What Bob Dylan song should Lucinda cover?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records What Bob Dylan song should Lucinda cover?

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    In the next couple of weeks Lucinda will be recording a Bob song, most likely with her band, for the next Amnesty International benefit cd. While she has a shortlist of ideas and many songs are already spoken for I thought it might be interesting to see what ideas come up here. Lucinda and I have been going thru the list the last week but maybe we missed something-you never know.

    (I already know one suggestion from Lefty, which I went back and found yesterday)
    You can choose from his entire catalog-no matter how obscure etc–so bring on the suggestions.
    (And Stoger, please let me know if my grammar is incorrect in the headline-not that you wouldn’t anyway).


    Gonna say “She Belongs To Me”. Good song.

    P.S. I heard a Rick Nelson version of this song yesterday on the radio so I know it can be covered.


    Yes -great song -but there is a small little gender issue there. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


    Ooops. Carry on. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

    P.S. That also rules out Lay Lady Lay.


    every grain of sand?
    lots of choices!


    See how complicated this can be. ๐Ÿ˜€ -Wow two smilies in on day-that’s a record for me.


    Here we go: All I Really Want To Do.

    I win. ๐Ÿ˜†


    What about “you aint goin nowhere” from the basement tapes? I think lucindas southern swagger would fit perfectly to that song, especially if they make it a bit country. Hey, that would be SO awesome!
    And change “tomorrows the day my bride’s gonna come” to “my man’s gonna come”. Joan Baez once did it.


    OK Tom
    For your consideration

    Emotionally Yours
    I threw it all away
    Love Sick
    I’ll be your baby tonight..

    How was the Groth Reserve?? 8)


    Some really great suggestions. Some of my favorite Bob songs -I have always loved You Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere–the problem with that one is that this is for Amnesty Intl, which is fights worldwide human rights issues- such as people falsely imprisoned-so i’m not sure YAGN, by title, would be appropriate. Maybe i’m over thinking it but you gotta be careful with things like this.

    Groth is always great-Thanks again.


    Just like a Woman would be a very cool choice…

    Gender Shmender….


    “Not Dark Yet” or “Blind Willie McTell” Blind Willie McTell is on the Bootleg series discs. It is just piano, and acoustic guitar. That is a beautiful song, and it kills me ever time I listen to it. I’m sure the band could make that one their own. Thanks for the opportunity to throw out ideas!!


    Tom O I think my head just exploded trying to think of one!

    So I narrowed it down to 6 8)
    Taking into consideration it is for an Amnesty International benefit cd

    โ€ข Heart of Mine
    โ€ข Meet Me In The Morning
    โ€ข Mama, You Been On My Mind
    โ€ข If Not For You
    โ€ข Ring Them Bells
    โ€ข I’ll Remember You

    On a side note:
    Something I would LOVE to hear is Lu’s take on Dylan’s take of Cash’s “Train of Love” ๐Ÿ˜›

    West Words

    Lu and Bob sure are cut from the same creative cloth, aren’t they?

    Property of Jesus is an obscure favorite of mine that could pertain to political prisoners, and I’m sure Blake could work his usual magic with the guitar parts. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Go ahead and talk about him because he makes you doubt
    Because he has denied himself the things that you can’t live without
    Laugh at him behind his back just like the others do
    Remind him of what he used to be when he comes walkin’ through

    He’s the property of Jesus
    Resent him to the bone
    You got something better
    You’ve got a heart of stone

    Stop your conversation when he passes on the street
    Hope he falls upon himself, oh, won’t that be sweet
    Because he can’t be exploited by superstition anymore
    Because he can’t be bribed or bought by the things that you adore

    He’s the property of Jesus
    Resent him to the bone
    You got something better
    You’ve got a heart of stone

    When the whip that’s keeping you in line doesn’t make him jump
    Say he’s hard of hearin’, say that he’s a chump
    Say he’s out of step with reality as you try to test his nerve
    Because he doesn’t pay tribute to the king that you serve

    He’s the property of Jesus
    Resent him to the bone
    You got something better
    You’ve got a heart of stone

    Say that he’s a loser ’cause he got no common sense
    Because he don’t increase his worth at someone else’s expense
    Because he’s not afraid of trying, you say heโ€™s got no style
    Because he doesn’t tell you jokes or fairy tales, you say heโ€™s failed to make you smile.

    He’s the property of Jesus
    Resent him to the bone
    You got something better
    You’ve got a heart of stone

    You can laugh at salvation, you can play Olympic games
    You think that when you rest at last you’ll go back from where you came
    But you’ve picked up quite a story and you’ve changed since the womb
    What happened to the real you, you’ve been captured but by whom?

    He’s the property of Jesus
    Resent him to the bone
    You got something better
    You’ve got a heart of stone

    He’s the property of Jesus
    Resent him to the bone
    You got something better
    You’ve got a heart of stone


    My wife has chimed in here with “What Good Am I?”. This is off the “Oh Mercy” album. The lyrics are pretty dead on to the Amnesty cause.

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