Warehouse Live Houston, TX May 18/14

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Warehouse Live Houston, TX May 18/14

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  • #31522

    Houston Calling Commander stoger-Over ?

    Anybody have any reports ?
    All I could find on the internets (sp) was a pic on Kenneth Brian’s facebook showing a very enthusiastic crowd.


    Just found this.


    Nothing but crickets in here. Maybe there was no show? 😯


    Yes, I was one of the many enthusiasts–a travel-weary one by now.

    Car Wheels…
    Big Red Sun Blues
    Drunken Angel
    Right in Time [sustained heightened applause after]
    Fruits of My Labor [upright bass tour debut]
    West Memphis [solo]
    Lake Charles [duo]
    Side of the Road [duo]
    Bus to Baton Rouge
    Something Wicked…
    Burning Bridges
    Out of Touch
    Changed the Locks
    Righteously [with karaoke comments]

    Rocking in the Free World
    Get Right with God

    The Warehouse was hardly sold out, but that’s true about the enthusiasm level. Upon walk-on, Lu tipped her hat to places in Houston where she had honed her craft years ago (e.g, Anderson Fair). Mike Stinson was in the house, I noticed. I found the employees at the Warehouse quite efficient, especially the broom-wielding, towel-in-back-pocket-sporting cleaning staff who bent down to remove any and all stray debris at various points during the show, squeezing in wherever and whenever needed, ballad or rocker, intro or instrumental break, early mid or late in set. Four minutes after the second encore tune, they had the house cleared and a sheen emanating from every imaginable standing area.

    Quote of the day, from an anonymous new crew member: “I didn’t realize what a gay and lesbian crowd Lucinda tends to draw.” Had I been quicker on my feet by way of reply, I might have come up with “Just wait until the Orange Peel,” but that would have been inappropriate of me, of course.


    Not that there’s anything wrong with that! 😆

    A Mike Stinson sighting!

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