Your Top 10 Lucinda Songs of the decade

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general Your Top 10 Lucinda Songs of the decade

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  • #30061

    This was tough, but here are mine:

    1. Bus To Baton Rouge
    2. If Wishes Were Horses
    3. Little Rock Star
    4. Jailhouse Tears
    5. Are You Alright?
    6. Fancy Funeral
    7. Everything Has Changed
    8. Fruits Of My Labor
    9. Ventura
    10. Bone of Contention

    11. Blue
    12. Reason to Cry


    Everything? :mrgreen:

    (Sorry – typical cheerleader response… )

    Tom 😈

    Disco Stu

    Oh boy…this is a tough one. I’m not even going to attempt to rank these among themselves:

    Get Right With God
    Those Three Days
    Learning How To Live
    Jailhouse Tears
    Circles and X’s*
    If Wishes Were Horses*
    I’m Happy I Found You**

    * = not sure if these should qualify, since they were written long before this decade
    ** = not sure if this should qualify, since Hank Williams wrote the lyrics

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