The Holyoke show was also my 3rd Lucinda show and I too was disappointed – not quite as upset as Gypsyphoto but still disappointed. The set list included only a few of my favorites but there were some real gems. Lu opened the show with a rockin, high energy Can’t let Go and Copenhagen was awesome> The encore of Blessed and Get Right with God were cool but I wanted more. I understand it is hard to please everyone but I wish lu would S can some of the ex-lover songs. What’s up with the endless guitar riffs on most songs? This is lucinda Williams and not Neil Young, right? Enough bitchin – I’ll give Lu a pass – the night was really hot and humid and she was really feeling the heat no doubt. What surprised me the most about the night was the great performance by Amos Lee – count me as a new fan. We thought he stole the show!