dr winston oboogie

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  • in reply to: Hallo,everyone! #50783
    dr winston oboogie

    Yes I have all Lucinda`s music, and have been lucky enough to have seen her and the band live, five times in the last few years, but the UK is very much like China in that respect, they do not play her music at all, so sad, only DJ`s Bob Harris and Johnnie Walker play Lucinda in the UK.

    in reply to: Hallo,everyone! #50785
    dr winston oboogie

    I was just asking how many Lucinda records or CD`s you had, to get an idea of how much of this special music you have heard.

    in reply to: Hallo,everyone! #50780
    dr winston oboogie

    Welcome on board Luo, just seen three of those four you mention live in London two weeks ago, and they are certainly excellent and special songs, do have a few of Lucinda`s recordings ?

    in reply to: Happy Thanksgiving #50788
    dr winston oboogie

    Returning the compliment to Lucinda, Tom and the rest of the gang.

    Speaking of returns, on a downer now that London weekend is over,
    please do not be too long before returning to these shores.

    in reply to: London 11/9 & 10 #49474
    dr winston oboogie

    Five Star review of London from the Telegraph…


    in reply to: London 11/9 & 10 #49469
    dr winston oboogie

    First of all, Thank You, Thank You Lucinda and TomO for Ugly Truth and Copenhagen on Sunday night.

    Now a few thought on a superb weekend, thanks to very kind stage staff I managed to aquire a set list for each night at the end of the shows, Blessed and Exile earlier reports are very good and summed up much of what happened, although I would agree with Exile that Blessed seems to be quoting from a set list, however there were slight changes
    Saturday started at 08:35 with Lu doing Passionate Kisses solo, then being joined bu Doug for Side Of The Road and Jackson, the plan at this point was for David to join them on stage for three songs, however Butch also walked on stage much to the amusement of Lu who wondered what was going on, and promplty telling Butch he should not be there (hence the Red Card), some good natured banter ended with Butch staying with the sound board staff stageside, whilst the others did World Without Tears, Lu then explained about the situation with her Brother before playing I Don`t Know How You`re Livin`, this was the most poignant moment of the weekend for me as we had arranged to meet my Nephew for Monday breakfast the first time we had met in over thirty years, he so much wanted to get in touch with the Scottish arm of his family after losing touch all those years ago, went great and sure will not be another 30 years, and his brother hopes to make it next time. Butch finally gets his cue right and joins for Fruits Of My Labour followed by my personal Saturday highlight Bus To Baton Rouge, those last two verses always send a shiver down my spine, at this point Lucinda commented on how great a venue it was and that the sound was good so Mama was happy, therefore everyone was happy.
    The rest of the set was as described by others above with two NEW songs Bitter Memory and Something Wicked This Way Comes and Lu starting with the wrong guitar on Bleeding Fingers…superb work by Doug on Essence a three song encore and ending a long day at 10:36.

    Sunday began at 08:28, again with Lu solo on Lake Charles, Doug joined then for Greenville, then David joined in and the tear in the corner of my eye had hardly dried when Lucinda announced a request for someone who is here tonight and played Ugly Truth followed by Minneapolis and one of my all time favourites Blue (first time live for me) and that teardrop just got bigger and bigger then she pulled out Copenhagen……at this point I though I had died and gone to Lucinda heaven…what an opening half dozen, Overtime,Concrete & Barbed Wire were followed by another new track Stowaway then Crescent City into Are You Down (just noticed my copy of set list says Are Love Down) another track in which Doug excelled and as he finished the word sublime entered my head. Drunken Angel was followed by yet another new song Protection and then yet another which sounds so good when done live Out Of Touch, by this time the crowd were really warming to the task and I am sure the band sensed this as they were just superb on the next one Unsuffer Me all four of them in top form at the same time, I lost count of how many sticks Butch went through on this song alone, I got a signed stick from Butch in Dublin 2007 and had my eye on one of these he had thrown over his shoulder, but did not manage to get one…the first part the concluded with Cross To Bear,Come On,Righteously and Honey Bee.
    After a short break the four encores began with Lu doing a request from by Ray Davies, one of only three songs played both nights Essence followed by Seeing Black being introduced by Lucinda explaining the story behind the song then came the aborted Salt Of The Earth and yet another blistering Get Right With God to close with the show ending at 10:34.

    A great weekend I must be pleased, got a total of 45 tracks 42 of which were different, we never got any Blessed tour dates, but over the two nights Lucinda played half of the album and they are great live and also got two NEW tracks each night and the quality of these makes the prospect of a new album in 2013 very exciting……..now……

    Lucinda please tour the new album with us here in the UK and even better in here in Scotland.

    Hope this has not bored you to death and just to finish by once more thanking Lucinda, Tom O and the band.

    Love,Peace and Revolution.

    in reply to: London 11/9 & 10 #49465
    dr winston oboogie

    Excellent report by Blessed, I think Lucinda sounded and looked as good as she ever has, got a set list at he end of the night and will post again once this is all over.

    My story was going to be :-

    Happy Mama gives Butch the red card and sends him off stage……

    More at the start of the week…roll on tonght.

    in reply to: London 11/9 & 10 #49446
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks for posting, missed that first time around..

    short but sweet….

    in reply to: London 11/9 & 10 #49454
    dr winston oboogie


    Just want to hear some of the Blessed album live, as have not had a chance to so far.
    As for the travel, I am afraid it is a good few miles further that Edinburgh as I live
    near Aberdeen in the North East, flying to London Saturday AM back home Monday PM.
    Will try to bring as much info about he two nights as I can.
    Sunday press here are quoting Lucinda as saying they have and will play quite a bit of
    new material, either way looking forward to it all.

    Also forgot to mention, got an email from the event holders to advise that support
    for Lucinda would be Bhi Bhiman, not known to me, but checked out some stuff on
    you tube and provided I can get to the venue soon enough sounds good.

    in reply to: London 11/9 & 10 #49452
    dr winston oboogie

    Less that a week to go now to the two shows just one week before my birthday…

    It may not be the kind of show to do requests, but if I may be as bold Lucinda,
    please do Copenhagen and Ugly Truth at least once each over the two nights.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: What’s Lu doin’ for halloween? #50631
    dr winston oboogie

    Quote “Next year is going to be very busy.”

    Great news TomO…….

    Hope we at this side of the Atlantic are going to be involved ?

    in reply to: London 11/9 & 10 #49442
    dr winston oboogie

    Thanks for the info Jessica, Well Stoger you might just be right, however the Saturday wil be a long day for me with lots of travelling, checked the tube map and everything fits into place ok so if still feeling frisky after the show, might give it a try, I take it there will be no dress code expected ?

    Just three weeks now, really looking forward to the whole weekend.

    in reply to: London 11/9 & 10 #49438
    dr winston oboogie

    From the official Jazz Festival site :-

    Royal Festival Hall | Sat 10 and Sun 11 Nov
    Lucinda Williams – she takes over the Royal Festival Hall for the first weekend; Saturday is almost sold out but more good seats are available for the Sunday

    in reply to: London 11/9 & 10 #49435
    dr winston oboogie

    Only 6 weeks to go now folks…..

    Who is all going to these, I am going both nights……

    Saturday looks about 80% tickets sold.
    Sunday looks about 70% tickets sold.

    I am wishing my life away or what ?

    in reply to: Bowery Ballroom Day One #50303
    dr winston oboogie

    Wow—thanks for the info folks…sounds like a great show and time was had by all.
    certainly would take this show in London in November, wishing my life away here.

    And congrats to dhen for his dad`s birthday mention….

    isn`t Lu just fabulous…

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