Wild and Blue

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records Wild and Blue

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  • #29926

    can we all just take a minute to celebrate this cover? I popped in the ACL from 89 the other night and had forgotten how moving this cover is. It’s probably my second favorite cover she’s done behind You Don’t Have Very Far To Go.

    The entire ACL show is stunning. I hate that it leaves out my favorite track from LW (Like A Rose).

    Disco Stu

    I agree; it’s a song she’s done well. I’ve got several versions of it from various recordings (not sure exactly which, and I’m at work right now so I can’t check).


    @Disco Stu wrote:

    I agree; it’s a song she’s done well. I’ve got several versions of it from various recordings (not sure exactly which, and I’m at work right now so I can’t check).

    Maybe some of the same I have, Disco Stu. I have Wild & Blue live from De Effenaar, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 05.19.89 (the same set to be featured on the S/T reissue) and from Jake’s, Bloomington, IN, 11.04.92. (As well as, of course, on the ACL ’89 DVD)…



    For those very few Forum readers that have not yet purchased Lucinda’s DVD at Austin City Limits (1989)
    Here is Lu covering the song written by John Sherrill and is to be on disc 2 (recorded in Holland) from the self-titled album set.


    I hate that it leaves out my favorite track from LW (Like A Rose).

    exactly. same thing with 2 kool and the 1998 show.

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