Wedding Bells at First Ave.

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Wedding Bells at First Ave.

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    @Lafayette wrote:

    The reception had us snatching tall glass pillar candles with a really cool Lu and Tom wedding graphic. The candle, packed in my carry on suitcase, had airport security checking my bag, focusing on the candle as their source of concern. I was pushing getting to the gate as it were, as a matter of fact, I was running to catch my plane, however, I made it, candle and all!

    Here is a photo of said candle:

    I would add to Lafayette’s comments about the candles (so that no one will think we were being impolite to snatch them) that everyone seemed to be leaving with at least one in hand. In fact, near the end of the reception, the staff at Seven was bringing out more, encouraging us to take some home. There were red ones and white ones, but the red ones were far more scarce; they disappeared quickly and, when the staff brought out more, they had only white ones. I managed to get one of each and a lady pleaded with me to give her my red one as I left – I politely declined. 😉

    Interesting that you got by security with yours, Lafayette. I thought for sure they would not let me take mine on board and, since I had only a carry-on, I shipped my two & stoger’s one to myself from a UPS store in the Target Center (total cost, including protective packing materials was $25). I wish I had tried to bring them aboard now but, then again, I might have had more of a problem than you with three (plus my being far from as pretty as you! 😉 ).



    HA! Tom, you mean pretty with candle wax ALL over me from blowing out the one candle? WIne + candle extinguishing is not a good mix for me 😀


    @Lafayette wrote:

    HA! Tom, you mean pretty with candle wax ALL over me from blowing out the one candle? WIne + candle extinguishing is not a good mix for me 😀

    Yeah, that was priceless. I was soooo worried you had burnt yourself w/ all that molten wax on your face! 😮 😯

    Some other little tidbits & impressions from the show / ceremony / reception to add to those from the others:

    This was the first time (that I am aware of) that Lu publicly performed “I’m Happy I Found You”. This is the Hank Williams “Lost Lyrics” song that Lu wrote the music for & recorded for Bob Dylan’s Hank Williams Lost Lyrics album that has been discussed here in the forum before. Prior to playing it, Lu mentioned that she still was not sure when the CD would be released.

    While Lu did appear nervous while playing “Plan To Marry” & “I’m Happy I Found You” (she mentioned twice between songs how hard it was to get through them both as she was so emotional), she appeared to relax once the actually ceremony began, smiling broadly throughout.

    Not only did Tom play guitar during “It’s a Long Way To The Top…), but he also joined Lu at the mic for “Happy”, singing along with Lu. Great job, Tom!! 😀

    When entering the reception at Seven (a very nice restaurant & bar 1/2 block from First Avenue), after having our IDs checked against the guest list, we were each handed a small (2″ x 1″) temporary tattoo with the same artwork as on the candle pictured above. This served as a means to gain re-entry to the reception if you stepped outside. Some (Victor & Mercedes!) had theirs applied to their arms by a gentlemen circulating through the crowd with a damped towel, while others (myself included) tucked them away safely for souvenirs.

    Other than of course the show, the wedding ceremony itself, being there with Lu & Tom to celebrate, and seeing old friends & Lu fans and meeting new ones, the other highlights of the evening for me were meeting and chatting with Anne McCue, Erika Wennerstrom & Bryson Jones. Bryson told a great story (not about Lu) the next morning in Starbucks to stoger and myself that probably shouldn’t be repeated here… 😳

    LWjetta, thanks for posting that link to the Star Tribune article. I especially liked the following photo from that article – I can see stoger, myself (with my arms raised taking the “kiss” picture I posted above) & the top of Lafayette’s head stage front & center:

    My good fortune in positioning allowed me to take the pictures I have!

    Finally, I want again to express my thanks to Lu & Tom for graciously inviting me and for sharing this very, very special moment in their lives with Lu’s fans. I was truly honored & humbled by my invitation & attendance. And, thank you to all the other folks who shared this incredible evening with me, both old friends and new alike. All of you just further reinforce my belief that Lu has the nicest and most “down-to-earth” fans in the world. I look forward to sharing other Lu events with you all in the future. I just wish everyone here in our Friendly Forum could have been there as well.



    Lucinda news going mainstream??

    Access Hollywood…I kid you not. Article includes video clip of a past performance.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Lucinda news going mainstream??

    Access Hollywood…I kid you not. Article includes video clip of a past performance.

    Wow. And the clip is of her performing “Honey Bee”, no less, a song she wrote about Tom. Appropriate!



    Great report everyone. Glad you had a good time.


    Here is a link to a Web site w/ my pictures from the ceremony & reception…



    Great pictures, Tom, especially the one of you and LW. Looks like Ann McCue is rockin the long hair. I wish she would play somewhere around here.

    Tom, could you report on what family members of Lu and Tom attended the wedding?


    @tonyg wrote:

    Tom, could you report on what family members of Lu and Tom attended the wedding?

    Lu’s father, Miller was there, of course (he is in a couple of my photos), as well as her stepmother (I believe her name is Jordan – I did not have the pleasure of meeting her). Tom’s mother, Dolores, was there, and was joined on stage during the ceremony by a gentleman I assume was his father (I did not get to meet him, so if my assumption here is incorrect, I do apologize). There were a lot of Tom’s cousins as well, although I did not meet any of them – I was just told who they were by a family friend as they all posed together for a picture w/ Lu & Tom at the reception. I imagine there were other family members in attendance as well, but these are the folks I am aware of…



    Great pictures Tom.
    Thanks for sharing them. I am mostly a part time lurker here, but catch Lu whenever she makes it this way. This was a most incredible show and I was glad I was there to witness and experience it. It will be one of my greatest memorable music moments ever. I was standing not too far to the left of you guys, just behind Caroline and Sandy, both of whom I had the pleasure of meeting, while we were waiting for the show to begin.


    @kent wrote:

    Great pictures Tom.
    Thanks for sharing them. I am mostly a part time lurker here, but catch Lu whenever she makes it this way. This was a most incredible show and I was glad I was there to witness and experience it. It will be one of my greatest memorable music moments ever. I was standing not too far to the left of you guys, just behind Caroline and Sandy, both of whom I had the pleasure of meeting, while we were waiting for the show to begin.

    I’m glad you like them, Kent. Sorry we didn’t get a chance to meet at the show. Maybe some other time!



    thanks for sharing the pix. –
    Tom & Lu look sooo happy …
    may they always make beautiful music together !!!


    An NPR blurb including 2 photos by Alan Messer.


    And, here is a link to a photo blog entry by Julia Auerbach with some fantastic photographs from the show & wedding. According to her Web site, she is a professional photographer in Minneapolis, whom I assume was hired by Lu & Tom to take pictures…



    Congratulations, from Scotland , what a greatcool way to get married, the more that I that read and hear of this girl the more I admire her, the photos of Tom are the first Ive seen of him ,he looks like a big strong guy with a kind face. I still have great memories of the concert in Perth earlier this year,and remember this ‘IF MAMAS HAPPY WERE HAPPY’. Dont work to hard and please come back over and spend some quality time.

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