Who has met Lucinda?

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    I’m new here, long time lucinda fan. Just wondering who all has met her. When and Where?


    I have met her at least 4 times that I can recall. After shows each time. Once in Atlanta at the Tabernacle downtown (August, 2003), once in Athens, GA at the Georgia Theater (March, 2004), once in Nashville at the Ryman (September, 2005), and most recently at the Ventura Theater in Ventura, CA (October, 2006).

    Other shows I have been to we either did not hang around afterwards, or she was already on the bus & not feeling up to meeting fans. The latter is very understandable, really – some days I am sure she is too tired. Another time, again here in Atlanta (at the Botanical Gardens in August, 2005), she had family visiting from Alabama waiting on the bus for her after the show.

    She is very kind and unassuming in person. I collect her gig posters, and each time I have met her she has always signed one or two for me. I’m usually a little star-struck, so I never know quite what to say, but that’s my problem… 😉 😀



    My wife and I met Lucinda on 7-29-07 outside Rams Head Live in Baltimore. We waited outside the bus for about a half hour and Lu came out to speak to some people that were hoping to meet her after the show. This was our 3rd show that week and each time we were hoping to get a chance to meet her. She was very sweet and appreciative of her fans and spoke at length to several of us. I had obtained a copy of that nights’ set list and Lucinda was kind enough to autograph it! My wife and I also got a big hug from Lucinda. I was on top of the world! I still have trouble believing my wish came true. It’s so nice when someone that you admire so much in this world actually turns out to be for real. You can tell that she really cares about what her fans think and is very appreciative of us. We even got an introduction to Tom, her fiance. I’m so happy that she felt at ease enough to do that!


    I met her in Memphis at the New Daisy Theater sometime in 2001. Very nice lady…

    @tntracy wrote:

    once in Nashville at the Ryman (September, 2005)

    *that Ryman show KILLED! I was one of the fortunate ones…when I showed up at the venue a friend of mine asked to see my ticket (balcony seat)…he handed back a front pew center seat. A very good time was had by all.


    along with the Love Band, Elvis Costello (Who joined Lu for “Change the Locks” and “Jailhouse Tears”) and Willie Nile. Very nice people.

    Disco Stu

    I haven’t met her yet, but I’ve tried…it seems that I’m unlucky, because I’ve hung around outside her bus after a few of the shows I’ve been to, but each time it’s been a night where she wasn’t up to meeting with fans (totally understandable, of course). I’ve talked to a ton of people who’ve met her, and they’ve all said that same thing – that she’s incredibly gracious and friendly and appreciative of her fans. Hopefully sooner or later I’ll get a chance to tell her thanks for all of the music. But hey, at least it’s possible to meet her after a show…I hold out hope for that, but I think I’ve got a better chance of winning the lottery than I do of meeting Bob Dylan.

    I did meet Merle Haggard once, though…that was pretty cool.


    I had a wonderful opportunity meeting Lucinda this summer in the Poconos. I planned on camping for the Mountain Laurel show, but it was pouring rain the day before. My girlfriend Darlene and I decided to get a room to beat the rain. We went to the bar for a cocktail before dinner and Lucinda was there with her band and her boyfriend Tom. They graciously befriended us. Before the night was over we had a chance to sing songs from the jukebox together( Doors, Fleetwood Mac, Springsteen) that Lucinda had chosen, chat about politics, and even do some dancing on the dance floor. As you can imagine it was quite a night. Lucinda put us on the guest list and gave us incredible seats. I was/am very grateful for this evening. She and her boys were all incredibly warm, real people. We talked about real things i.e. our familes, the state of the world etc. We also went out with Doug after the show. He is a great guy. Great pool player too! Hopefully I will get to hang with them again.


    I got to visit with Lucinda at the Bozeman show this summer and we figured that we first met in 1967 in New Orleans. We were both in high school at the time, but at different schools. I would see her at her parents house or in the French Quarter. I would also catch her playing at the Jazz Fest when I was still living there.


    I met her last November after one of her shows in London. I decided to wait in front of the stage door. After some time Tom (at least I think it was him) came out and said that she wouldn’t pose for pictures and only sign one item because they would have to leave quite quickly. Then Lucinda came out and I didn’t dare to ask her for a picture. Some other people did and Lucinda was so warm and adorable that the said yes and posed for all of those who asked her. When it was my turn to sign, I gave her the CD’s I brought with me (I thought she would only sign one), then she took all of them and signed all of them. I then told her that I hope she would once perform in Switzerland and she said she might on her next tour…and guess what: She did her first ever Swiss concert last week in Basel!!! (By the way, did anyone meet her after the Basel show? It was ice cold outside and because Chuck Berry was on the stage after her, I deciced to stay inside the concert hall)
    Lucinda really is a wonderful person!

    Disco Stu

    grasshopper, that’s a great story. I imagine there aren’t many people who can lay claim to meeting Lucinda long before she was famous.

    I just remembered my favorite meeting Lucinda story. A couple years ago when I was first discovering her music, a guy on one of the Dylan message boards met her after a show and posted some pictures of himself and his girlfriend (or sister, I can’t remember) with Lucinda. According to his story, she had invited the two of them to come along on the rest of the tour (which was a week or so from being over, but still!) The kicker? He turned her down because he couldn’t miss classes that week! I’d have said yes in a heartbeat – of course, it helped that a couple of my professors were huge Lucinda fans and totally would’ve considered it an excused absence. 😉


    wish I had hung about after the sheffield gig. However, I was too nervous/didn’t need the hassle so I forgot about the idea. What a shame!

    Mike in CT

    My wife and I met Lucinda after a show in East Hampton MA. in 2006.
    We went for a bite after the show, and decided to walk back to the theater
    where she performed. Well as luck has it….there is Lu talking to fans out back.
    Lucinda was very gracious, and took the time to talk to everyone there. My wife
    And I were able to tell her how much her music means to us…and I was even able
    to give her a peck on the cheek…(after asking permission of course!) After we were done
    gushing over her and telling her how much we loved her, Lucinda turned to us and
    said….in her glorious Louisiana drawl “yall are the cutest couple”
    Our whole way home my wife and I kept saying to each other….”can you believe
    Lucinda Williams called us a cute couple!!” lol The only thing that was disappointing
    was that the picture we had taken with her did not come out, otherwise it would be poster
    size in our living room! Last year we waited after a Lucinda show we did not get to talk
    to her, but as her bus leaving, someone from the bus came out and handed my wife
    and a couple other woman who were waiting a dozen Roses each, and
    said Lucinda wanted them to have them. Not as good as meeting her….but still very cool!


    Very cool story!

    Dreamin Man

    In the past 5 years, I’ve seen Lucinda twice at the Tabernacle in Atlanta, once at the Ryman in Nashville, and once at the Tivoli in Chattanooga, and met her and the band afterward at the Nashville and Chattanooga shows. It’s been my experience meeting Lucinda both times, as well as meeting numerous other well-known but not mega-huge musicians that if you’re willing to wait a while after the show you’ll probably be rewarded. After playing a 2-hour set, these people want to unwind, have drinks, talk to promoters, visit with guests they know in that city, etc., so it takes a while before they’re ready to go. I waited at least an hour to an hour and a half both times I met Lucinda, and when she finally did emerge from the venue or the tour bus she was very gracious and seemed game to talk to/sign things/take pictures with everyone waiting out back, which was probably 20-30 people by that point each time. I had her sign a set list I got off the stage in Nashville and got a picture with her in Chattanooga that I really dig. I can’t wait for the next record and tour.

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