What Kind of Crowds at Lucinda Shows?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows What Kind of Crowds at Lucinda Shows?

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    Specifically, even though I’ve been to one Lucinda show already (I was front row for that one, thus my lack of knowledge on this), I want to ask…are there ever any shows where people actually sit back and enjoy the music, rather than standing?

    I am taking my mom (most likely, unless she’s too tired to go) next Friday to Lucinda’s show at Wamu Theatre @ Madison Square Garden, section 101, Row L, so about 12 rows in I think. Should be a decent view – if my mom can see.

    My mom is about Lucinda’s age, and she LOVES her, but she worked on the floor of a hospital for 30 years picking men often twice her size off the floor when incapicated – standing for her for even 10 minutes straight in her mid-50’s is basically out of the question.

    Any light anyone can shed on this would be appreciated. If it’s not even worth it for my mom to go – like it’s practically guaranteed that she won’t be able to see – then I would rather know this before taking the train in with her and her being dissapointed.

    Thanks! 🙂


    Hey Hot Blooded,
    Your Mom should be able to see since it is a seated theater venue. I don’t think people will be standing at their seats. I could be wrong, but the one time I saw Lu at a seated theater everyone remained seated.


    I’ve seen Lucinda several times in theaters, and usually everybody’s been pretty tame until maybe the encore. We had terrific 2nd row seats at a Lincoln NB show a few years ago in a really cool old theater, but there was extra ‘seating’ in front of us in the pit area, which basically became a dancefloor, so unless we stood (blocking the folks behind us), we got a very intimate view of alot of backsides. I’d say 12th row is pretty safe, but I’d suggest about 600 mg’s of advil for that back pain just in case (on a full stomach! – no ibu on an empty one). I predict she’ll be on her feet at least for Come On, if she’s not shy about that sort of thing in your presence. Make sure she goes along – no excuses! – you won’t regret it. Having fun with your mom is too priceless.


    Thanks for the advice guys it’s appreciated. Don’t worry, I’m gonna do everything I can to get her to come. 🙂


    Have fun hot blooded. Let us know how it goes.


    hot_blooded, having seen lucinda in 5 different ny venues, much to my dismay
    but your mother’s comfort, the crowd for the most part will be seated friday night.


    Hot blooded,
    If your mom can’t attend I would love to take her place:)


    The crowd last night in Charlotte seemed like boring, well dressed bankers out for a dinner and a show. Hot blooded, your Mom would have been able to see fine last night. No one stood up until the encore. At one point Lucinda said, “Is everybody okay?” Like maybe some of us had died in our seats. Then she said, “I like it when y’all yell.” Oh well……


    Well, in light of Wachovia going bellyup and getting absorbed by Citi Bank, maybe those folks in Charlotte will be in less affluent threads next time around. Too bad things were so sedate. And too bad no North Charleston setlist. I couldn’t even open those pics someone posted. Let’s hope a certain seventh row couple in Raleigh tonight will remedy things with some hootin’ and hollerin’, then some postin’.


    Thanks stoger. It was a Monday night too, and Lu acknowledged that. And in fairness to the boring well dressed bankers, it’s not easy to dance and get rowdy when you are sitting in theater seats. Still, I think at least they could have smiled and bobbed their heads more. And as an aside to that grouchy lady seated in front of me, next time let’s you and I make it a point to sit further apart from each other.


    Thanks for all the help everyone. My mom is indeed coming. We’re both really looking forward to tonight. I’ll report on how things went. 🙂


    My mom absolutely LOVED the show, and getting in and out of the city/train station/venue could not have been more smooth for us. Theatre @ MSG really is a convenient venue for Tri-state area folks, although Lucinda seemed a bit disenchanted by some of the empty seats and remarked that perhaps the venue was “too big for me.” I certainly hope not. It’s certainly not even close to big enough to accomodate all her talent.

    We were both able to see perfectly well, and we both absolutely loved the setlist choices. “Little Rock Star” is AWESOME. Buick 6 sounded great before and after Lucinda’s arrival. It was awesome to hear “Steal Your Love” and “Essence,” and I can’t get enough of “Real Love” and “Joy.”

    My mom really has fallen remarkably for Lucinda’s music, and now her presence as a live performer as well. It’s great when you can share someone as wonderful as Lucinda with your family and they too understand it.

    Happy Birthday to Tom, by the way. 🙂


    That’s awesome Hot Blooded.

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