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  • in reply to: 1/13 Munich #83829

    Today is my 59th birthday and as a present for myself I bought tickets for the show on Wednesday in Antwerp, at De Roma. Hope to ve able to get the setlist there …

    in reply to: Status of August 2021 Europe shows #82531

    Shows in Europe, August 2022. Marked that on my calendar ๐Ÿ™‚
    Hopefully a show in Belgium (or the Netherlands).

    in reply to: Europe Summer 2020 #81921

    I contacted the Floral Pavillon, last week. If I understand well, they will start the refunding process the moment a new date has been arranged.
    This is their full reply :

    Wed, Jun 24, 2:40 PM (6 days ago)

    Hi John
    We are still waiting for the new date from Lucindaโ€™s promoter in the USA, we should know shortly and will contact people as soon as we hear.
    Thank you for your patience at this time.
    Kind regards
    Sandy Davies

    in reply to: Europe Summer 2020 #81910

    Yes; I’ll get tickets too the moment the dates are announced.
    Be it in Belgium, Netherlands, and even France, UK or Germany if it is not too far away from Antwerp ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Europe Summer 2020 #81898

    Thank you very much for the update, Tom.
    I have warm memories of the shows in the Open Air Theatre in the Rivierenhofpark in Antwerp, Belgium.
    Maybe an idea for next summer ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Europe Summer 2020 #81888

    That’s bad news .. but it is the wisest thing ..
    Every traveler to the UK has to go in quarantine for 15 days now … (this measure will be reviewed every two weeks).
    I really hope that Lucinda will be coming to Europe as soon as everything is safe.

    in reply to: Europe Summer 2020 #81884

    Will these shows take place? Some have been canceled, Spain and Scandinavia, and now Kilkenny for example. I am based in Belgium, and have tickets for August 18, but not sure if travelling wil be possible then….

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