world without tears…mmmmm

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records world without tears…mmmmm

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    hi, folks.

    i’m pretty new to the work of lucinda williams – well, only heard/started playing it 3/4 weeks ago. i must say that i really love some of it. i’ve never been much of a fan of her style of music – until now! a lot of it really does hit the nail on the head.

    i have so far bought ‘car wheels’, ‘essence’ & ‘world without tears’. i received wwt from amazon this morning & have to say that it’s my favourite so far. what an excellent record (well, cd…my age is showing through there ;-))

    i especially like ‘overtime’ (shouldn’t that be two separate words, surely?). what a beautiful song. i love her ballads particularly.

    anyways, i just thought that i’d join in with this post as a way of saying ‘hi’ & will explore more of the forum in the next few days & weeks.

    and finally…any news re. tour dates for the u.k? london or the south coast would be sooo cool. we live in hope.


    Hi Paul – Welcome to the forums!

    Lucinda has a tour this fall, but, if my memory serves, w/ no European dates this go around. But, fear not, she has a lot of fans on “your side of the pond”, so I imagine she’ll be there eventually, especially with the new CD (“Little Honey”) due out this October.



    hey, tom. thanks for the welcome.

    shame about the tour dates. still, as you say, maybe with a new album…?

    i’d like to see a live show of hers. i saw ‘iron & wine’ here in a small church hall venue last november. that was cool.

    dr winston oboogie

    Welcome along Paul, now that you have discovered Lucinda and her music I am sure you will get as many hours of enjoyment from it as I have over the years.

    Lucinda toured here in 2006 and 2007, and with the new release due soon, I have high hopes that we will see her again in 2009…


    Get her self titled record. It’s amazing.

    World Without Tears has some of her best material as well. The title track, Fruits of my Labor, Those Three Days.

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