ive lost it

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  • in reply to: Song – Wrap My Head Around That #35463
    ive lost it

    hahahah turkey wrap! that was really funny. 😆

    in reply to: Any info on upcoming shows 07/08? #34790
    ive lost it

    inside job said she was headed back in the studio post european tour.

    Inside Job
    joined: 23 Jul 2007
    Posts: 77

    Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:28 am Post subject:

    Studio time has already been reserved to record the next record in Jan. and Feb.
    I think you can expect that Tears Of Joy, Rarity, The Knowing, Jailhouse Tears, Honey Bee and Well, Well, Well -all songs she has played live over the last year plus, will almost for sure be on the the record.

    in reply to: Who is Inside Job? #34891
    ive lost it

    now that was funny, lefty! 😆

    in reply to: Who is Inside Job? #34886
    ive lost it

    good one ParkerCa 🙄 , did you come up with that all by yourself or did Tim and Gretsch help?

    in reply to: Doug Pettibone #33031
    ive lost it

    oh god 🙄 !
    btw,Chet fucking rules Doug!

    in reply to: Town Hall 10/2 #34550
    ive lost it

    awwww..how sweet. You guys are really bonding.

    in reply to: 10-4-07 #34578
    ive lost it

    I said, with all do respect. *hands tim a tissue*

    in reply to: Town Hall 10/2 #34543
    ive lost it

    Your missing the point Gretsch, just because board members defend Lucinda on HER forum doesn’t mean that all objective judgement is suspended. She does not act like a primadonna either, that is ridiculous. It’s is not like she restarts a song and says “fuck you” and runs off stage. She stops, typically apologizes, makes the corrections with her band and starts again. What’s the big deal Gretsch? You said, you have never seen other artists do that live, well it is just another thing that makes her shows unique.

    in reply to: 10-4-07 #34575
    ive lost it

    @homosacer wrote:

    with all due respect, am I the only one who didn’t like David Byrne’s voice? It was too shallow and he had a hard time hitting notes in Over Time and especially that white-boy cover of Take Me to the River he did. On his songs I thought he sounded good, but Lord Jesus on the others……

    with all do respect, you don’t know shit from shinola.

    in reply to: 10-4-07 #34564
    ive lost it

    Over Time with David Byrne!!!

    “Piece of My Heart” with Susan Marshall, in memeory of Janis.

    Lots of cool moments tonight! All in all, a great run in NYC!

    in reply to: Town Hall 10/2 #34540
    ive lost it
    ParkerCA wrote:
    Lucinda’s shows are a lot like Dylan’s shows. When they are bad, they are really bad, but when they are good, they are GREAT.

    yeah, that is almost exactly what she said last night.

    in reply to: Sweet Old World NY Show #34523
    ive lost it

    yeah, i kinda dig Fionn. i totally forgot about Tara Angel, enough said, but way better than Joan Osborne.

    “Six Blocks Away”, sounded fantastic, always wanted to hear that live.

    in reply to: 10/2 Town Hall #34247
    ive lost it

    Good. That’s a little comforting. 😀

    in reply to: 10/2 Town Hall #34245
    ive lost it

    Still talking about the lyric book!?! What the fuck, when i am at a Lucinda show a stage prop attracts the least amount of my attention. Who cares if she has lyric book, life is too short to be bitching about this. Is it so hard to look past the lyric book and focus on the music and poetry?

    in reply to: Sweet Old World NY Show #34519
    ive lost it

    I agree with zanthus, Sweet Old World was well done last night and Lucinda excells by herself. The band is great, but when she sings and plays alone the venue shrinks, and becomes a more intimate expression of the songs.
    Ther second set was good too, with the highlight being 2 members of yo la tengo doing a dylan song, “Wallflower”, and a YLT number off their album “and nohing turned itself inside out.” Can’t say I enjoyed Joan Osborne at all, just not a fan of hers, way too cheesy. It was interesting to hear Joan’s voice and then Lucinda’s, and realize how beautifully unique Lucinda’s voice is. Overall a pleasant experience and LW appeared to much more relaxed and well rested. One more night, can’t wait!

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