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  • #38013

    @upperdecker wrote:

    This is really embarrassing, but I can’t see where to view the stream from the home page. I assume you mean https://www.lucindawilliams.com/lucinda/php/main.php.

    Any help appreciated.


    Go to https://www.lucindawilliams.com/lucinda/php/index.php and it should be at the very top of the screen – a thin “ribbon” audio player on the top 1/4″ inch of screen or so – you need Flash installed.



    @upperdecker wrote:

    This is really embarrassing, but I can’t see where to view the stream from the home page. I assume you mean https://www.lucindawilliams.com/lucinda/php/main.php.

    Any help appreciated.


    Never mind. For some reason, it’s working now. Audacity is engaged! This will be playing in my car on the ride to the gym tomorrow. Thanks to everyone and anyone who made this possible. Any chance of getting the 2nd set(s) and encores? I always want more.

    Thanks again,



    I don’t know why but I get the webcast when I follow that link but not when I click on the ‘Home’ link on the site menu. 😕

    I shall go figure!


    Clear your cache. The old home page links have been updated to make this work so that where ever you are the site player stays on the song your listening to. Each browser has different methods to clear temporary pages. So clear saved pages and you should be good.



    I see now why I was initially unable to hear the streaming audio. I was on an older computer when I had no success. When I visited the LW site on my newer laptop, bingo, it started immediately.

    For some reason, though, I can’t manage to get the flash player to work on my older computer. This older unit runs on XP Home Edition, and I use IE 6 as the browser.

    I installed the latest version of flash (version 10,0,12,36), but I still only see the button at the top of the screen that says “click to upgrade Flash” instead of the flash media buttons that I see on the newer computer. Any one know what I’m doing wrong? I did delete the temporary internet files, so I don’t think I’m viewing a cached page.

    Any help appreciated.




    Did you clear your cache and close and restart your browser? Sometimes it needs both to work. Rebooting your machine after clearing the cache can help ‘stubborn’ sites as well.



    Sorry, one more question. The reason I was anxious to get the Flash player to work on another computer is because I wanted to see whether a weird sound I was hearing on the first track of the stream might be somehow coming from my computer. In other words, if I heard the same sound on a second computer, I would know it was native to the stream.

    Would someone mind verifying that there’s a strange sound at 4:11 or 4:12 on the Real Love track? It sounds like a Microsoft Windows “default beep” (sort of a *dunk* sound). I can’t really see how it could be coming from my laptop (could the stream could somehow be cached on my HD?), but I am trying to record it so I can listen to it in the car, and I would hate to think I have an “imperfect” copy.

    I know, I know. My wife tells me all the time: I’m nuts. But if someone can give a quick listen to the end of Real Love and tell me if you hear the same thing, I’d be much more at ease.

    Thanks very much.


    P.S. Thanks, Phil, but I did try the reboot thing too. I appreciate the advice nonetheless. When you say clear the cache, is that what I did by deleting the temporary internet files? I think so, but maybe I’m mistaken.


    Good ear.

    Yes that noise is in the recording. These recordings were made onto a separate computer during the stream to capture them quick and get them on the website as soon as possible. The sound card on the capture machine caught those windows beeps as a lot was happening that night.
    The intention is to replace them when the team is back from the road and a mix can be done.

    I adjusted the volume of the recording but not the EQ and did minor edits. That was one edit I wanted to remove but in the spirit of leaving everything Lucinda said that night (with the exception of the Jailhouse false starts).

    Whats your vote edit it out or not?



    Let it be, Ralph.


    Great stuff WebMasta. Thx for your hard work. Are you planning to put the second set up someday?


    First, I want to thank you, Ralph, for your part in making this available. I consider it a gift, and I really appreciate it.

    As for whether to leave the beep in, if deleting it means the removal of dialogue, I vote to leave it in. Completeness is more important to me in a recording of this “rough and ready” nature. In fact, if I could make one change, it would be to have left in the false starts in JT, but I also understand why that might be less than appropriate in content that streams over the home page (and others).

    Thanks again to all involved in allowing us to share the experience of the lucky attendees at First Ave.



    Thanks you guys. You know in a previous life I was a recording engineer. So when you wear the hat of presenting this to fans, I’ve come to believe that the whole experience is best. The edit really starts to get into removing the magic.

    As for the second set…
    Because I was recording the stream and then editing it for on demand playback, the second set was too inconsistent to present. Therefore if it does become available it would have to come from a post show mixing effort. If Tom and Lucinda decided to do this it will be based on available time, schedule, label aproval money etc. You never really know if these things are gonna be done til they’re done.



    No prob, Webmasta. Great work!


    I assume this is no longer streaming. Or is it just me?

    Maybe we’re just awaiting a new version, now to include the whole show??

    Thanks either way, webmasta and all involved.


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