Wash Dc Setlist

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Wash Dc Setlist

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  • #31826

    I thought another Forum member was going to list these this time around, but perhaps she still will add to the bare-bones list below:

    1 Drunken A
    2 Metal Firecracker
    3 People Talkin’
    4 East Side of Town
    5 West Memphis
    6 World Without Tears
    7 Ghost of
    8 When I Look at the World
    9 Lake Charles
    10 Bus to Baton Rouge
    11 Fruits of My Labor
    12 Are You Down
    13 Lines Around Your Eyes
    14 Foolishness
    15 Essence
    16 Unsuffer Me
    17 Righteously
    18 Joy
    19 Should I Stay
    20 The Rising
    21 Get Right with God
    22 Rockin in the Free


    Yes, stoger, happy to supplement now that I’ve had a good night’s sleep!

    Fashion report: Lu wore sexy high black biker boots and sweet aubergine leather pants, and a black tee shirt instead of rocking the cleavage-and-jewelry look (like no one else can). Also, Lu’s acoustic guitar has a snakeskin (rattler?) strap with the attacking head attached (Tony Jo White had a similar bad @ss guitar strap). I don’t play the guitar, and maybe these guitar straps are common, but I wish I had an occasion in my life to utilize such a strap!

    Party foul: The venue runs out of red wine before Lu’s set. Lu’s fans must guzzle red wine at these sit-down venues! To the venue’s credit, I got a bit of chardonnay for free when the bartender saw my hang dog look.

    I don’t know if this was intentional, or maybe it was just the context of being in our great nation’s capital so I noticed it more, but a significant part of the set list had an activist, political anthem feel, to wit:

    East Side of Town (There was a restart, but it wasn’t clear why. The line “There’s no empathy in your eyes” seemed apropos being so near Congress.)
    West Memphis (Judicial corruption that we always need to be vigilant about.)
    World Without Tears (Stuart was in a grooving TRANCE at the start of this one, and then proceeded to rip it uuuuup. Lu references Trump, the GOP and NRA.)
    When I Look at the World (A reminder that whatever our political beliefs and personal experience, we still need to celebrate what is beautiful!)
    Foolishness (Lu incorporates Kim Davis into the lyrics; Lu refers to her as a “fear monger” who “doesn’t do the job she’s being paid to do” and Lu then proceeds to do a physical imitation of the county clerk that is spot on, and further works into the lyrics “kiss whomever you want, marry whomever you want.” I don’t know if Lu is aware that Kim Davis has been divorced at least three times.)

    Some commentary about BUTCH! He has trimmed down and is looking great these days! He was the man in black, stepping up the threads in our great nation’s capital. Given our seat location, his face was directly behind a cymbal, so I couldn’t see him at all during the concert, and I missed his jamming visage. It was like I had a blind spot during the entire show. I think he broke a cymbal because he held up a half of one toward the end of the show, but I couldn’t tell what song it happened on (is that hard to do??). (Cool Trivia: Butch’s cymbals are Zildjian, which is the oldest known continually operating company, founded in 1618 by an alchemist trying to turn metals into gold… what Mr. Zildjian created was far better, in my opinion!) In Are You Down, Butch displayed a new glass soundmaker that looks like a series of hourglasses with small stones or pieces of something in it, like a delicate and sexy rain stick. I am glad I’m not in charge of transporting it because it would certainly shatter in my custody.

    Thanks to Lu and the band for giving us Lines Around Your Eyes!! My only comment to Unsuffer Me is “Holy Sh*t.” David had a righteous solo during Righteously (see what I did there?).

    I feel so lucky to have seen Lu three times this last week — that is not a humble brag, either… I simply appreciate being in the presence of such greatness. The shows just keep getting better. Thanks to Lu, Tom and the band for working so hard for the fans, and diving deep into the catalog. End of loquacious post, Vivian


    If I were a betting woman, I would say stoger is fairly happy with your embellishments, Viv!

    I’m so happy your (R)October is getting off to a much better start than your birth month. Rock on, sister.

    I nominate this POST OF THE YEAR.


    Second the nomination


    Great report!


    The Queen of Embellishment, Ms. Morris, none other.

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