dr winston oboogie

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  • in reply to: Hey, Ms Williams, have a very happy birthday! #35429
    dr winston oboogie


    Have a happy and wonderful birthday, and may you have many more to look forward to.


    in reply to: Studio update #35363
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks IJ, really appreciate the info, especially being so far away, as Lucinda gets practically no coverage here in the UK.

    Any indications yet, if we are likely to see Lucinda touring the record in Europe later this year..(I know I`m a greedy so and so.. 😀 ).

    Love,Peace and Revolution.

    in reply to: when lucinda came into my life #35328
    dr winston oboogie

    Like your post nvy, all those songs you mentioned have got superb lyrics, and touch me in a way that no one else can, unfortunately most people do not take the time to discover the lyrics nowadays. coupled with that wonderful voice that does all sorts of things to me 😳 😳 , it is an unbeatable combination.

    And don`t you just think that there is always something very sexy about a lady with a guitar…

    in reply to: New to Lucinda #35163
    dr winston oboogie

    Glad to hear about you people “finding” Lucinda, and one thing is for sure..once hooked…always hooked.

    The girly thing is interesting, as I have had it said to me many times , even by my sister, who I am slowly winning over, that Lucinda is a man`s female singer ?? (unsure on that one). although in general females do not seem to listen to female artists in my experience.

    Love,Peace and Revolution.

    in reply to: AIN’T NOTHIN’ BUT THE LUES!…. #35326
    dr winston oboogie

    Well Lefty..I reckon that all this crap posted about Lu, that Fiend talks about, is best dealt with by ignoring it and the people who post this stuff do not deserve the time of day. because I certainly have better thing to do than get involved in such inane “topics”.
    I prefer to concentrate my efforts to helping other poeple “discover” Lucinda, as in md5332 (new to lucinda) topic..and try to introduce at least one person per week to Lucinda in my little crusade..it is an absolute crime that she does not get wider coverage, especially here in the UK.

    And yes Fiend…with posts like that..you are a Friend.

    in reply to: AIN’T NOTHIN’ BUT THE LUES!…. #35323
    dr winston oboogie

    Yup,,that just about sums it up Friend…

    Great first post…keep it up..

    in reply to: Any info on upcoming shows 07/08? #34807
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks for that IJ, sounds promising, any early news of these are very much appreciated as it make flights/hotels etc much easier and cheaper to get.

    Please keep us posted if you can.

    in reply to: Lyric Sheets Onstage? #35266
    dr winston oboogie

    Really great story IJ, like to hear about these instances as it helps to confirm how we perceive the artist anyway, and it certainly does not come as a surprise to me as far as Lucinda is concerned.

    As far as the lyric book is concerned I do not have a particular view either way, and fully understand the desire for Lucinda to give her fans the perfect show everytime.

    Happy holidays to all

    Love,Peace and Revolution.

    in reply to: New to Lucinda #35157
    dr winston oboogie

    Hi there,
    Glad you have “discovered”, Lucinda..I am quite sure that you will not be disappointed in your quest tio find out more, but please do not classify Lucinda as “country”…One of the main attractions of Lucinda is that it is almost impossible to “pidgeon hole” her as most people try to do.
    Certainly the country influence is never far away from her music, but just as close is the blues influence along with many other genres which Lu captures in her music and words.
    She is indeed a treasure and her lyrics really have to be listened to and understood to get the full on Lucinda effect, this is where she suffers in the mainstream of things as the majority of people today just want a song with a good hook.
    I really cannot advise you which CD`s to try first, because I find that all are equally as good as the next and it depends on yourself and the momemnt which particular CD I put on, however if you are new, the award winning Car Wheels On A Gravel Road is as good a place to start as any, I am finding that World Without Tears is finding its way to my CD player most just now…and if you like live albums, there is the double CD Live @ The Filmore.
    If you get a chance go see Lu live, I just attended the final gig of their recent tour in Dublin Ireland and it really was a superb night, right up there with the best I have ever been to.

    Enjoy the journey.

    Love,Peace and Revolution.

    btw Eva`s version of What A Wonderful World is being released in the UK as a Christmas single and is one of the favourites to take the Christmas No.1.

    in reply to: Set Lists #35089
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks IJ, I did the best I could from memory for Dublin for others who may have been interested, and I am sure that the set posted by BlueKoyote is correct and in the correct order.

    Once again I can only thank all concerned for putting on a great show and one that will live long in the memory.

    Love,Peace and Revolution.

    in reply to: DUBLIN SHOW #35087
    dr winston oboogie

    Thank you BK, memory not too bad then, I missed 4…three of them from early on…appreciate your post, as my curiosity was bugging me.. 😆

    in reply to: DUBLIN SHOW #35083
    dr winston oboogie

    I did not see any cameras in the hall, but I really hope that it was filmed ?????

    It would make a fabulous DVD, and if it was, who knows what I would do to get my hands on a copy ???

    in reply to: Crescent city live in Paris : video on youtube #35021
    dr winston oboogie

    Lu introduced Lake Charles in Dublin, by saying it was a request.
    I do not know if it was in response to this plea…but anyway THANK YOU, THANK YOU, it was a wonderful evening and it was very easy to convince myself it was for me, and I treasure the kiss the Lu blew to me at the end of that song, and I ended up with one of Butch`s drumsticks as a keepsake.

    in reply to: Crescent city live in Paris : video on youtube #35020
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks for posting, enjoyed it,and yes you were out of tune.. 😆 😆

    And boy doesn`t` Lu look GRRRRREAAATTTTT……

    MMmmmmmmm… can`t` wait till Thursday in Dublin.

    Lu you didn`t do Lake Charles for me last year in Glasgow, can I request you indulge me in Dublin on Thursday… 💡 💡

    in reply to: Any opening acts for London and Dublin? #34976
    dr winston oboogie

    My Dublin tickets arrived this week and they show Fionn Regan on them.

    I am not certain, but I do not this is the first time with Lucinda ?

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