Forum Replies Created
Participantno one except lefty.
oh, and myself, when i’m in my car in the morning and not doing the commuter thing.but no one’s listened to imus in 20 years.
so sayeth ripley, so it must be so.
Participantode to billy jo. as great as bobbie gentry’s version is, that song is perfect for her.
Participant>I hate to say it, but she sorely misses Taras and Jim Christie.
apparently not as much as we do.
Participantthe biggest difference in lucinda’s reading of the lyrics is she has the lyriic book on a music stand instead of a teleprompter that looks like a stage monitor wedge or buried in the platform of the stage. the last couple of years the dead had the teleprompter screens flush with the stage. i’m pretty sure they copied that from another large act, might have been the rolling stones but i’m not certain on that one. she is far from the only performer who uses a refresher. but she does draw attention to it when she flips through the pages for the next song. after hearing bob weir fuck (can i say f$ck here? i got censored for saying a$$ in a previous post) up lyrics forever, i have no problem with her glancing at the book.
Participantjust getting a chance to check in re friday’s show at radio city.
good show, too short for me but i’m convinced the ny crowd that
attends a lucinda williams show is not looking for her to play
2.5 hrs. also, let’s clear up something about the *curfew* she
almost invariably mentions when she’s in ny. there is no curfew.
after 11 the union rates go up. you sold out one of the larger
venues for one of the higher profile shows you’ve ever scheduled,
you want to play longer, fork over the cash to the stage hands,
electricians, carpenters, whoever’s working the hall that night.
that, or get your ass on stage ealier. don’t give me that horse
hooey about a curfew, that’s so disingenious. if there was a curfew,
how are the allman’s able to play long after she’s in bed 20
blocks north on broadway with the same union guys? curfew my ass.length of the show aside, she is still able to astound me with
her sheer presence. i can’t articulate what it is, but she’s got
it in spades. rescue to open was jaw dropping. at quick count i’ve
seen 9 shows at radio city but never seen any *quiet* music.
between the pristine sound and the unbelievable acoustics at radio
city, that opener is something i’ll never forget. after the notes
fron pettibone’s sparse picking faded, they were gone, not an echo
to be heard. everything’s changed, west, lake charles were just
beautiful. while i would usually agree with the previous *too
many slow songs* assesment, radio city was the place to play the
slow/quiet tunes. and on a final note, this was my first go with
the new rhythm section. for me, the bass player was just there,
nothing to take note of but not horrible. but the drummer was, uh,
less than adequate. pace and pitch were way off on a couple
of songs. i know it’s pointless to whine about the missing love
band but i really miss taras and jim after fridays show. oh well.jackstraw
Participanti’ve had 2 thorough go throughs with west and by the end of the 2nd last
night it was obvious my feelings are going to evolve as i become more familiar with the studio material. for the better.i had the opposite take from a previous reviewer in that the 7 songs i had heard her do over the past year or so, i didn’t think the material was that strong. mind changed. there is some amazing stuff here. another thing that struck me was, someone mentioned there were some *bad* songs here (come on, wrap my head around that) and another poster’s favorite was wrap my head around that. if the record can evoke that wide range of feelings and opinions, i’d say this may indeed be a great record.
of the songs i had heard i was pretty sure unsuffer me would be my favorite. and i like it here even better that the 2 performances and 3 auds i’ve got. but, for me, wrap your head around that is just amazing. the underlying funk rhythm with the sort of rap cadence reminds me a little of blondie’s *rapture*. the slight change in tempo on where is my love (faster) and what if (slower) from the performances i’ve seen have enhanced both songs. of the songs i have not heard, everything has changed is just fabulous. i’m also digging the violin fills on alot of the songs. a nice change from the sparseness of wwt.
i was not all that excited for radio city, after the cd finished last night, i went and got a ticket for the egg. this should be fun.