former Hershey Sticks 60 calories and Hershey’s 100 calories Dark Chocolate, which helps get me thru the day without overindulging in my chocoholic*ness. I found one box of Hershey’s 100 calories, it qualified for FREE Super Shipping, and since I wasn’t quite there to qualify, I slipped Lu’s ACL in my cart. I still, have yet, to watch, however, looking forward to sitting down and indulging, in chocolate and in Lu.

    Disclaimer: That long winded explanation brought to you in true Edith Bunker style.

    in reply to: New show! Aug. 18 at Mountain Winery #42584

    So, who is going??? Inquiring minds would love to know (that would be ME!)

    in reply to: Tift Merritt #42361

    Review and photos of Tift (including Amos) from Cincinnati show.

    in reply to: Tift Merritt #42360

    I saw Tift last night, opening for Amos. The show sold out right after doors opened with the remaining 10 – 12 tickets . Somehow I missed your prior post, lwj. Thanks for the links.

    Tift was very well received by the crowd. She has that Willie N. thing going on with her guitar, worn with 2 holes . She’s extremely talented, but for some reason, I just didn’t connect with her. Every song she sang sounded the same and the lyrics just did not resonate with me. She did do one cool thing t finish her set, where she asked the room to listen to her, stepped away from the mike, and sang. You could hear a pin drop. I’m not sure if the back of the room heard her, but her voice was absolutely beautiful.

    She does have a new record coming out June 1 (I believe).

    Amos is amazing. He is my “male Lucinda,” if that makes any sense.

    in reply to: John Mellencamp #42604

    lwj…I’m glad you saw presale news, you beat me to the punch! Yes, you are able to order presale as a non member, as am I. I’m tentatively a nonmember until some kind of announcement is made regarding fan club renewals.

    I have no idea what ticket costs will be but I am going for best seat I can get. It will be my only JM splurge until Farm Aid (if I go) and *fingers crossed* fall tour. My friend was looking into geting a passport, I already have one from years past. She is insisting on staying at the casino as well. I will have to bring my quarters for the slots! I am not a gambler by nature but figured I would feed the slots a bit while I’m there.

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