dr winston oboogie

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  • in reply to: Americana Music Association Awards Show #48390
    dr winston oboogie

    LWjetta, thanks very much for your time and effort, finally got to see it on your “No Depression” link,
    excellent, and boy doesn`t Lucinda look hot.

    Once again appreciate your efforts.

    in reply to: Americana Music Association Awards Show #48387
    dr winston oboogie

    Hey LWjetta, thanks for posting but the link has either been removed or does not work here in the UK, so have not been able to see this yet, all very disappointing.

    in reply to: Americana Music Association Awards Show #48383
    dr winston oboogie

    Searched the web this morning for reports about awards show, found nothing of great detail until I came here, thanks to LWjetta for posting that great report, only thing here in the UK has been Bob Harris radio show this week and next week, was good last night, will be even better next week.

    Congrats to Lucinda for such a well deserved award, it really pains me that so many people this side of the pond are not aware of her and the superb music she has brought us over the years.
    Congrats of course also to Tom, the band and the whole team involved, hope you all had a great night and do not need to long to recover, and hope to see you soon…

    in reply to: Europe 2011 #44938
    dr winston oboogie

    Thank you very much for the update, always appreciate the time you take to keep us informed.

    Hoping that all concerned can make it happen, and we can see you soon.

    Best wishes to all.

    in reply to: Europe 2011 #44936
    dr winston oboogie


    It is great to see all the new dates being confirmed and the calendar filling up and making this possibly Lucinda`s busiest year as far as shows are concerned and she will certainly deserve a break at Xmas and New Year.
    I am so envious yet at the same time very pleased about all these shows………

    BUT….I need a show also…..

    Is it still in the plans to tour Europe next year ?
    And if so approx. which part of the year are we talking about ?

    As always I know you will help as much as possible with any news you can.


    in reply to: New Fan #47447
    dr winston oboogie

    Welcome aboard both of you, and great post Slidell to describe your Lucinda feelings. Here in the UK only Bob Harris and Johnny Walker acknowledge Lucinda and her music, and it was through Bob around 10 years ago now that I first discovered Lucinda and like you Slidell I tend to play Lucinda more that anyone else nowadays, and I have made it my personal crusade since to try and introduce Lucinda to someone new each week, the latest recruit this week has “fallen” in a big way and I am sure will introduce even more people to this great thing we have found.
    kasparian, hopefully we will get a chance to see Lucinda next year, Tom Overby, who keeps us informed on here, has said that they hope to bring the current tour to Europe then, everything crossed that it will happen and certainly you will not be disappointed.

    in reply to: Thanks For Nothing #47762
    dr winston oboogie

    Joel, I am really sorry you feel like you do and that things did not work out for you on the night.

    I feel I MUST defend Lucinda and agree wholeheartedly with TOverby, as the last time I went to see Lucinda things happened just as TomO described, after the show Lucinda came out and TomO directed her straight to me as TomO and I had talked earlier, she was absolutely great and was prepared to spend lots of time with us talking,taking photos, signing autographs etc, so much so that I had to acknowledge the 30-40 others who were waiting and “hand Lucinda over” to them, and we watched as she happily met and dealt with them all in the same way, a truly wondereful lady full of empathy and compassion for all her fans, and pefectly rounded off a perfect evening.

    As for not going to see her again or buy any future releases, obviously that is your decision and your decision alone, but that is something I could not do and I would advise you not to do that as you would be the loser in the long term by turning your back on such wonderful music and lyrics, and a great perfoirmer and person.

    in reply to: The Washington Monthly; 7.19.11 #47652
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks very much for that Lafayette, like you say spot on, on all accounts, would never have seen this but for the great people on this board, please keep up the good work, it is very much appreciated.

    in reply to: First Lu Show of 2012? #47575
    dr winston oboogie

    Although very,very disappointing that Europe will not be happening this year, thanks for the news TomO, it is always a great advantage to find out these thing as early as possible.

    I have now got everything crossed that things can be worked out for Europe next year and we can at last get to experience the great band and shows for ourselves, please make it happen.

    in reply to: Vote for "Blessed" For Best New Music on NPR #45255
    dr winston oboogie

    Also done, although I did not get any sort of confirmation screen ?

    So I did it twice..

    in reply to: Chicago, May 22: Ballads & Blues #47333
    dr winston oboogie

    TomO I would love to see or even hear this show, is there any chance of a DVD (that would be great) or at least an audio becoming available for us Lucinda starved fans ?

    in reply to: Chicago, May 22: Ballads & Blues #47326
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks again to all for bringing all the latest set lists and news to this side of the pond, we would be lost without you all, and special thanks to Paul for this show which looks and by all accounts was really special.
    This one would make a super DVD, so come on TomO give us a little glimmer of hope that we can also enjoy Lucinda at her best, as the news on a possible Europe tour leg seems to have dried up. 😥

    in reply to: Bettye LaVette & Lu #46700
    dr winston oboogie

    Never mind the belt buckles…

    Just look at those beautiful ladies…love the photo.

    in reply to: Europe 2011 #44935
    dr winston oboogie

    You guys seem to be having a great time over there just now, really,really envious…

    Any more news on the possibile UK/Europe tour ?

    (fingers,toes and everything crossed..) 😀

    in reply to: What’s up with this? #46460
    dr winston oboogie

    Elbee, I can vouch for all that has been said on this thread as I have been lucky enough to have been that fan after a show and the team and Lucinda were more that first class.
    Sorry it did not work out for you last night, but speaking of first class, I think that again Tom O has more that shown his class towards us fans by his amazing gesture for the Charlotte show, my,my many people would love to be in your situation now.

    Good luck and well done Tom O.

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