dr winston oboogie

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  • in reply to: Discovering Lucinda #36161
    dr winston oboogie


    Glad you have “seen the light”, I have said often on here that Lucinda does not get the exposure she deserves here in the UK, only Bob Harris and Johnnie Wlker really, and my mission is to convert at least one person each week.
    Go through the back catalogue and you will not be disappointed, the words and music will penetrate your soul like few others can, enjoy and hopefully we can have live shows in Europe to look forward to soon.

    in reply to: Summerfest II Setlist #36007
    dr winston oboogie


    Thanks for the report and the great review, it is really good to keep up with what Lu is doing, cause this side of the pond it is like she does not exist, and really appreciate these posts, good to hear about the new material as well, with hopefully a European tour later on to promote it.
    Keep up the good work.

    in reply to: Any chance of coming to europe this year #35931
    dr winston oboogie

    Not really what we wanted to hear IJ, but thanks for the info., appreciate it.

    in reply to: Mia Dyson #35724
    dr winston oboogie

    Hi Gronk,

    This is a completely new name to me, I have seen both Lucinda and Bonnie Raitt in concert and they are among the best I have been to, Bonnie always picks her support acts carefully and that along with your post makes me curious to find out more.

    I shall investigate.

    in reply to: SonO #32756
    dr winston oboogie

    Let me start by saying I can understand how difficult it is for you to feel that you are unable to convey or say all the things that you mean to tell us in your post, but at the same time recognise how important it is to you and us that you did indeed make that post.

    I was only aware of Sono quite late, and from what I gather he was around in previous boards before he came to my attention on this board, we never talked, even on line, but at the same time, through our common love of Lucinda`s music and philosophy you just felt that you had a kindred spirit here with you. I took great delight in following the posts and from these you felt that you got to “know” the person, and they certainly gave the impression that this was a person you would be proud to “know”.

    I can very much relate to the advice he tried to pass down, I have two teenage sons and it is so difficult for both parent and child to keep on that same wavelength so that you can take them with you rather than turn them against everything, and for sure one of the biggest realities in life is finding out that your father is not perfect.

    Like Lucinda with her lyrics and music, Sono also found a way to make a similar connection with other like minded people and may that knowledge give you and your family strength in the coming years.

    R.I.P. Sono

    in reply to: 2008 Tour Update #35524
    dr winston oboogie

    Sounds OK to me…

    Mines a single with en-suite please, breakfast optional of course..

    😆 😆 😆

    in reply to: 2008 Tour Update #35522
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks again IJ, as always appreciate the information, even though it is not always what we want to hear.

    in reply to: 2008 Tour Update #35515
    dr winston oboogie

    I second that IJ…as you are well aware, early advise of tour dates are very much appreciated to minimise travel and accommodation costs.

    in reply to: when lucinda came into my life #35336
    dr winston oboogie

    Hey gronk,

    Welcome on board. I am so glad you have discovered Lucinda, and you are quite correct, I have said often before that she does not get anything like the air play she deserves, and I make it my personnel goal to introduce one person to Lucinda each week.
    You are so lucky with all that back catalogue catching up to look forward to, and there is no doubt that you will not be disappointed.

    Welcome again, and happy listening.

    Love,Peace and Revolution.

    in reply to: my top five lucinda’s songs #32383
    dr winston oboogie

    Sorry folks, but I just CANNOT put myself through the agnst and pain of picking 5 songs, and as others have siad before me it would probably change from day to day anyway.

    Thought I would like to pick up on Stan`s point about the order of songs, and it is a very valid point, not only for live shows, but on cd`s as well, it is usually around the 4 or 5 song mark that people may begin to lose interest when listening to a CD, and I use Bruce Springsteen here to illustrate my point, on many of his records he makes track 6 the one to sustain interest, examples that sring to mind are BTR, with BTR at track 5, Darkness, with Promised Land at track 6,18 Tracks, with Loose Ends at track 6. I know that both Lu and Bruce put a lot of thought into their setlists.

    in reply to: 2008 Tour Update #35485
    dr winston oboogie

    Once again, thanks for the info IJ, it is really appreciated, even if part of it is not exactly what we wanted to hear.

    I really hope that something can be sorted out for Europe, or at the very least the UK.

    in reply to: Studio update #35407
    dr winston oboogie

    You sure are one mixed up person…

    Over and out..

    THE END.

    in reply to: Studio update #35405
    dr winston oboogie

    I really do not understand your issues mate, how about a little enlightenment then.

    Love,Peace and Revolution.

    in reply to: Studio update #35403
    dr winston oboogie

    Yet again IJ, thanks a lot for the info/update, it is probably our only way of keeping in touch with these events, and is greatly appreciated.

    Now lets be greedy…Tour info ???… 😆 😆

    Love,Peace and Revolution.

    in reply to: In a funk #35428
    dr winston oboogie


    Nvythewind..really sorry to hear about your da..
    But..trust me..there will be plenty time to sing about/with Lucinda,

    You just give him all your love and power just now when he needs it..

    I am sure you are anyway..

Viewing 15 posts - 271 through 285 (of 319 total)