Webcast From Minneapolis Comments Thread

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Webcast From Minneapolis Comments Thread

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    All I can say is WOW!!

    I admire and appreciate everything that went into the Webcast last night. But I have to say, once again, Lu and the band are the most ambitious and creative act on the road today. To play an entire album, then come back with the “greatest hits” set was a brilliant idea and incredible fun to listen to, in spite of the audio problems.

    I can only imagine the fun they have when they hit a home run like that. It must be incredibly satisfying to be part of a band that is so talented, creative and never seems to settle for “calling it in,” but always pushing the envelope.

    It takes Lu’s songs to set the context, but the jams last night were straight from the Dead’s tradition of taking chances and see where it goes, and it is almost always is fantastic.

    Again kudos to everyone who made it happen!



    *Yawn* *Blink blink*

    *Sniff* Hmmm. Smells like stale beer & booze in here… 😉

    Wow. How much fun was that! I kinda feel like I really was at a Lu show last night (maybe it’s all the beer I drank!). I have to second some of the others (and my own) comments about how cool it was for the fans to have that Webcast last night. And, to couple that with the innovative approach of a first set of Little Honey played straight through & then a second set of 2 “rockers” from each of the previous albums was like the whipped cream w/ a cherry on top! Thanks for thinking outside the box Lu, Tom & the guys of Buick 6. I hope y’all had as much fun putting it on as I did listening to it.



    Minneapolis loves Lucinda, and fortunately Lucinda loves us. Last nights web cast audience had a palpable love affair with our girl. I sat on a side wall some twenty feet from the stage at First Ave and was treated to one of the greatest concerts of my life. In fact, after seeing Lucinda since the eighties, this was her best rock show ever. It may well be the best show I have ever seen period!

    Lu, you rocked! Your stress of recording a live show was clear, and understandable, but you nailed it girl. I particularly liked the real life of “Jail House Rock” for it made you human, vulnerable and even more lovable. This was honest music, and the audience was allowed the chance to hold you tight. You repaid us with the most amazing second set of your career. Rocking out tunes for the B side; and showing us all your ability to captivate an audience. You were perfect.

    I am a huge fan of your ballads, and on my audiophile stereo system, your pain is cutting, and I empathies with every stabbing pain of your heart. Your years of torture are mine, and I love you for sharing.

    Your live concerts are often a blend of both your pain and your joy. Last night was pure energy, pure joy, and fun to be a part of this new chapter in your life journey. You made music heal our souls, and you energized us all with your hope. We love you Lu!!!

    I hope to see you in early November at the Ave.

    I love you!



    Lucinda, Tom,

    Thank you so much for letting your fans listen to one of your best concerts at home totally free. We are indebted to your generousity toward your fans.

    I dragged a few old high school buddies to your Concert in Columbus, and before and during the show we drank way more than we should have. My memory of the show was that the band’s playing was just increadible, your voice was right on. The intensity of both the crowd and the band was over the top. I was a little worried that maybe the alchohol and seeing great old friends had distored my perception of the concert. After listening to last nights webcast, I know my feeling about how well you and your band are performing right now, and being number nine on the charts, is all just a reflection of the quality performance you and Buick Six give to your fans.

    You are off the board,




    In France the show was during the middle of the night and i couldn’t see it.
    Is there a chance to see (or buy) the show one more time ?


    The thanks for this webcast really goes out to a group of people. First Tom Overby for being the brainchild of this whole thing. He asked me how we could get this done and I tried to talk him out of it because it would be expensive to not have it glitch all night. You really have to pay a streaming company to do this right if you end up getting a lot of people logged onto the stream. So after talking to a few streaming partners and hearing it would be some serious bucks, I approached Lost Highway’s new media department to see if they would help out.

    Michael Deputato the head of new Media stepped up and found a company Wazoo sports out of Kentucky run by Doc Carpenter, who were willing to do the webcast in exchange for ad banners on the site during the performance. Doc Carpenter provided a streaming tech, Seth Mitchell to fly to MN and oversee the webcast and tapped into audio from the board. Something Tom had arrange before hand. Also Shawn Kirkham from UMG Lost Highway’s New Media department oversaw the chat room dev and flew to the provide images to Shawn and Seth to rotate in the player during the event.

    I have to say this really was a great event, from a sound quality, band performance and the overall great effort from a team of people at Hello Cleveland Management, Lost Highway Records and Wazoo Sports. The skipping towards the end of the second set, ended up being the internet connection at the club just getting totally bogged down. So given that was really a bonue considering this was meant to be a listening party for the album I walked away really happy.


    Ralph Cavallaro
    Lucindawilliams.com Webmaster
    New Reach Consulting


    @WebMASTA wrote:

    I walked away really happy.


    Ralph Cavallaro
    Lucindawilliams.com Webmaster
    New Reach Consulting

    So did I, Ralph, so did I… 😉

    Thanks again to you & all others involved.



    I’m sad to say I missed this one – haven’t seen Lucinda in concert since ’06, but only just heard about the webcast as I’m on the road myself at the moment.

    Does anyone know if it is/is going to be archived anywhere? I’d love to see it, particularly the Little Honey set.


    Oh, I missed this as well! Still, was fun to re-live it vicariously through the posts.


    a little bird just told me that both sets of the Minneapolis First Avenue show are on dimeadozen now.


    the first set is now streaming on the main page again (with Jailhouse Tears edited for content haha)

    Speaking of that song, it is infinitely better with Doug’s vocals. It’s a shame he couldn’t have sang it on the record.


    Speaking of that song, it is infinitely better with Doug’s vocals. It’s a shame he couldn’t have sang it on the record.

    i wholeheartedly agree, it should have been doug…….. (and if he didn’t want to do it, then steve)


    @CliveDanko wrote:

    a little bird just told me that both sets of the Minneapolis First Avenue show are on dimeadozen now.

    Yeah, it’s there, but it’s all chopped up. Anyone know if there is an uncut version anywhere?

    Great show!


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