dr winston oboogie

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  • in reply to: Lucinda on UK Radio 2 with Bob Harris #44314
    dr winston oboogie

    Bob played live tracks from the awards show, on his radio show last night,
    just listened to “Born To Be Loved” from Lucinda`s new album, great stuff
    boy have we got something to look forward to.

    This is the link for anyone who wants to listen over the next six days.


    You need to pick Bob`s show, which is the sixth one down,
    Lucinda is approx halfway through the one hour show.

    in reply to: SONG REQUESTS #43950
    dr winston oboogie

    Really apprecitae this Tom, I know from previous experience that this is indeed the case.
    Unlike you guys we here in the UK/Europe do not get as many opportunities to see Lucinda live.

    However when we travelled to Dublin a few years back I made a request via the forum,
    and the great lady duly obliged, was the icing on a very fine cake indeed.

    Lucinda/Tom keep up the good work, may not post to often here, but check in daily for my “fix”,
    and give thanks to all who keep us up to date.

    in reply to: 4th of July Greeting from Lucinda #43760
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks LU/TOM,

    E-Card brought a smile to my face, on anotherwise depressing Monday morning.

    Hope you all had a great time over the holiday weekend.

    in reply to: AUGUST SHOWS #43650
    dr winston oboogie

    You lucky,lucky folks…I am so envious…

    Hope you all have fun, stay safe and enjoy.

    Look forward to the reports/reviews.

    in reply to: Europe Tour ? #43512
    dr winston oboogie

    Much as I would love for this to happen, I have kinda resigned myself to the thought that it is very unlikely to happen this year.

    Hopefully LU can get the new album out later on this year and come over during next year to promote it.

    in reply to: NEW RECORD UPDATE – "BLESSED" #43095
    dr winston oboogie

    As ever Tom, very much appreciate all the news, and I hoover up the infiormation with great aticipation,
    much to look forward to.

    Best wishes to all.

    in reply to: "Overtime" with Willie Nelson #42485
    dr winston oboogie

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting..

    Had me in tears when she performed this one last August,
    such a beautiful,beautiful song.

    and btw…doesn`t Lu look hot,hot,hot…Mmmmmmmmmmmm

    in reply to: New Songs #42206
    dr winston oboogie

    Once again a huge thank you TomO, I/We really appreciate this kind of update/information which keeps us in touch with what is happening and what we have to look forward to, helps keeps us going in what has been a long and very cold winter here, look forward to hearing the new material later this year, and it is good to know that we can rely on you to keep us informed.

    in reply to: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LU!!!!! #42050
    dr winston oboogie

    Lu , you are wonderful, a real treasure..

    Birthday hugs, kisses and love from Scotland.

    Hope we get the chance to see you again sometime soon.

    in reply to: This "Blue" #41311
    dr winston oboogie

    Great detective work LWj, more than happy to concede on which version it is.

    Now Tom O how about that tour DVD ?? to enable us to re-live again and agani.

    in reply to: This "Blue" #41303
    dr winston oboogie


    Now where is the tour DVD ???

    btw…I still stand by my original view, that it is the CD version with pictures added by the youtuber…

    in reply to: YouTube Footage Of "Ball And Chain" #41606
    dr winston oboogie

    And again, Thanks for posting Lafayette, great way to start my day

    in reply to: YouTube Footage of "Difficult Child" #41593
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks for posting Lafayette, great way to start my day.

    in reply to: Joplin Tribute Report #41442
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks for the report stoger, without it we would have heard nothing of this over here in the UK.

    I am excited about the new material from Lucinda, and Bettye LaVette doing “Piece Of My Heart” would have been good to see and hear, must try youtube later.

    in reply to: 2010 Tour? #41345
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks for the update Tom, always appreciated, look forward to the new somgs/album as always.
    but even more looking forward to welcoming you both back in Bonnie Scotland soon I hope.

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