Your song: "Gotta Get Right With God"?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general Your song: "Gotta Get Right With God"?

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Con.
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    I was just curious, if you wanted the song, “Gotta Get right With God,” and I may have the exact title wrong; to be kinda of a poke at people who want to get right with God?


    Bill S., aka Con


    I’m certain others in this forum have a more exact answer than I am going to give. I don’t think she is poking at others, if I remember correct, a past boyfriend had a spiritual side with Lu taking notice.


    Also there is this interpretation by Lu.
    Get Right With God
    Lucinda Williams
    Album: Essence Released: 2001

    Songfacts: You can leave comments about the song at the bottom of the page.

    This is a Gospel-influenced song that makes a religious statement. Williams considers it “religious folk art.”
    Williams: “I was making a statement about how far people will go to their faith, like sleeping on a bed of nails or snake handling. Those kinds of things show how deeply people believe in God.”
    Both of Williams’s grandfathers were Methodist ministers. Thanks to Williams’ parents, she grew up a Unitarian.
    End Quote”
    This won a Grammy for Best Female Rock Vocal Performance.


    Thank ya’ll for the answers to my question. I love this song and have it in my phone’s play list.

    Bill S.

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