Forum Replies Created
Participant@Pit Bull wrote:
… sitting there across the pond. Do you plan on flying over to catch any of these shows in the States? With the favorable exchange rate you’d be able to get in for almost half price. And if you don’t have a current passport, I’m sure your laminated John Cougar Mellencamp Scottish Fan Club Card (the one with little pink houses on it) will work just as well. Are you the chapter President? Hey…wait a minute; JCM is in the Rock’n Roll Hall of Fame! So I guess the pairing could’ve been worse, like Lu opening for Barry Manilow. (A Quadruple Yuk! vs. Double Yuk!)
To answer all your questions in one word “No”, also I can see you are/were hurt by my statement, judging by your reply, maybe next time you will think twice about saying such statements(as per your first post), but in this case sadly I think not, on a personal note, I think your petulant answer shows all members who look at this post really what kind of person we are dealing with, so in saying that I am confident they will understand when I say that as far as I am concernd I feel it would be pointless to answer any more in this matter.
Participant@Pit Bull wrote:
I know some suits on her management team are trying to broaden her fan base, but John Cougar Mellencamp? What the @#!*#@
Excuse me while I throw-up. I’ll be sitting this one out ladies…[/img]What’s John Mellencamp ever done to you?,that you show such disrespect for, I am all for free speech but you do it no favours by saying such things.
Participant@Bear wrote:
I was in a record store and they played two songs from Car Wheels…. I went right out and bought a ticket to her concert. She has played here twice since then and I saw her both times of course. I was the giant scary biker up front-extremely long hair and sunglasses-with tears streaming down my face.
I had never heard any of LW’s music and bought Car wheels by pure chance on a whim, needless to say I have now all her catalogue,other than those “live recordings” I read about here in the forum, BTW Can I get them in Scotland?
ParticipantIve played with band members who have used books like that, and in general they not only contained the set list with lyrics/chords but previous setlists/songs and “work n progress” songs + Tel no of venues/ managers names ect ect, and what the rider was last time around. also the 1st half of the book is usually well ordered but the other is a jumble.. 🙂 but really although personally I had no problem with singers using the book, it did kind make me think that the audiance maybe though it a bit strange,but It never became an issue.
Participant@Gretschman wrote:
Yeah you are right about the SG and the Rickenbacker. Actually he played 2 SGs: A custom and a Junior last year in London. I am a big disciple of Doug’s trying to acquire a matching collection to my hero and apart from costing the earth – even with identical gear I still can’t play like him or sound like him which is why I get a bit defensive when folks are a bit mean about him. I think he is the best sideman Lu has had and hope they stick together.
I just had to register on this site to totally agree with your statement about Doug, I have played guitar for a lot of years and can say Doug’s in a class of his own, his licks n fills are a joy to listen too,
I also love Buddy Millers guitar work, but would not dream of trying to come to a decision to say who is best, it does not work like that IMO, each guitarist brings his own “Essance”( no pun intended) through his fingers, to want to play Like doug is admirible Gretschman,but I think its a long road, but I can think of only a few Guitarists I would want to play like, and Doug would be the top or very near. 😀 -