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  • in reply to: A Hot Night In Fayetteville, Part Deux (9.20.2010) #44424

    Following in Lu’s footsteps, so to speak. Sad footsteps. It’s something I like doing, though, as I think it brings you closer to the artist, the song.

    in reply to: John Mellencamp #42685

    A really cool article about Elvis, John, Sun Studios, and Bob Dylan kissing the floor.

    in reply to: Elvis’ Former Studio? #44305

    Thank you for the inside info, TO!

    Stoger, you’re playing devil’s advocate, you know. As much as I would love to hit the airways or the highways to Arkansas, it’s just not in the cards this go round. It’s the trailer, you know. It’s all about the trailer. 😆

    in reply to: Elvis’ Former Studio? #44302

    It was an awesome night, indeed.

    In regards to Robert Plant being there, it was a small room, and I don’t remember seeing him there, but I wasn’t actually looking for him. We did see him, with a few gents, on the perimeter of the parking lot before we entered the studio, and that was the last I saw of him. However, at the Over The Rhine show I attended the following night, in Cincinnati, they mentioned that Robert Plant was in or near their dressing room at their showcase at the Mercy Lounge, which was about the same time Lu was in her interview. So, I’m not sure if he blew off the Lu interview or was there before OTR went on stage, or if I even misunderstood Karin of OTR.

    I’m happy to see Lucinda is performing solo acoustic shows in Arkansas. I hope this interview with Bob Harris was a catalyst and perhaps an inspiration. I love full band shows, but I also love to see an artist solo acoustic, raw, or at minimum, with another player to add some texture. Solo shows the strength of an artist’s lyrics, IMHO. Lucinda was shining at RCA studio A.

    She had trouble tuning her guitar on one song, seemed somewhat embarrassed with it, but had the audience giggling when she relayed that (not verbatim) Townes played out of tune so she supposed it was okay.

    When she started in on “Hard Time Killing Floor Blues” I grabbed Sandy’s arm and squeezed it (with glee) to contain myself. Unbelievable hearing her play that. If she asks for requests on Sunday & Monday, it’s a must!

    After she performed HTKFB I was giving her the “I’m not worthy” wave. She did not see me, however, Bob Harris did, and he flashed a large smile.

    I’m grateful I was able to hear a few new songs from the new record, in this type of setting.

    We were sitting next to an editor of an online magazine, DishMag. She was taking notes, I suppose for a piece close to when this interview airs. She did tell us to check the magazine out, there were some Americana links.

    Here is the main link:

    I clicked the Music & Film link

    There is a story and photos from last years’ Americana Awards by Raeanne Rubenstein, the woman sitting next to us. Very nice woman.

    in reply to: Surprise show Fayetteville Ark 9/19 #44388

    You must be excited beyond belief, tnt!

    Stoger?? Did tnt nail it?

    in reply to: Surprise show Fayetteville Ark 9/19 #44383

    @LWjetta wrote:

    A twenty hour drive for me, way too far but George’s Majestic Lounge has a very storied history.lwj

    My favorite line I like to use when I know I cannot attend is…

    I would have divorce papers waiting for me 😆 (if I took off for Arkansas so shortly after returning from Nashville).

    in reply to: Surprise show Fayetteville Ark 9/19 #44382

    There are a lot of reasons that Fayetteville rules, but one of them is the fact that we occasionally get a last minute show from one of the best singer/songwriters on the planet when she comes to town to visit her father.

    I’m talking about Lucinda Williams, who George’s announced today will be in town for a one-night-only performance at the Majestic Lounge on Sunday, Sept. 19.

    Her father, legendary poet Miller Williams, is a longtime Fayetteville resident, and rumor has it that Mr. Williams may read a poem or two at the show if he’s feeling up to it. Miller and Lucinda performed together in a series of shows called “Poetry Said, Poetry Sung,” including a performance at the Walton Arts Center in 2005.

    Lucinda isn’t currently touring, which makes the show an especially nice surprise.

    The show on Sunday is $20, and tickets are available at George’s ticketing website.

    in reply to: OVER THE RHINE w/LUCINDA #43447

    A review from the show the other night with a significant amount of pondering about Lu. TO, you must set up a one off or something with Lu & Over the Rhine in Cincy. Would be magnificent.

    Had Lucinda Williams appeared to sing her part, Over The Rhine’s sneak peak of their forthcoming album would have been a more complete event.

    As it was, fans of the longtime Cincinnati band got to hear the news about Lucinda and hear several things for the first time, as OTR’s husband-and-wife duo of Linford Detweiler and Karin Bergquist put on a show at Coney Island’s Moonlite Gardens Saturday night that had a balance of old songs and new.

    The new came from “The Long Surrender,” a studio album set for a release Jan. 11. “One-eleven-eleven,” Bergquist noted. “I thought that would be easy to remember.”

    Bergquist and Detweiler revealed a couple of notes about “The Long Surrender,” the band’s first studio album since 2007. It was produced by Joe Henry, whose credits include celebrated comeback records by R&B singers Solomon Burke and Bettye LaVette. Henry’s band plays on the album, which includes a duet with Williams.

    That song, titled “Undamned,” was sung entirely by Bergquist, so it was impossible to know which verses were Lucinda’s. But it wasn’t hard to imagine her singing it, and Over The Rhine guitarist Kenny Hutson’s slide-guitar leads gave the song some Lucinda-style atmospherics.

    in reply to: NEW RECORD UPDATE – "BLESSED" #43152

    @TOverby wrote:

    Right now it is looking like the release date is going to be 1/11/11, as we are still doing some fine tuning and at this point to try and make Nov. would be rushing it, and we’re feeling really good about the record so we want to get it right. More news coming soon.

    The same day Over The Rhine releases their new record. Amos releases Jan 25. Lots of Lu in January to chase away the winter blues!

    in reply to: Surprise show Fayetteville Ark 9/19 #44375

    This tweet is somewhat hijacking the thread, but in regards to great week in Nashville, apparently guitar player for Train (the one that looks like Howie Mandell ;-)) loves Nashville as well, he tweeted, along with a pic, of him and Lu.

    train Just met Don Was at our hotel bar and had a few drinks with the amazing Lucinda Williams. I love Nashville!-JS

    in reply to: Surprise show Fayetteville Ark 9/19 #44374

    Word spreads fast. Found this on twitter.

    NWAWhatsup Just announced: Lucinda Williams will perform Sunday (Sept. 19) at George’s Majestic Lounge. Tickets are $20 and available now.

    in reply to: Surprise show Fayetteville Ark 9/19 #44371

    Oh, how very cool! I hope some friendly forum members make it so they can report in.

    in reply to: Lucinda at Bridge School Benefit, Oct. 23 #44330

    Oops, didn’t see this thread. West Coast fans are on a good Lu run. 8)

    in reply to: Amos Lee #40992

    Another Amos Lee promo article including a Lu blurb.

    in reply to: Jim Lauderdale #43555

    Here is Jim with Patty Griffin at the Mercy Lounge in Nashville. She sat in for 2 songs during his 50 minute or so set.

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