Forum Replies Created
Participanti wasn’t there because i got fired, but she and her fiancee came and had friend “k” waited on them and i was told she was in good spirits..i wish i could’ve been the one to give it back to her and apologize..because i am truly sorry.. so she got a free dinner and i got what i deserved..this is my last posting..good luck to u all..
Participantyou’re right..its fraud..and its a federal offense..but it was the furthest thing from my mind..the whole hair-brained ebay scheme started when i told my friend anni a fanatical lucinda fan about what first she wanted to carry it out herself(i think in hopes of meeting lucinda) i should have let her..she told me to post it for one million dollars, i didn’t think anyone would give it a second glance so i made it a hundred but..looking back it would’ve been more obvious what our intentions truly were with such a large figure..yes we were drinking..yes i exercised bad judgement..yes it was the wrong way to go about it..yes we had a good laugh until i got fired from my job..but it led her to find her wallet and she was was a good sport about the whole thing..just goes to show how cool she is..
Participantits ok..i already gave it back to my manager so she got it back.. everything’s cool..thanks!
Participantwe tried..they had drinks at the bar and paid cash..we’ll keep trying..
Participantlucinda ate at the restaurant i work at last night..i found her wallet on the floor and gave it to my manager..later i found her tennessee driver’s license on the floor also..i was busy so i put it in my pocket and forgot about it..i know she lives here in l.a. but have no idea where, have no address and no telephone number so there’s little chance i can return it to her unless i run into her again which is highly unlikely..would somebody like to purchase this lovely keepsake from me?