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  • in reply to: LUCINDA"S HOME STUDIO #43492

    I wold LOVE to see Lu’s home studio…the link doesn’t work, TO! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    in reply to: OTHER STUFF #43385

    Amos posted on his facebook page they are working on this song right now…

    Amos Lee working on this one today in the studio…

    Many of his songs are about heartache, hence the male version of Lu!

    in reply to: OTHER STUFF #43384

    @TOverby wrote:

    I guess the cat can’t stay in the bag forever can it? I can now confirm that Lafayette is a very good guesser. Lucinda will be singing on the new Amos Lee record. It is being produced by Joey Burns and Calexico -sounds like a great combination. Should be a great record.

    {{{ THUD }}} I’m near cardiac arrest here! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ ๐Ÿ˜†

    Amos Lee and Lucinda Williams, for me, are the male and female version of artists, in lyrical content and live shows, that totally move me and are unmatched by no other, even Mr. Mellencamp ! Even though he will always be my number one artist ( I’ve been following him too long, ) he doesn’t compare to Amos and Lu in the emotions I feel with their songs.

    I am so stoked to hear this! Amos has NEVER had anyone duet with him on his past 3 records. Norah Jones was featured on “Colors” playing keys, etc and singing as back up, but not as a duet.

    At some point, if feasible, would love to know what prompted Amos to ask Lu to sing on his record.

    It’s going to be magical for me !

    in reply to: NEW RECORD UPDATE – "BLESSED" #43105

    Once again, thanks so much for your updates, TO. I think it’s extremely cool to be included in the, what I consider, more intimate details of the conception of this record,all the way back to you giving Lu the recorder for Christmas, hence the birth of the “Kitchen Tapes,” to beng included through the recording process.

    I am familiar with Don Was as producer of Amos’s last effort as well as his most recent work with the “Exile” reissues. I also remember him playing with the house band at the MusicCares event. I’m happy the dots connected for Lu and he has signed on as co-producer. She just has to be absolutely stoked between him and the recording studio. Good karma all around!

    I found some Don Was videotaped interviews for an online music production clinic.

    I assume Lu hits the studio next week from your previous updates. Sending good vibes her way!

    in reply to: Rev. Peyton’s Big Damn Band #43439

    I went to an In Store the Reverend was playing the other day.

    in reply to: John Mellencamp #42609

    @LWjetta wrote:
    Lots of fun to watch.

    Fun video indeed ! The only time JM wore his hair long. Some trivia associated with this video and song.

    The elderly woman in the beginning of the video is John’s grandmother. The fans referred to her as “Grandma Laura.”

    The woman playing John’s love interest is his ex-wife, #2.

    I’m sure this video was shot somewhere in Indiana. I’m not sure on exact location, however, I have friends that could provide even more “history” about what’s going on in this video. We’re geeky like that.

    The line regarding “Teddi Jo”…his daughter’s name is Teddi Jo. John has two brothers, their names are… Ted and Joe. Joe lives a few miles from me. I’ve run into him from time to time at his son’s gigs, also a musician. Joe is a musician as well. John was a “roadie” for Joe’s gigs, in the early days.

    This time period of John’s career was one of my favorites. Thanks for the reminder!

    in reply to: Patty Griffin #34615

    As I mentioned in previous thread, I’ve been watching American Idol (which I typically dont follow), rooting for Crystal Bowersox. Last night, she sang “Up To The Mountain.” A compelling performance.!

    in reply to: "The Methuselah of Righteous Cool" #34362

    @Lefty wrote:

    66. Dylan has nine grandchildren and sports a bumper sticker on his car that reads โ€œWorldโ€™s Greatest Grandpa.โ€

    One of my favorite on the list.

    Heads must be exploding over on neverendingpool. Any word over there about a possible late summer ballpark tour with JM once again joining Mr. Dylan? Yep, that’s the word in the blogosphere. Nothing confirmed yet by Mellencamp’s camp, at least, nothing released to his website yet.

    “Filmmaker Kurt Marcus documented the “No Better Than This” sessions for a movie that Mellencamp plans to use to open a run of theater shows that’s slated to begin in October. The concerts will also include a stripped-down acoustic set with his band, a solo segment and then a fully electrified rock set. “You’ll get three different types of John Mellencamp, and you’ll get a movie,” says Mellencamp, who’s playing four shows in July and is also planning some more minor league baseball stadium dates with Dylan later this summer.”

    I’m waiting. It’s not official for me until it’s announced on the website and tickets go on sale.

    in reply to: LUCINDA TOUR UPDATE #43432

    Looks as though, Roger, you’re headed to The Billy Block Show. 8:30 p.m. is showtime. I checked their website, it looks like they stream the live shows, but I could be wrong.

    Here’s the link if anyone is interested.

    Give us a wave, Roger. I’ll be tuned into American Idol tonight while you’re at the show there at 12 & Porter, hoping Crystal Bowersox pulls out a winner. Never have I followed someone doing this show as much as I have her. I guess following Lu has opened my eyes to the female artists. Speaking of which, the gender of that opening act, I would bet with a majority that participate in this forum, a female act would achieve a resounding “Yes!” from the friendly fan forum. Me? I say bring on the dudes.

    Ultimately, it’s what makes “mama” happy.

    in reply to: OVER THE RHINE w/LUCINDA #43440

    Tom O, YES โ— I am very familiar with Over The Rhine! They are the darlings of roots based music in Cincinnati, in fanbase, by the local media, and on WNKU 89.7. I, unfortunately, have never had the privilege of seeing them play live, as the timing never seemed to work.

    As a testament to the support both OTR and Lucinda receive in Cincinnati on WNKU, note the following polls on the annual Top 89 records of the year, as voted by listeners.

    In 2003, the first year of voting, OTR released Ohio voted #1 with World Without Tears clocking in at #3

    In 2005, OTR Drunkard’s Prayer voted #2.

    In 2007, OTR The Trumpet Child voted #1 and West voted #5.

    In 2008, Little Honey voted #1.

    In regards to “Jesus In New Orleans,” that song was recorded on OTR’s “Ohio” release. That record was recorded at Echo Park in Bloomington, IN, which I am sure you recognize ๐Ÿ™‚ I recognize several names on their additonal personnel list, including Paul Mahern.

    This double release was also performed in its entirety in 2008, as Over The Rhine christened the brand new 4,100 seat National City Pavillion (now PNC Pavillion) on the Riverbend Music Center property to a sold out show. I could be wrong, but I think when I was lobbying in these forums for Lu to play Cincinnati, I mentioned OTR and Lucinda would make a great pairing. I will have to research that later. Here, in a 30 second clip is JINO

    Youtube performance:

    In regards to Over The Rhine, the neighborhood, very briefly, as described on wiki: The link provides the entire history of the area. It’s a VERY dangerous area, one I cannot bring myself to visit unless I am there for the fall Midpoint Music Festival when I know tons of people are around.

    “Once the home of nineteenth century German immigrants, by the end of the twentieth century Over-the-Rhine had become known as Cincinnati’s most infamous ghetto.[6] Since the late 1970s historic preservationists and low-income housing advocates have been battling over whether the neighborhood should be a “chic” historic district or a sanctuary for the poor. In the 1980s preservationists got Over-the-Rhine listed as a historic district while social activists expanded the number of federally subsidized low-income housing units by the thousands. In the late 1990s Over-the-Rhine’s Main Street briefly became the city’s premier nightlife destination, but race riots in 2001 and escalating violent crime drove visitors away.[7] In 2006, Over-the-Rhine was listed as one of America’s Most Endangered Places due to “rampant crime, reluctance of investors to commit to renewal and renovation, and an increasing pattern of demolition as authorities seek to address public safety concerns.”[8]

    I’ll stop here, for now, except to link to a WNKU On Air Karen and Linford did during a pledge drive in 2007, conducted by my favorite all around music host, coincidentally a Mellencamp, Lucinda fan (truly). I think Karen, in this particular performance, sounds very similar to Erika Wennerstrom.

    Good stuff, TO, with Lucinda, AND the new found friendship with Karen and Linford.

    You must be half way through a bottle by now, eh?

    in reply to: Rev. Peyton’s Big Damn Band #43438

    This video actually reminds me of several Mellencamp videos…using people that aren’t exactly mainstream.

    I love their kudos and summary of what was happening in “Clap Your Hands.”

    “All of the dancers, artists, freaks, weirdos, cowboys, kids, donkeys, bunko steerers, chickens, and regular folks, who are all Hoosiers, all volunteered their time and talent because they believed in the song and the band.”

    in reply to: Top 5 Artists #42524

    Yes, I love connecting dots ! Add Elvis Costello as another dot, sort of, Amos was opening act for the Dylan / Costello run a few years ago.

    I’m very excited to see what type of direction Lucinda goes with her new material.

    Here is some footage I took in March of Amos at the Mercy Lounge in Nashville. The stage lights (and the vertical challenge of the videographer) were positioned such that the lighting on the footage is not the best, but the audio is pretty damn good.

    “Truth” from “Last Days at The Lodge” (where he holed himself up in the famous Sportsman Lodge in LA to write the material for the record.)

    One of the new songs he premiered, hopefully will end up on his new record. He said he was unsure on what direction he would be taking in the studio. “Cup Of Sorrow” may end up completely different than as performed.

    Thanks for all the dot connecting!

    in reply to: LUCINDA TOUR UPDATE #43423

    I pine to hear “Wrap” live…I jam to that song all the time. I was listening to “West” on my drive to Cleveland for the Janis Joplin tribute and that song was cranked, for sure.

    in reply to: KLYK Link Here! #43413

    Thanks for all the info on the song and the radio interview. Lucinda’s vocals are sweet on this track. After reading following review, Lu was a perfect choice for a song on this soundtrack. Louisiana, Lu, Anne Rice, vampires, swampy…


    in reply to: Stoll Vaughan #42111

    Stoll delivers a plaintitive, haunting rendition of “Two Hands” by TVZ at a Bloomington bar. The striking thing, to me, that’s going on in this video is the complete audience silence. Okay, so the audience was minimal, two other bands on the bill were in the room along with a handful of very close friends of Stoll’s, myself and a few friends. HOWEVER, on several other songs during his set, several people in the room were talking very loudly. Not so on this song. This rendition is very different than the one I posted earlier in the thread.

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