dr winston oboogie

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  • in reply to: Free in-store Show and Free Beer in Austin Jan.14, 2014 #52440
    dr winston oboogie

    You lucky,lucky people….sorry guys would love to be there but just a tad too far for me….

    I am sure you will all have a great time, and remember to give Lucinda my love.

    in reply to: HAPPY THANKSGIVING #52418
    dr winston oboogie

    The same to you TomO,Lu & the whole team, hope you all had a great time, & hope to see you all again soon.

    in reply to: GENERAL UPDATE #52408
    dr winston oboogie

    Tom O, thanks once again for the notice, I will be keeping a close watch on developments this week, I sure hope the busy 2014 includes Europe/UK, hope to see you all soon.

    in reply to: Beacon Theatre – NYC – December 5th #50669
    dr winston oboogie

    TomO, great to hear that you are working on tour dates for next year, sure hope Europe and more especially Scotland
    are included in your plans, would be wonderful to see Lucinda three years in a row.

    in reply to: What is the quintessential Lucinda concert dvd? #52261
    dr winston oboogie

    On my third copy, keep wearing the others out….

    in reply to: Ellnora Guitar Festival – Champaign, Illinois #51737
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks once again lwj,

    Excellent and I am sure, well deserved review, great read.

    dr winston oboogie

    Yes indeed, LWjetta, really good stuff, you are a great detective.. 😀

    dr winston oboogie

    Great stuff LWjetta, really enjoyed seeing all this stuff, keep up the good work, it is appreciated.

    in reply to: Edinburgh[Scotland] @ The Queen’s Hall 6.23.13 #51850
    dr winston oboogie


    I forgot to thank Lucinda for the last words she spoke to us before leaving the stage :-

    “Peace,Love,Revolution and Independence…”

    A superb nod to the vote next year for Scotland to free itself from our southern freeloaders….

    in reply to: Edinburgh[Scotland] @ The Queen’s Hall 6.23.13 #51848
    dr winston oboogie

    Lucinda poured her heart into a great performance, ably supported by the superb and sublime Doug and David.

    Lucinda and Doug opened on stage at 20:18
    1) Side Of The Road – then joined on stage by David.
    2) Pineola
    3) Lake Charles (sung beautifully)
    4) World Without Tears (one of my highlights of the night,and many others as well I think)
    5) When I look At The World – followed by band intros.
    6) Born To Be Loved
    7) Drunken Angel (with more stories about girly tattoos)

    At this point I must mention our own Drunken Angels, Christine from Skelmorlie in Ayrshire and complete with wine spattered T-shirt Bernie from Greenock, who had met in with Ronnie also from Greenock, obviously enjoyed the whole evening and true Lucinda Drunken Angels !!!!! See you next time folks.

    8) Little Rock Star
    9) Those Three Days (another personal highlight)
    10) Real Live Bleeding Fingers
    11) Changed The Locks
    12) Hard Time Killing Floor Blues (crowd seemed to really enjoy this one)
    13) Come On (Lucinda commented that the ladies would appreciate this one)
    14) Essence (superb) followed by thanks for support act Jimmy Livingstone
    15) Joy (with a nod to Bette)
    16) Honey Bee

    10:07 Short Break, with brilliant crowd reaction and clapping during the whole break
    10:10 Back on stage.

    17) Factory (Springsteen cover and if possible even better that Friday night)
    18) Blessed
    19) Everything But The Truth – Introduced by Lucinda as a new song she was asked to do for a Johnny Depp movie, eventually found the lyric sheets and advised us that they would “Just have to wing it”, which the crowd really appreciated.
    20) Get Right With God

    show ended 10:30

    With that I thought my Lucinda weekend was over and we went for a beer at a nearby pub, only for Doug then TomO to walk in about 20 minutes later, had a beer and a chat with them both before they had to go, so now it is over for me, what I think is that Lucinda has proved that there is a market for her in Europe…..

    SO PLEASE HURRY BACK, and thanks to all.

    in reply to: Perth[Scotland] @ Concert Hall 6.21.13 #51838
    dr winston oboogie

    @LWjetta wrote:

    @dr winston oboogie wrote:

    and at approx 10:23 sadly it was all over in what seemed like a flash, but I though to myself, do not be sad because it is over, but be happy because it happened, I hope I have not missed anything out as I am reading from my notes which were hastily scribbled in the darkness

    How true dr. I concur.
    Outstanding reporting and setlist. I looked back at Lu’s appearance at the Southern Fried in Perth August 2009 and see the same enthusiasm from your writing, not to mention you got to meet Tom O, stoger and Paul.
    I’ll have to get to Perthshire County some day.

    So, we hope to hear again from you at the Queen’s Hall tomorrow.


    Thank you, I will do my best to provide as much info as possible, but will be late Monday at the earliest.
    If you do decide to do the correct thing and come and visit let me know and I will do all I can to help and make your visit as good and as economical as possible.

    in reply to: Perth[Scotland] @ Concert Hall 6.21.13 #51836
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks Tonyg, much as I would like to I cannot get to Gateshead, but one of my Bruce tramp friend who will be in Edinburgh tomorrow night is also going to Gateshead on Tuesday..lucky so and so..

    Now to Perth on Friday night, firstly a huge thanks to Lucinda,Tom and the whole team for their hospitality and friendship above and beyond to make this a very special day for us.

    Due to work and travel just managed to get to the venue in time for Lucinda coming on stage at 20:37
    1) Can`t Let Go
    2) Crescent City (with ref. to New Orleans and Emmy Lou cover) Lu sounding great and looking happy and relaxed
    Band introductions
    3) Pineola (Preceded with story of the song)
    4) (The Wonderful) Lake Charles (again with song story and Lu`s voice really sounding good)
    Lucinda at this point noted how she always got a good reception at this venue, even though these songs were about
    death (think that says something about us Scots ?)
    5) When I Look At The World (love the lyrics)
    6) Copenhagen (with story intro)
    7) BLUE (Thanks to all who made it happen)
    8) Jailhouse Tears (Crowd seemed to especially like this one)
    9) Concrete And Barbed Wire
    10) Drunken Angel ( with intro story about girly tattoos and Blaze)
    11) Something Wicked This Way Comes
    12) Those Three Days (Thanks again to all who made it happen)
    13) Hard Time Killing Floor Blues (Band great on this one)
    14) Come On (Lucinda giving a nod! to the Grammy nomination for this one)
    15) Essence (With great solo from Doug)
    16) Joy ( With mention of many covers, but especially Bette LaVette)
    17) Honey Bee

    Short break at 10:05

    A smiling and obviously happy Lucinda and the boys return and certainly took me by surprise with :-
    18) Factory (Springsteen cover-I had been to see him on Tuesday and Lu mentioned how they seemed to be following him around-always one of my favourite Bruce tracks and Lucinda absolutely nailed it)
    19) Blessed
    20) Get Right With God (Crowd really into it and great interaction between Lu and Doug during this one)

    and at approx 10:23 sadly it was all over in what seemed like a flash, but I though to myself, do not be sad because it is over, but be happy because it happened, I hope I have not missed anything out as I am reading from my notes which were hastily scribbled in the darkness.

    Certainly a favourite venue for Lucinda and rightly so, next stop Edinburgh tomorrow night.

    Peace and Love to all.

    in reply to: Perth[Scotland] @ Concert Hall 6.21.13 #51833
    dr winston oboogie

    LWJ, it is indeed a beautiful venue, well worthy of Perthshire the most beautiful county in Scotland, and one which I believe Lucinda likes, just looking forward to a weekend of Lucinda with Edinburgh on Sunday at a venue I have not attended before, I will do my best, probably sometime next week due to travelling, to pass on a flavour of what should be a good weekend.
    As for requests, as I said on the Euro thread, I just feel glad to get a chance to see Lucinda again so soon after London last year, and any set list will be OK by me, you are however correct, Blue would be great at either/both nights, have to leave straight after work today so will be a long day for us but well worth it I am sure.

    in reply to: Europe -May/June 2013 #51096
    dr winston oboogie

    At last The Scottish leg is almost upon us, my aching bodu has not quite fully recovered from front row Bruce on Tuesday night, but will be ready to head to Perth straight after work on Friday then back down to edinburgh for Sunday.
    I do not want to make requests, just glad Ihe chance of another Lucinda experience so soon after London last year, so it is more a short wish list, Blue could be played any/every show for me and would be great to get it either/both nights, only other wish is for Those Three Days, as often as I have seen Lucinda I cannot recall getting this one, so just maybe.
    Looking forward to a great weekend.

    in reply to: Berlin[Germany] @ Apostel-Paulus-Kirche 6.4.13 #51700
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks for the links LWjetta, I did not read review from TomO until after I had watched them, his comments summed up what I had just seen, Sound seemed very good, the stage backdrop was beautiful, and Blue, well no matter how often you hear this it still brings a tingle to the spine and makes the hairs o the back of your neck stand up.

    Acoustics at Perth Scotland will be perfect for Blue.

    Rock on Lu.

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