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  • in reply to: Ann Arbor show #32590
    All I Ask

    Basil your ‘concert report’ about the Lucunida Williams show in Ann Arbor is retarded bullshit. You devote most of your writing to complaints against those who choose to express themselves during lulls, saying ‘Most of the shouting was by middle aged men who are probably infatuated with Lucinda’. I heard men and women speaking up and saw some women dancing in the aisles. Lucinda ate it all up ! The problem here is you are ‘probably’ one of those blad headed old farts who never got laid and sit in front of you’re computer every night looking at porn and masterbating. Next time stay home and listen to the CD. Then you won’t have wonder why a great artist doesn’t comfrom to your narrow-minded assumptions about the use of a lyric notebook.

    in reply to: tabs? #32386
    All I Ask

    I know how to play all of these songs but since you’re a low life scum bag if you were on fire I wouldn’t piss on you. I’ll bet there’s more folks on this forum who can play ’em too but they wouldn’t help you either because they know sick, twisted loser when they read one. Fuck off and die.

    in reply to: Chicago Setlist #32561
    All I Ask

    Well dern it all !!! I was hopin’ to meet Detroit area Lucinda fans. Hope your move goes well and enjoy the show !!!

    in reply to: Chicago Setlist #32559
    All I Ask

    Hey Is, you goin’ to the Ann Arbor show ?

    in reply to: The I-Man plugs "West" #32513
    All I Ask

    As usual Ripley you’ve shown that you’re a stupid, judgemental, negative, asshole with no redeeming qualities except the ability to make me laugh at your ridiculous and foolish statements. The original post by Lefty was meant to be a boost to Lucinda. A hope that being mentioned on a national show might boost her career. In your arrogance and obvious love of your own writing you’ve turned this into a morality play about a radio show host. I don’t listen to Imus and I don’t know anything about him. I do know that a plug on any show could help Lucinda. Fuck you and go get in your grave.

    in reply to: The I-Man plugs "West" #32502
    All I Ask

    Ripley knows nothing.

    in reply to: Lyrics prompt for Lucinda #32437
    All I Ask

    Why does anyone care what a performer needs to put on a good show ? Everybody is different and some folks have better memories than others. I myself have written songs (some up to 20 years old) and I’ve forgotten lyrics, melodies and chord patterns when I don’t play ’em for a while.

    Ripley, a song can be written in an hour or over years and if you don’t use it, you lose it. Your comments always seem to be negative. Is this because of your affiliation with telemarketing?

    in reply to: Got a favorite verse? #32293
    All I Ask

    All I ask,
    Don’t tell anybody the secrets,
    Don’t tell anybody the secrets I told you.

    in reply to: my top five lucinda’s songs #32359
    All I Ask

    1) Metal Firecracker
    2) Lake Charles
    3) Sweet Old World
    4) Blue
    5) Those Three Days

    in reply to: Post your own review of West! #32261
    All I Ask

    Wow ! Another killer work from my very favorite singer/songwriter ! I’m so happy ! So far I like ‘Come On’ the most. Then ‘Fancy Funeral’ and ‘Where Is My Love?’ I really like the fact that there are different instruments used on this CD than on previous efforts. Not that I don’t love all of her previous CDs ‘cuz I do. Rock on LU !!


    in reply to: Lucinda Fans Only: Gurf Morlix Question #32248
    All I Ask

    That’s interesting. I sure appreciate everyone’s input. Thanx again !


    in reply to: Lucinda Fans Only: Gurf Morlix Question #32244
    All I Ask

    Thanks for the info, all…


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