dr winston oboogie

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  • in reply to: This "Blue" #41286
    dr winston oboogie

    Yet another of my very favourite Lucinda songs, I have actually been listening to and watching this on youtube for quite sometime.

    I am convinced that someone has just added pictures to the track straight from “Essence” and will be very surprised if that does not turn out to be the case.

    in reply to: 2010 Tour? #41338
    dr winston oboogie

    Hurry back to Scotland LU…and stay a while..

    in reply to: Lucinda Williams self titled album UPDATE #40171
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks LWj for posting, brightened up my morning no end..

    Two hot blondes having fun, and Shelby gets it spot on with her comment at the end.

    Can`t wait for this to be released.

    in reply to: Wedding Bells at First Ave. #40641
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks again to everyone who has reported on the big night and posted pictures, it is really great for us here in the UK to be able to keep up with events thanks to you all, even though I am sure I speak for everyone when I say that we would all much rather have been there on the night, rest assured we were all there in spirit. And a great report from Disco Stu, enjoyed reading, best of luck for you and your good lady for the future.

    in reply to: Wedding Bells at First Ave. #40596
    dr winston oboogie

    Having met both Tom and Lucinda in Perth Scotland last month, I would just like to add my congratulations to a lovely couple, and wish them both all the best for a long, healthy and happy life together.

    How about a honeymoon touring Scotland, I would gladly be a tour guide for them. 💡

    in reply to: Lucinda Williams self titled album UPDATE #40160
    dr winston oboogie

    Tom this is great news, thanks for the update…but..

    Can you cofirm if this intended package will be available in the UK ?

    Best wishes from sunny Scotland.

    in reply to: Meeting Lucinda #40243
    dr winston oboogie

    This is something you must do, see how I got on last week, by reading my report on the Perth Scotland Set List thread, and you will discover there is notthing to fear or worry about, but much to be gained, a truly amazing experience and a wonderful lady.

    Good luck.

    in reply to: Lucinda on tv #40436
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks for posting bigsubi, I have been travelling since the Perth concert on 1st August, and have just returned home, so pleased that I was able to relive some of that great night in Perth so soon.

    I would certainly hope that a tour DVD would be available in time for Christmas, as someone else said earlier there is not nearly enough Lu DVD`s available.

    in reply to: Perth Scotland Setlist #40418
    dr winston oboogie

    Cheers stoger, really sorry about my memory lapse, but yes it was good to meet and see people in person as opposed to on here.

    Truly hope it will not be too long before you all return to Scotland.

    in reply to: Perth Scotland Setlist #40415
    dr winston oboogie

    I said earlier, perfection, and the perfect day started off well, when we met fellow GreasyLaker (Springsteen fan site), and also big Lucinda fan, Graham for a beer in town before the concert.

    Buick 6 on stage at 19:30, ,perfect timing as we just sat down as they started, and really enjoyed their set, which went down well, and the boys seemed to be enjoying themselves also, finished approx. 20:15.

    Then Lucinda and the boys took to the stage at 20:45 :-

    1) Just Wanna See You So Bad
    2) Big Red Sun Blues
    3) People Talkin` (after which Lucinda compliments the sound quality)
    4) Well Well Well
    5) (A Word for Chet) Side of the Road
    6) (Compliments and names sound crew for all their hard work, then thanks Wille Nelson for his cover of)
    7) Something About Happens When We Talk
    8) (Relates the story of who the song is about)
    Drunken Angel
    9) Metal Firecracker (Then mentions the North/South divide,more of which later)
    10) Out Of Touch
    11) Tears Of Joy
    12) Changed The Locks
    13) Essence
    14) Honey Bee (Then introduses The Band, Chet,Eric,David and a we are not worthy bow to Butch)
    15) Joy

    Left stage to a standing ovation, and the whole venue clamouring for and demanding more.

    Came back on stage in about 5 Mins, at the start of the night someone in the front rows had asked Lu to play Lafayette.
    16) (Lu states a request from earlier) Lafayette
    17) Get Right With God

    Another ovation, and the crowd were not going to accept the end right there.

    18) Motherless Children
    19) (Before they started Lu said “We always finish with this one”)
    It`s A Long Wat To The Top.

    Unfortunately we knew it was over then , but not without the crowd showing how much it had been appreciated.

    Athough it was over, this perfect night was just beginning, went outside after and about a dozen fans were waiting beside the tour bus for Lucinda, stood around chatting with Graham for about half an hour, he then left and we decided to catch last orders in one of the local hostelries, after which I siad lets go back to the venue and see if Lucinda has left yet.
    Got back down there and the trucks and bus were still on site, with two American geltlemen standing chatting, went round the other side of the bus to join the rest of the people queuing, but instinct told me to keep checking at both side os the bus, about ten minutes later a third gent had arrived there and on seeing me he said, in an American accent, that Lucinda should be out in about five minutes, checked again in about two minutes and the same person said she would be out in a couple of minutes, it was at this point that my instinct and desire to make the most of the situation kicked in, and I said out of the blue “You must be Tom are you”, and he looked very surprised at first the said sure I am, so I introduced myself and he came over and gave me a very welcoming handshake. the introduced his two friends who were Paul and here I am truly sorry as I cannot for the life of me remeber the name of the second person was, if you read this please put me out of my pain by letting me know.
    We all chatted for a while with Tom saying how much they had enjoyed Scotland and how they would love to come back soon, Lucinda alluded to this when she finished Metal Firecracker she told everyone this was great and she felt invigorated as the USA and the UK were similar but in reverse,i.e. the USA gets better the further Sourth you go and the UK gets better the further North you go, such a perceptive woman, and Tom did say the he reckoned that the show was one of the top three of the tour.
    Very soon after Lucinda finally appeared at the bus and after a quit5e word from Tom, there she was headed my way, I through caution to the wind, and my jacket to the ground, and as she approached I threw my arms wide open and she obliged me with the tightest and warmest hug I could wish for, which was of course returned with intertest, at that point in time Lucinda was mine and I was never going to give her up, however a quick glimpse up and there was Tom a few yards away, so respectfully I had to give up my dream and my hold on Lucinda, at this point she was just so engaging and could not do enough for us with autographs and photographs etc. with me probably babbling inanely.
    We had a wonderous few minutes with Lucinda, during which another couple Martin and Lesley had joined us, and Martin was as big a Lu fan as myself, so our moment was over and it was time for the others to share.
    Lu spent several minutes doing all that was asked of her the she moved to the tour bus, I blew her a kiss as she disappeared inside, and all too soon she was gone into the night.
    We sttod and talked for a while with Martin and Lesley the we each went our own ways, the last bus for us had long gone so it was searh for a taxi tiime, and this perfect night took another perfect twist when we rounded the corner from the venue to encounter a taxi dropping off a fare and yes it was free, so back to the hotel within ten minutes, straight to the bar to order a cold beer when who appeared, no not Lucinda, but Martin and Lesley, they were staying at the same hotel!!! Yeah we all had beer and sat talking about all things Lucinda until the porter closed the bar…perfect
    So it was off to bed to sleep prechance to dream..the perfect end to the perfect day.

    Not too much said about the concert I know, but it was ALL great, althouh for various reasons my personal favs wer, People Talkin` ( always loved it and Lucinda was really into it tonight ), Overtime ( had a tear in my eye for that one ) and Out Of Touch ( again always loved this one and it was interesting to hear it live without Doug ).

    Hope this has not been too much of a rant, but I just HAD to tell someone…

    Finally thanks to Lucinda, the boys of the band and everyome else who made this possible,
    and a special thanks to Tom for his ever so friendy welcome that night.

    Love and Peace to you both.

    in reply to: Perth Scotland Setlist #40414
    dr winston oboogie


    in reply to: A Plea for International Cooperation! #40065
    dr winston oboogie


    I shall endeavour to provide everyone with as much info as possible on Lu`s Scottish date, I expect to be travelling in the days after the show, but will post ASAP afterwards.

    Saw Neil Young last Wednesday, going to see Springsteen next Tuesday and got Lu in 4 weeks, ALL in Scotland, don`t get much better than that.

    in reply to: New Zealand Herald music column #39483
    dr winston oboogie

    Great review, really sums up why I/We love Lucinda, and really appreciate the upcoming Scottish date,
    cause lets face it 20 years is far too long to wait.

    in reply to: EUROPEAN TOUR 2009 #39134
    dr winston oboogie

    A big thank you to all in the Lucinda camp for including Scotland in their schedule this summer.
    A couple of years back I saw Lucinda in Dublin and Bruce Springsteen in London in the same week,
    this year it is them both again within a fortnight of each other, but more importantly, both in Bonnie Scotland.

    Once again, Thank You.

    in reply to: EUROPEAN TOUR 2009 #39131
    dr winston oboogie

    Confirmed with venue that 1st August is a on.

    Tickets from venue on 01738621031.

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