dr winston oboogie

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  • in reply to: NEW RECORD UPDATE – "BLESSED" #43352
    dr winston oboogie

    Fist week sales have seen Lucinda at Number 55 on the UK Album charts.

    Not bad considering Bob Harris and Johnnie Walker are really the only 2 people who appear to
    acknowledge the Lucinda even exists over here.

    in reply to: Lucinda on UK Radio 2 with Bob Harris #44322
    dr winston oboogie

    Sorry Lafayette, I had time to quickly post the reminder in the morning, but did not see your post until this morning. Hope you caught the show, LWjetta is correct it is available for the next seven days if required, if there is anything else I can do to help let me know.

    in reply to: Lucinda on UK Radio 2 with Bob Harris #44319
    dr winston oboogie

    Just a reminder of the Lucinda special with Bob Harris tonight folks.

    dr winston oboogie

    Just for your information guys, both versions available OK in the stores here in Scotland from yesterday.

    in reply to: Lucinda on UK Radio 2 with Bob Harris #44317
    dr winston oboogie

    Listened to Bob`s show last night and he is still playing tracks from “Blessed”, he played “I Don’t Know How You’re Livin’ ” last night, and also confirmed that next weeks show was going to the pre-recorded
    Lucinda special featuring Blessed.

    So to clarify, UK BBC Radio 2 Thursday 03/03/2011 07:00pm – 08:00pm Bob Harris show with special guest Lucinda Williams.

    As long as I am here thanks to all who are posting the press reviews and gig reviews all very interesting at a very interesting time for Lucinda fans. Just need Tom to confirm Europe tour now.. ❓

    in reply to: Note the Grammy pre-Telecast webcast #45699
    dr winston oboogie

    West Words says :-

    “The problem, of course, with Lu is which category does does any particular song belong in? Where would “Blessed” go? She defies categorization. And that is why we love her”.

    Exactly what I say to the many people who have not had the pleasure to understand what they are missing, as I try to introduce them to Lucinda constantly.

    I already know the answer to this, Lucinda please do not ever change.

    in reply to: Europe 2011 #44922
    dr winston oboogie

    Well BlueKoyote, with the reply from TomO, I had better put my bid in : –

    In Scotland hopefully it is the turn of Aberdeen this time,

    2006 Glasgow
    2007 Dublin (yeah I know it is not in Scotland)
    2009 Perth
    2011 Aberdeen ?

    Same as you I have been saving for a while now in anticipation.

    in reply to: New April/May shows #45446
    dr winston oboogie

    Still looking at Europe, June and beyond. TOverby

    Go for it Tom, as you know Scotland is beautiful in August.

    in reply to: Early Blessed review #45438
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks guys, did not see this, but know where I am off to this lunchtime now.

    in reply to: Lucinda on UK Radio 2 with Bob Harris #44316
    dr winston oboogie

    Bob now has Blessed in his possesion, played Buttercup on his show last night, and I expect him to keep playing tracks on each of his shows in the run up to and after the release date of 28/02/2011 in the UK.

    Bob also advised that the Lucinda special would be broadcast on 03/03/2011 UK BBC Radio 2 7PM.

    in reply to: BUTTERCUP RADIO #45214
    dr winston oboogie

    As usual I listened to Bob Harris show on UK BBC Radio 2 last night, Bob had just received his copy of Blessed, he then played Buttercup later in the show (great stuff).

    Also announced that release date in UK for Blessed is 28/02/2011, and that the Lucinda special would be broadcast on his show in the UK on 03/03/2011.

    At last some Lucinda stuff here in the UK, all we need now is tour dates.. 8) 😉

    in reply to: Birthday Wishes to Lu… #45258
    dr winston oboogie

    I would like to add my belated best wishes to Lucinda, and hope she had an enjoyable and happy birthday and enjoys many, many more birthdays, continuing to bring us excellent music and lyrics and hopefully plenty live shows in the months and years ahead.

    in reply to: UK TOUR? #45225
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks for thinking about us again Tom O, always appreciate the information, and sounds promising for UK/Europe later this year, the early notification is invaluable when it comes to booking travel accommodation etc., it is good to know we can rely on you.

    in reply to: NEW RECORD UPDATE – "BLESSED" #43185
    dr winston oboogie

    As always Tom O, thanks for the info and updates, always appreciated, looking forward to the new release and hopefully a tour of Europe/UK can be fitted in, also liked the idea of priority pre-sale for tickets, really takes the hassle out of having to be somewhere at a specific time when the sale starts, and sometimes that is your only chance, good idea.Hope to see you all next year.!!!!

    in reply to: Happy First Anniversary, Lu & Tom!!! #44417
    dr winston oboogie

    Certainly echo those sentiments tntracy.

    and wish Lucinda and Tom all the bset for a long and happy future together

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