Wedding Bells at First Ave.

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Wedding Bells at First Ave.

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  • #40590

    Folks! In an hour we are landing in Minneapolis!!! 😀 😀 😀
    Somebody will be at the Graves 601 Hotel???
    Mercedes and me writing from the blue sky from Minnesota!!! By the way,very tired…


    Best Wishes Tom & Lucinda …
    love is grand when you marry your best friend !

    looking forward to seeing you both in Greensboro,N.C.

    take care & be safe on the road –


    @bigsubi wrote:

    Folks! In an hour we are landing in Minneapolis!!! 😀 😀 😀
    Somebody will be at the Graves 601 Hotel???
    Mercedes and me writing from the blue sky from Minnesota!!! By the way,very tired…

    I’m staying at the Graves 601, bigsubi, but will not arrive until tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 PM. Several of us are meeting for drinks before the show – I will PM you my cell phone number so you can call me & find us…



    @bigsubi wrote:

    Folks! In an hour we are landing in Minneapolis!!! 😀 😀 😀
    Somebody will be at the Graves 601 Hotel???
    Mercedes and me writing from the blue sky from Minnesota!!! By the way,very tired…

    What, wi-fi access in the air a full hour before landing? What’s next, completely legal jabbering on cellphones by passengers all the way across the Atlantic? Grrrh. At any rate, hope you are settled in the Graves by now, and I second tn Tracy’s invitation for tomorrow late afternoon/early evening.


    Y’know, us’ns left behind do expect “red carpet” reports all night long tomorrow. How y’all manage that is your problem… (nudge-nudge, wink-wink).
    Have a good time!


    @Lefty wrote:

    Y’know, us’ns left behind do expect “red carpet” reports all night long tomorrow. How y’all manage that is your problem… (nudge-nudge, wink-wink).
    Have a good time!

    Do you accept Twitter, Lefty?

    dr winston oboogie

    Having met both Tom and Lucinda in Perth Scotland last month, I would just like to add my congratulations to a lovely couple, and wish them both all the best for a long, healthy and happy life together.

    How about a honeymoon touring Scotland, I would gladly be a tour guide for them. 💡


    Will be in town for the weekend from Portland, OR, with my friend from Chicago. Unfamiliar with the Twin Cities. Suggestions needed for good places to drink, eat. Also, how does it work at First Avenue? What time do you have to get in line to get close to the front? We’re on the list at the door. We’d be interested in meeting other forum members pre-show.


    @stoger wrote:

    @Lefty wrote:

    Y’know, us’ns left behind do expect “red carpet” reports all night long tomorrow. How y’all manage that is your problem… (nudge-nudge, wink-wink).
    Have a good time!

    Do you accept Twitter, Lefty?

    😆 😆 😆

    I will be tweeting, as in, real time, from the show (actually the entire day, ham sandwiches abound.) I’ll throw a (mastodon) bone or two about setlist, however, with Roger in the house, I’ll leave setlist reporting to him.

    This could be perfect time to come out of the cave. 😯


    As far as Tw*tt*r goes, friends, I have yet to drink that Kool-Aid. Enjoy the day ‘n’ night out there, one ‘n’ all!


    @Lefty wrote:

    As far as Tw*tt*r goes, friends, I have yet to drink that Kool-Aid. Enjoy the day ‘n’ night out there, one ‘n’ all!

    Thanks, Lefty – wish you could be there. We’ll tip that cold one together one day yet…

    Oh, and as far as “red carpet updates”, I, for one, am going to have to depend on our Twitteriffic friend, Lafayette. Since I am flying up for just the one night, I am traveling light; i.e., no laptop in the hotel room this trip. So, even a post-game recap will depend on the availability of a “communal” computer in the hotel lobby. If one is not available, you may not hear from me until I get home Saturday night. I will, however, make every effort to post before then – as you well know, our fellow FF member & pal stoger is quite adept at scaring up a hotel computer! 😉

    Leaving for the airport in 30 minutes,




    Congrats to Lu and Tom and everyone who is lucky enough to be there tonight.
    Hope to see my friends in NYC in a few wks.


    Is there an opening act tonight? Or Buick 6 again? Anybody know?


    Reporting live from the Business Center at the Graves 601 Hotel. I just checked-in, after an uneventful flight from LAX. The hotel is trendy and beautiful, and fairly quiet, so far. Guests must sign a no-party, no-noise document, upon check-in, with stiff penalties, including expulsion.

    For information of other guests (stoger, tntracy, etc.), the Business Center is located on the 4th floor, across from the elevator from the lobby, then a right turn, and a left turn. There’s a locked brown door, with a sign “Business Center”. You need your room key to open the Business Center door. There are 2 free computers inside.

    It should be an interesting evening…more to follow!!

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