Lu is among my favorite three or four artists. I’ve seen her a half dozen times and have seen her get distracted and flustered before, most notably in Vegas opening for Neil Young during the WWT tour.
Lu is almost legendary for her ability to channel her anger and emotion into her performance, taking it to altogether different levels.
That simply didn’t happen last night. She destroyed any rhythm the show might have had by ripping through the book and seemingly playing the first rocker she came to. She badly flubbed her vocal timing on both “Righteously” (going from first verse to second without pausing for Doug’s guitar riff) and “Get Right with God” (starting too early). And then after ten consecutive rockers to close the show, coming back with an encore that began “Lake Charles”, “Bus to Baton Rouge” and “Steal Your Love”…
No question, the humidity was downright nasty and the lights and sound mix were terrible. I still love Lu and eagerly await the new album and my next chance to see her, but her assessment of “redeeming herself” at the end of the show was about the most self-serving thing I’ve ever heard a performer say. Particularly one who had spent the last two hours alienating a crowd the way she did.