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  • in reply to: Heads Up, Lefty! #44840

    Hey TO: It’s been a couple of days without any “official” 411 regarding this show and what appears to be a developing leg of the “tour.” Any details that you are prepared to divulge at this point? Hmmm…

    in reply to: New Years Eve -Viper Room LA #44820


    Limited tickets available. Receive a complimentary bottle of Jack Daniel’s, Absolute or Champagne upon entrance to the show when you purchase four (4) VIP tickets. All four (4) tickets must be purchased at the same time (in one single transaction) in order to qualify. Now we have options–Jack, Abs, or French Beer!!! So this is Americana…

    Wow, all this for $100 bucks a ticket… I remember seeing Johnny Cash under the wing of Rick Ruben at the VRoom…

    in reply to: New Years Eve -Viper Room LA #44819

    Nice–Jack Shit as an opener is awesome… But, I think it might be a bit more of a sophisticate’s show especially in light of this added “bonus” from Ticketweb’s ticket site:

    Receive a complimentary bottle of Jack Daniel’s upon entrance to the show when you purchase four (4) VIP tickets. All four (4) tickets must be purchased at the same time (in one single transaction) in order to qualify.

    Hmmm, I wonder what the final price for tix is gonna be?

    in reply to: New Years Eve -Viper Room LA #44815

    So, TO, any info re: Viper Room tixs… You mentioned that there
    would be ticket 411 today… I’m just sayin’…

    in reply to: Houston and New Orleans Purged? #44799

    Wow, another thing to look forward to–a few more maybe shows… I will continue checking back as these tiny little secrets continue to be announced all while the world continues to turn… Can’t wait to see ticket prices in light of Toronto’s Helm gigs. And, guitar player line-ups, too… I wonder why Gurf isn’t on the list. Frankly, I’m amazed! It’s not as if he isn’t working with other folks not to mention Bo… Oh well, I guess I should stop making sense and just stand by the side of the road…

    in reply to: Houston and New Orleans Purged? #44791

    It’s so really comical watching and hearing how (concert) announcements are handled here… It’s as if members of this board huddle around Santa waiting for a crumb to fall from his beard. As I have said before, why does it appear to be so difficult to maintain/have an artist’s website? Todd Snider does it. Elvis Costello does it. David Byrne does it. It just make me laugh and wonder at all the whatchamacallits that are reflected here by the driver-of-the-bus.

    in reply to: NEW RECORD UPDATE – "BLESSED" #43197

    Yeah, seeing LWs in Finland would be great in the near future–count me in!

    in reply to: NEW RECORD UPDATE – "BLESSED" #43194

    OK, here we go again, in the same quandary. There’s lots of technology, many, many ways to get the information out within hours, even minutes after it is recorded digitally (sound and/or photographs) yet all we get here are a few crumbs falling from the table.

    Really, when one reads the latest post from LWs management, there is so much verbiage with very little actual content and direction along with explanations justifying further delays. So what really has been updated on this site over the last several months other than lame delays, sweet excuses, and shallow wishes? Anyone who is paying attention knows that the record industry is expiring right in front of us, dying. When was the last time you went to a CD store? Those individuals who really make sense are doing everything via the web and doing it quickly and efficiently without prattling on (and on and on…). What’s up with “super deluxe?” Why so elusive and so sparse with the details? After all, it’s been months…

    Many artists sites are knocking the cover off the ball with access to music–Elvis Costello, Phish, David Byrne, Wilco, Kasey Chambers, Tim Easton, Todd Snider (and so forth!) by simply doing it versus talking about it. Everybody knows that you cannot rely on the “label” so why do it? I am glad some members of this site are pleased with the latest news but all I see is more of the same, which is more than evidenced by searching around this site… This is not about LWs and her music, it’s about how her music is being marketed.

    When Elvis Costello wants to put a tour together with Jim Lauderdale and Jerry Douglas, they make it happen. In here, we hear about musicians that “are not available to tour” etc. When Phish records a show, it is available online. When Wilco hits the road they post pictures, stream shows, have set lists available, take requests. They just do it. In here we hear about “film guys are going to be there tomorrow night” and nothing more… Wow, you may be impressed with the latest entry, but I am simply accepting it as status quo because over the years, nothing has changed. This is clear by taking a look around. Sorry, it’s about the data and the data in this case speaks very clearly and convincingly.

    in reply to: NEW RECORD UPDATE – "BLESSED" #43192

    Hmmm… SamishMike, there is a theme here and it’s actually more normal than not to expect massive delays in terms of communication about all things LWs and this website including its forum. It is rather unfortunate really, especially in light of the technological realities that surround us and can actually empower us. As I have posted regarding Elvis Costello’s recent efforts and website, it really doesn’t have to be that difficult but some seem to be technologically challenged. My ultimate thought and positive energy goes out to Lucinda and hope all is well. It makes me think of the beginning of her classic Side of the Road:

    You wait in the car on the side of the road
    Lemme go and stand awhile, I wanna know you’re there but I wanna be alone
    If only for a minute or two
    I wanna see what it feels like to be without you
    I wanna know the touch of my own skin
    Against the sun, against the wind

    Go, Lucinda, go. I know several of us will be waiting in the car, on the side of the road, against the sun, against the wind.

    in reply to: Lucinda at Bridge School Benefit, Oct. 23 #44362

    Yeah, they are up with the big kids… I had a strong preminition when I saw LWs in the 80’s at First Ave along with Gurf Morlix, that this is where she would end up along with other big kids covering her gem-coated songs… It’s so nice to see her in the sandbox with the high schoolers. Elvis Costello and Neil have such pensions for helping to move along a song…

    in reply to: …Need Pics… #44531

    OK, here goes on a few thoughts… Have you shared your article in this forum? I, for one, would enjoy reading it. I apologize if I missed it. Secondly, my initial concern centers around the the idea that fans have to “plead” in a forum such as this for pictures That being said, we live in a digital culture complete with hand-held devices that can capture “digital-quality” images and video, which then can be posted on YouTube for instant access. So ultimately, my interest and quandary centers around the fact that this website continues to lack access and substance in terms of any new and/or relevant vids, pics, sound bits and so forth. It just must be that difficult… Right?

    in reply to: …Need Pics… #44529

    Why the need for pleads and excessive pleases? Wouldn’t this be a no-brainer for LWs management in terms of having access to right-on pictures? Maybe it is just that difficult…

    in reply to: tonyg as Lucinda’s new manager #44525


    There is fiction in the space between
    You and reality
    You will do and say anything
    To make your everyday life
    Seem less mundane
    There is fiction in the space between
    You and me

    There’s a science fiction in the space between
    You and me
    A fabrication of a grand scheme
    Where I am the scary monster
    I eat the city and as I leave the scene
    In my spaceship I am laughing
    In your remembrance of your bad dream
    There’s no one but you standing

    Leave the pity and the blame
    For the ones who do not speak
    You write the words to get respect and compassion
    And for posterity
    You write the words and make believe
    There is truth in the space between

    There is fiction in the space between
    You and everybody
    Give us all what we need
    Give us one more sad sordid story
    But in the fiction of the space between
    Sometimes a lie is the best thing

    Telling Stories: Tracy Chapman

    in reply to: tonyg as Lucinda’s new manager #44523

    OK, boys, not that you want me to weigh in… It’s true, things have changed under the “management” of Lucinda Williams since TO has taken over. I posted earlier this week in terms of how Elvis Costello is doing business these days. The latest catch phrase is “transparency” and he is doing this very well while LWs management is quite lacking. And unfortunately, Tom, you appear to be quite the cheerleader (I originally coined this phrase for you in this forum) and you have a pension to kiss a$$ and dampen any conversation that isn’t 100% pro LWs. Many of us have been around long before you picked up your pompoms so all things being considered, you may have a certain opinion and it is critical that you understand that this is only your opinion, not everyone’s. LWs has lost many ticket buyers and fans–the proof is in the pudding… Perhaps the “status” of being a moderator on this little forum has influenced your ego… Way to hang in there, Tim by sticking to your opinion under undue social stress.

    in reply to: Tuesday August 17 – Ventura Theater #44078

    Nice setlist… Wow, Big Red Sun Blues! Nice touch!

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