dr winston oboogie

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  • in reply to: TONIGHT’S WEBCAST –7 PM CST #37936
    dr winston oboogie

    A long night, finished approx 04:15 am our time, but well worth it.

    Greatful thanks to all who made this possible, and hope it can be repeated, or even enhanced by video, in the future.
    Sound was generally good, but started to break up badly around the final half-hour, just to let you guys know, although I assume you already do.

    Thanks to all again.

    in reply to: Lucinda Staring Down First Career Top 10 LP! #37836
    dr winston oboogie

    Here in the UK, where there is no advertising and Lucinda gets minimal airplay, if any at all, the album made its debut at number 51 on the first week of release.

    in reply to: 10/23 LITTLE HONEY LIVE WEBCAST #37729
    dr winston oboogie

    Bump up to top again, any info Inside Job please.?

    in reply to: 10/23 LITTLE HONEY LIVE WEBCAST #37728
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks Inside Job really looking forward to this one, I am off on holiday this week, which is just as well as it will mean a 1am or 2am start for us.

    Will it be an Audio webcast only or Audio and Video. ?

    And will there be the facility to listen/view again at a later date for us greedy fans ?

    in reply to: Question for Inside #37651
    dr winston oboogie

    Really could not agree more, does a superb “job”, and is greatly appreciated….

    Especially this side of the pond where it is so difficult to get any Lucinda news.

    Keep up the great work…

    in reply to: "Two of the Coolest Women in Rock" #37568
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks Lefty, great read, and so true, really enjoyed it..

    Picked up my copy of Little Honey yesterday, and like all good music it gets better the more you play it.

    Lucinda just HAS to tour over here next year to promote it…pretty please.. 😆

    in reply to: Lucinda on UK Radio tonight #37440
    dr winston oboogie

    padchio, it was not an interview, Bob played a Lucinda track on his 1 hour Thursady night show.

    Bob and Johnnie Walker are really the only UK DJ`s who giv Lucinda airplay.

    If Lucinda tours UK next year I am sure that Bob or/and Johnnie will have an interview with her, last tour if was a 1 hour special with Bob.

    in reply to: Lucinda on Letterman – 10/2 #37381
    dr winston oboogie

    Lafayette thanks a million for posting the youtube link, brilliant stuff.

    We do get Letterman here in the UK, but you cant always tell which show is on which night, and it can be pot luck to catch something special like this.

    Appreciate you taking the trouble to post the link.

    in reply to: video #37309
    dr winston oboogie

    Yes, just watched it and enjoyed it, more of this kind of stuff would go down very well here.

    in reply to: Wow! I dig the new site! #37259
    dr winston oboogie

    Have not had a lot of time lately to fully explore the new site, but like what I have managed to see so far, congratulations and thanks to all, and I expect to spend more time around here as soon as possible.

    in reply to: Questions / Comments for Inside Job #37302
    dr winston oboogie

    Well Inside Job, as far as I am concerned, you can take a well deserved “virtual bow” on here along with Lefty and the others who keep us informed of what is currently happening in the Lucinda world.

    Thanks to all involved.

    in reply to: Mountain Winery setlist #37006
    dr winston oboogie

    What a great story Peterweets, and as you say VERY memorable..

    The best of luck to you both.

    in reply to: Humphrey’s San Diego Setlist #36999
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks also, appreciate the info.

    in reply to: world without tears…mmmmm #36518
    dr winston oboogie

    Welcome along Paul, now that you have discovered Lucinda and her music I am sure you will get as many hours of enjoyment from it as I have over the years.

    Lucinda toured here in 2006 and 2007, and with the new release due soon, I have high hopes that we will see her again in 2009…

    in reply to: LITTLE HONEY #36262
    dr winston oboogie

    Great news Inside Job, and as usual thanks once again for keeping us up to date with the latest in Lucinda land…

    Any chance of European or UK dates next year to promote the new release.????

    Love,Peace and Revolution..

Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 319 total)