Wedding Bells at First Ave.

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Wedding Bells at First Ave.

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    Way to go, Paul. Given the no party policy of the hotel, Tom and Lucinda will not be staying there. 😆


    @Rhon wrote:

    Congrats to Lu and Tom and everyone who is lucky enough to be there tonight.
    Hope to see my friends in NYC in a few wks.

    Is this my long-lost PA friend “Rhon”? New York it is, sweetie–with reports from tonight starting soon.


    Just a quick report between the concert and the reception:

    The music started about 8:30, before an extremely crowded venue. There was no opening act. Lucinda performed a selection of songs in chronological order of her albums.

    1. Motherless Children
    2. Stop Breakin Down
    3. Lafayette
    4. Happy Woman Blues
    5. I Just Wanted To See You So Bad
    6. Big Red Sun Blues
    7. Changed the Locks
    8. Pineola
    9. Sweet Old World
    10. Concrete & Barbed Wire
    11. I Lost It
    12. Joy
    13. Out Of Touch
    14. Essence
    15. Bleeding Fingers
    16. Righteously
    17. Come On
    18. HoneyBee
    19. Plan To Marry
    20. I’m Happy I Found You (Hank Williams song)

    At this point, the music stopped, and Lucinda introduced her father, Miller Williams.
    Miller then read his poem “The Caterpillar”.

    We then were treated to the beautiful wedding ceremony of Lucinda and Tom.

    After the ceremony, the evening concluded with:

    21. Happy (Rolling Stones song)
    22. It’s A Long Way to the Top…


    @paul_from_losangeles wrote:

    Just a quick report between the concert and the reception:

    The music started about 8:30, before an extremely crowded venue. There was no opening act. Lucinda performed a selection of songs in chronological order of her albums.

    1. Motherless Children
    2. Stop Breakin Down
    3. Lafayette
    4. Happy Woman Blues
    5. I Just Wanted To See You So Bad
    6. Big Red Sun Blues
    7. Changed the Locks
    8. Pineola
    9. Sweet Old World
    10. Concrete & Barbed Wire
    11. I Lost It
    12. Joy
    13. Out Of Touch
    14. Essence
    15. Bleeding Fingers
    16. Righteously
    17. Come On
    18. HoneyBee
    19. Plan To Marry
    20. I’m Happy I Found You (Hank Williams song)

    At this point, the music stopped, and Lucinda introduced her father, Miller Williams.
    Miller then read his poem “The Caterpillar”.

    We then were treated to the beautiful wedding ceremony of Lucinda and Tom.

    After the ceremony, the evening concluded with:

    21. Happy (Rolling Stones song)
    22. It’s A Long Way to the Top…

    Great job Paul, really!!! Nice to meet you and big hug for you, Stoger, TNTracy, DiscoStoo and Lafeyette. Also kisses for the two girls that they read us many times but they don’t write here, sorry I can’t remember your names. 😀
    Minneapolis Rocks!!!


    Good stuff, paul. Thanks for taking time to report in. Looking forward to more “party & after-party” commentary & observations!

    So, bigsubi, how do you like Minny so far? 🙂


    He (Miller Williams) and his eldest child, Lucinda, obviously share a great deal of love and a strong father-daughter bond. He’s quite proud of her songwriting prowess.

    “As a song lyricist,” he said, “I think she is as good as you get. I don’t always agree with Time magazine, but I agree with their saying she’s ‘America’s best songwriter.’”

    “One of my most anthologized poems is called ‘The Caterpillar.’ She gave me the last two lines of the poem when she was five years old. It was the same time we were seeing Flannery.

    “During all of her career, she has shown me every song she’s written and asked for feedback and criticism, and she makes some clever little remarks about that. We just have a lot of fun.”

    (Copyright © 2005 Port Folio Weekly. Used by Permission.)


    We had a great time meeting all of you! Beautiful night, hard to put into words what it meant to be there and have that experience. Looking forward to reading everyones posts about the night. I’m taking Sandy to the airport right now. Be well, Caroline


    Wow! What an evening. An event of a lifetime, to say the least. It was so special and wonderful for Lu & Tom to share their vows with all of us at First Avenue last night. And, it was fantastic meeting DiscoStu, bigsubi & Mercedes, Caroline, Sandy as well as seeing Lafayette, stoger & paul_from_losangeles again.

    I need to be heading out soon, so I will post more of my thoughts and impressions from the show & after events when I have more time on my computer at home (and once I can better formulate my thoughts – I am running on near-empty this AM after partying until 3:00 AM and then only being able to catch a few fitful hours of sleep, given all the excitement of the evening). Plus, stoger is waiting in the wings here at the hotel business center to post his thoughts, and I accede to his verbal prowess… 😉

    More to come later…



    @cawane wrote:

    We had a great time meeting all of you! Beautiful night, hard to put into words what it meant to be there and have that experience. Looking forward to reading everyones posts about the night. I’m taking Sandy to the airport right now. Be well, Caroline

    Glad you posted, Caroline, as there was some debate about the “y” versus “i” ending of your name, plus I had forgotten the six letter handle you told me you use on this Forum. By the way, I completely forgot too about those flowers you gave me to give Lu, just noticing them in my tweed pocket this morn. Oh well. HOpe you got some Lu face time, after 2:30 a.m.

    As for “verbal prowess,” not sure I have this, tn tracy, but Paul’s account was quite comprehensive. We did hear two new stories (to me) of song’s origins, “Big Red Sun” referring to the name of an Austin gardening firm some of Lu’s friends started years ago, and “Concrete and BArbed Wire” penned at the time of the fall of the Berlin wall, about that event. During “Righteously,” Lu stumbled and said “I’m getting distracted looking back there at Tom; he’s so hot.” For some reason, Chet Lyster kneeled in front of Lu during two different songs, perhaps a lead-in to the clergyman’s appearance, perhaps an effect of his beverage consumption.

    MOre will come to my mind later, but for now, good to meet Disco Stu, Sandy, Caroline with an “i,” and see again Lafayette, and Tn Tracy, and Paul from La and whoever I am forgetting. Oh, Bigsubi and Mercedes. Adios amigo y amiga.


    Lots of confetti in the photo gallery in this article.

    Wish I had been there for the big event.

    Lefty. notice are “gal” Erika was there.


    An amazing evening last night. Buick 6 never sounded better. I was kinda hoping they would break into a cover of Nick Lowe’s “I Knew The Bride When She Used To Rock And Roll”, but then you can’t have everything, can you? I really hope Lucinda and Tom consider the Twin Cities their second home, because we love to have them hanging around up here.


    @LWjetta wrote:

    Lots of confetti in the photo gallery in this article.

    Wish I had been there for the big event.

    Lefty. notice are “gal” Erika was there.

    I’m past exhaustion, however, I will share this…

    Tom, Roger, and I were milling at the reception when we saw Erika headed our way. We stopped her to let her know some of Lu’s biggest fans are hers as well.

    At one point in the conversation, I told her I knew she was playing Midpoint Music Festival, and when I told her I was from Cincinnati, well, I totally blew her out of the water. She gave me a big hug. She does love home.

    Note to Lefty, if you get a chance to talk to her, put your fingers behind your back, cross them, and tell her you’re from Cincy. You’re in, baby!


    Hey all you crazy Lucinda Williams fans,

    Thanks for the great coverage of this special show. I was smiling this morning reading through this and looking at the pictures of the wedding during the show. Unfortunately I took a long weekend in Atlanta to see another artist, Robinella, at Smith’s Ole Bar in mid town. A fine establishment I suspect some on here have frequented (tntracy is guilty I bet). Oh, and your Botanical Gardens are just incredible.

    Lafayette, you have become a true LW convert now. Since meeting up with you to see her Riverbend last Summer, I think your show count now exceeds mine. You will be in Bloomington Wednesday, right?

    I’ll be down at the Midpoint Music Festival next weekend, where / when does Erika play? Maybe I’ll catch you down there.



    For all fellow cheerleaders who have not yet “You Tubed” the ceremony, here is more confetti.

    Enjoy the “JOY”



    I just downloaded & edited my photos from the wedding ceremony & reception – just a quick post to share what I think are the best two pictures I took from the ceremony itself. I will be creating a Web page w/ many of the pictures later & posting a link here, so more to come….



    Those are both wonderful photos, Tom! Looking forward to all of them.

    I would like to add some additional color commentary in regards to the show, however, first I would like to say it was such a joy and privilege to be able to attend the wedding and I, too, would like to thank Lucinda and Tom for inviting their fans to share in their day.

    Next, it was great to meet Bigsubi and his wife, all the way from Barcelona (and Lu acknowledged them at the reception when she spoke), Sandy and Caroline (with an “i” 🙂 ), DiscoStu (I was referring to him as “my son” during the reception), Webmasta, and of course, dear friends Tom and Roger. Shows wouldn’t be the same without sharing them with fellow admirers and cheerleaders.

    Lu and the band kicked total *ss before they exchanged vows, and that is not an exaggeration.Lu relayed to the audience, toward the end of the set, Eric had just told her “This is f*cking fun!”

    Tom sang a few lines with Lu during “Happy” and he strapped on a guitar and played during “It’s A Long Way To The Top.” Not bad for a guy who doesn’t like the stage and spotlight.

    The article mentioned Lu almost broke down during the Hank Williams song she performed, however, after she sang the most beautiful renditon of “Plan To Marry” she told us it was real hard for her to get through that song.

    The reception had us snatching tall glass pillar candles with a really cool Lu and Tom wedding graphic. The candle, packed in my carry on suitcase, had airport security checking my bag, focusing on the candle as their source of concern. I was pushing getting to the gate as it were, as a matter of fact, I was running to catch my plane, however, I made it, candle and all!

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