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  • in reply to: THE LOST SONGS #43858

    Several videos on YouTube of “That’s How I Got To Memphis.” This one credits Tom T. Hall as well. It seems to me as though Lucinda has been ripped off in a major way!

    Tom T. Hall:

    in reply to: THE LOST SONGS #43857

    Wow, well this mystery continues even further. I found these credits on ” That’s How I Got To Memphis’ here. Something is just not kosher unless I’m not following along correctly.

    Recorded by Buddy Miller’

    Written by Tom T. Hall ????

    Gurf Morlix contributed on guitar.

    in reply to: Butch & Dave support Tracy Bonham on Jay Leno 7/12 #43853

    Thanks for the heads up, Paul.

    in reply to: VENTURA SHOW IS ON #43834

    “You’ve got to stand for something or you’re gonna fall for anything” ~ John Mellencamp

    I’m glad to see you and Lucinda took a stand, Tom. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

    in reply to: LUCINDA WITH JACK SHIT #43825

    Awesome report, TO. Thanks so much!

    in reply to: Over The Rhine #43786

    Ah, yes, lwj, I forgot you posted info on the Wild West train ride with OTR.

    In regards to Moonlight Gardens and Coney Island, I use to take the ferry (not sure if it is exact one shown in photos) from Kentucky across the Ohio River to Coney. Great childhood memories. Interesting, actually, reading through the history, that Walt Disney paid a visit to the park.

    I like (and never realized) the decorative wrought iron on Moonlight Gardens was used to replicate the French Quarter.

    in reply to: OTHER STUFF #43398

    Here’s an interview with the Squidbillies writers, a Lu mention, and some other interesting “stuff,” as this is the “other stuff” thread :D, about Squidbillies. The best word I heard in this episode… “Prostitutelize” šŸ˜†

    This is a funny interview.

    FPH: Speaking of Squidbillies, did Texas provide you any cannon-fodder for writing for Squidbillies?

    DAVE: I think anything on this latitude line from Texas all the way across to the Atlantic coast of Georgia- there are morons that inspire our scripts, so yeah, no doubt, no doubt. But yeah, I spend a lot of time out here- west Texas you know. And some time in Austin. Weā€™ve hit the South by Southwest a number of times.

    FPH: The voice of Early from Squidbillies is done by eccentric singer songwriter Unknown Hinson. Whatā€™s that like?

    DAVE: Itā€™s terrifying. He brings a lot of firearms to the studio, he cajoles and when he doesnā€™t get his way he threatens. You have to have five bottles of Crystal Geyser spring water next to the microphone, or heā€™ll pistol whip you. Five unopened bottles. Canā€™t be four, canā€™t be six. Labels fronted.

    FPH: Is there anyone in particular that influenced any of the characters on Squidbillies or Aqua Teen Hunger Force?

    DANA: I have one. I have used the voice of Diane Rehm from NPR as my inspiration for Granny- She has this weird, I donā€™t know what the word is, what do you call itā€“affectation, some kind ofā€¦.. itā€™s not a diseaseā€“ itā€™s like a thing that she does, she canā€™t control her vocal chords. She just doesnā€™t have control of them, so as a result, sheā€™ll talk like this (erratic accent) and uh, yeah. Thatā€™s what Granny does: like the air is coming out faster than she can actually control it.


    DANA: That is a 100% true and little known fact.

    FPH: Iā€™m glad we scooped that.

    DANA: You didnā€™t know you were going to be an investigative journalist today, did you? Blowing the lid off Squidbillies.

    FPH: And I guess the voice of Master Shake- heā€™s kind of like an insult comic?

    DANA: (voice of master shake) ā€œIā€™ll tell you what he is!ā€ Yeah, thatā€™s where I garner a lot of my enjoyment fromā€“ from classic comedians.

    FPH: Who is the most exciting guest you guys have had on the show?

    DAVE: Most exciting? Hmmmmmā€¦ Most terrifying?

    FPH: Yes.

    DAVE: Itā€™s probably in our other interviews and stuff but I think Glenn Danzig was stillā€¦ Still an adrenaline rush to argue with him over the phone. And I know that heā€™s probably standing on a desk, all four foot ten of him, with a goat skull belt buckle, explaining why his character needs to be ā€œmore cut than that.ā€


    DAVE: Finally my animator had to have an intervention with me and he was like, ā€œI cannot add more muscles, it would make him look ridiculousā€, and I said, ā€œWell look, heā€™s got approval on how he looks and he said heā€™s more cut than that.ā€ And he also said, ā€œI look smallā€, and Iā€™m like, ā€œYeah, well youā€™re on an eleven inch sheet of paperā€¦ā€.

    DANA: Yeah, weā€™re not giving you the drawing in life size here.

    DAVE: Oh yeah, and then he looked 6ā€²4ā€³, which is like twice his sizeā€¦ I was like yeah, weā€™ll put you next to R2D2 and heā€™ll be like up to your knee. There, now youā€™re a giant. We ended up drawing a picture of him hanging off the Empire State Building.

    FPH: There are a lot of musical references in ATHF. What kind of music do you guys like to listen to?

    DAVE: I was telling Dana, alrightā€¦ Iā€™m gonna test this out on you. I was telling Dana that 8 years ago we did something at South by Southwest and we were on stage- we opened up for Hot Chip, do you know them?

    FPH: Yeah.

    DAVE: There you go Dana. Dana was like ā€œI think thatā€™s a lie, I donā€™t even think a band exists with that name.ā€

    DANA: No no no, theyā€™re not famous, Elvis is famous. Hot Chip Iā€™ve never heard of.

    DAVE: Yeah, but the only thing you listen to are like novelty records and things that you get out of a vending machine.

    DANA: That is true.

    Dave : Yeah, we just recorded Lucinda Williams for Squidbillies, we got a bunch of good people, Gillian Welch, Bonnie Prince Billy and some others. But yeah, I donā€™t listen to much Hot Chip. I just thought it was pretty amazing that technically we opened up for them. I listen to only old music. I donā€™t know anything new or modern. The older and weirder the better. And of course, on Aqua Teen we recently had Chickenfoot: Sammy Hagarā€™s super group,

    FPH: Speaking of Sammy Hagar, Van Halen. They had their infamous ā€no brown M&Ms in the green roomā€ contract rider. Now that you guys are on tour, how do you guys plan to push your weight around?

    DAVE: We have a rider that insists that both of us receive a massage with raw Ahi tuna, right before we go on stage actually, so, you know. Weā€™ll see how the venues respond to that.

    DANA: I like to request buckets of Miller Lite beer.

    DAVE: Thatā€™s right. If you see us, just hand us a Miller Lite. I think Iā€™ve learned from you thatā€™s just got a little more kick than water, you can drink about twenty and still remember the lyrics, and what youā€™re supposed to be doing.

    FPH: Do you think that the success of ATHF has helped ā€”

    DAVE: ā€” helped other people with shitty ideas to get shows made?

    FPH: Haha exactly.

    DAVE: Of course! Itā€™s wonderful. I feel like we just shattered the glass ceiling for idiots with terrible ideas everywhere.

    FPH: Now, I read online that Dave went missing for a while, can you guys tell me what happened?

    DANA: Dave has a number of properties around the worldā€¦ (laughter)

    DAVE: Yes, Iā€™m an international slumlord. Well what I actually do is I provide low-income housing for people in, you know, ā€œspecialā€ financial situations where they canā€™t afford to pay for housing. I use that as an opportunity to trap them in a situation where I can sue them.

    in reply to: bootlegs / recordings of live concerts #43578

    Interesting setlist with some of the “new” songs that are really “old” songs. Can you imagine dropping into a roadside bar back in the day and hear Lu singing? Sends chills down my spine thinking about it! Wish I had those bragging rights.

    David Grissom played with Mellencamp on three records between ’89 and ’93.

    in reply to: Anne McCue #43027

    Anne McCue kicks *ss.

    in reply to: OTHER STUFF #43394

    HA! Great stuff! Thanks for posting, lwj.

    in reply to: John Mellencamp #42640

    No, I am clueless in Cincy…by my choosing. A friend who has the inside info was going to give me a hint and I refused. I told them I did not want to be disappointed for weeks before the announcement if I am not within driving distance. So, I wait. The announcement is usually mid-July.

    Oh, very good on the box set! I still have to make reservations šŸ˜Æ I will take care of that very soon and PM you.

    in reply to: Charlie Louvin Illness #43767

    WOW…so sorry to hear that. Pancreatic cancer is one of the worse. The Mellenhead community lost a fellow fan, in her mid 30’s, to the disease, in less than a year.

    My prayers for Charlie and his family.

    in reply to: AUGUST SHOWS #43694

    @TOverby wrote:

    I am completely f***ing incensed that this has happened and I have reached out to Lucinda’s agent who was equally upset. This is going to be addressed-and addressed seriously. I will post any updates as I get them, but I have to be honest here and say hold off on buying tickets until I get a response from the venue. I can’t believe I am actually saying that but this just outrageous and it just can’t continue to go down this way.

    Thanks for addressing the situation, TO!

    in reply to: AUGUST SHOWS #43679

    @stoger wrote:

    Yes, Paul, I looked at the VIP option too, but the online process had the same fees in proportion. Only in LA I guess, where one can drive anywhere, could you pull this off; I wouldn’t have a clue where to locate a physical Ticketmaster office in my neck of the woods–and might strangle an employee if I did show up. By the way, did you get an explanation of what “VIP” means for this show? As far as seating, it’s the same GA scramble, isn’t it?

    It looks as though the venue has a “dance floor” directly in front of the VIP section, which appears to be a seated area. I would surmise that the dance floor would allow for your GA scramble.

    The theatre has four (4) tiers and balcony all with excellent acoustics and tremendous view of
    the stage from any location. These areas can be utilized exclusively or combined:

    Dance floor directly in front of the stage
    2nd Tier Raised area for VIP seating
    3rd Tier Cabaret Seating
    Main Bar with seating /or reception-standing area
    Balcony has breathtaking views along with its own foyer/reception area.
    The main foyer is spacious and allows for cases, merchandise and display area.
    Green Room and other back stage amenities are outstanding

    Additional info on venue below. Lots of rules, with one in particular I found amusing. Apparently, for hip hop shows..”pants must be worn.” Yes, you may color me naive.

    in reply to: AUGUST SHOWS #43669

    @SamishSeaMike wrote:

    Under the heading of… I used to think I was savvier than this…. Does anyone know how to get a
    “pre-sale” code for the show in Portland ? Tickets go on sale on July 9th with a “pre-sale” on July 7th..

    Try KINK as your password per

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