World Without Tears Revisited

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    Great songs, great lyrics, great vocals, great guitar work throughout, great album. That’s all I have to say about that…actually there’s more…
    With a preference for live recordings, I rarely listen to studio stuff. However, the stellar studio version of Blessed, has inspired me to give a listen to Lu’s “official” releases. I was struck by how many of my all time favorite Lu songs are one this record. With the exception of American Dream (just not my thing), every tune is a keeper. Scorching versions of Atonement and Sweet Side(A+ vocals), along with the beautifully dreary Minneapolis. The rest, speak for themselves.


    “pour some soup, get a spoon, stir it up real good.”

    this is life, folks.

    stellar album, 100 out of 100, but both tracks beginning with the letter A are crushing missteps, imo.


    great album
    great writing, singing, playing, recording
    should have been on the list of best of the decade, imo.


    Atonement was never one of my favorites, but after seeing Lucinda breathe fire singing it live…I get it. Sadly, the come on’s take me to a song that I know some people love, but quite frankly has never aroused me.


    In my opinion, this is one of Lucinda’s top two albums, only behind Car Wheels. Great songs, great singing. A really solid album.


    anyone else has the slightly disturbing impression that fruits of my labor & people talkin’ are just ONE song?

    don’t know what it is. both seem like just one entity. and they’re not even that similar, lyrics-wise or other wise-wise.


    This is my favorite LW album.

    Disco Stu

    I always have to remind myself what a great album this is. While there are indeed some missteps (I’d count Sweet Side along with American Dream on that list), there are also some incredibly strong songs and performances. I’d consider Ventura to be her greatest post-Car Wheels song, for one.

    Ventura was the first song I ever saw Lucinda perform live, and at that point I had only purchased her albums up through Essence. I wish I had a recording of the performance to confirm my memory of it, but I was absolutely awestruck. Usually it takes me a few listens to really appreciate a song, even a great one, but she had me from the first verse. I love the album cut but to this day I think about that live performance (it was in Chicago in ’05 I believe) every time I hear it.


    Great lyrics, Stu, great vocals by LW, and a great steel guitar by Doug.


    I’ve always quite enjoyed Sweet Side. I distinctly remember listening to the album with headphones on while enjoying a few cocktails and really digging the groove. 🙂


    “sweet side” is like “he never got enough love” through the bad boy angle. (i hate this kind of comparison.)

    “i’ve seen your sweet side, baby.” i can’t dismiss a song with a verse like this.


    “you love them anyway even though they’re acting LIKE A SHITHEAD. i’m sure you can all relate to that. unconditional love.”

    — lucinda introducing SS (malmo, sweden, 2003).

    LIKE A SHITHEAD in caps because she shouts it.


    ps: must be awful to be recorded, no?

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