Vogue Prelims

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    There are a couple that she doesn’t think have stood the test of time as well as others but they are earlier songs, but she has always told me that she loves Steal Your Love. I do have a vague memory of her saying once that some critic said a certain song wasn’t up to her standard -maybe that was SYL.


    best setlist ever (esp. 2-6). lucinda, don’t be hard on SYL! i want to hear this so-called best-sounding version ever.

    EDIT: so i read everything. well, nice to know that she loves the song. there was a comment here a few years ago attached to a setlist in which she (supposedely) said that not all of her songs can be masterpieces, and that was refering to SYL. could never forget it because SYL is always a huge favorite around here.

    SYL is a gorgeous love song that even my non-LUheads friends love, but i agree that the live versions i have aren’t exactly magical or stellar or whatever. the luscious aspect, of course, goes away, but the luscious aspect IS the song, you take that and all there’s left are half-empty words. i’m glad you’re working towards a glorious live version. it’s a song delved into our aesthetic pleasure, and keeping it sublime for a colective aesthetic experience should be the stairway to paradise. keep playing it.


    @TOverby wrote:

    That setlist.fm site is going to come in handy -so all of TT’s work was not for naught.

    Cool! That’s good to hear, TO – but, it was only “work” in the sense that it was a “labor of love” for Lu & her music… 😉

    @TOverby wrote:

    some critic said a certain song wasn’t up to her standard -maybe that was SYL.

    Meh – what do the damn “critics” know, anyways… 🙄



    oh yes, i love the fact that LW still talks about the books that inspired 2 kool 16 years after writing the song. taking someone else’s art seriously is expected from someone that takes seriously her own songwriting, but being expected doesn’t make it less generous or warm or true. a very nice gesture.


    @punchdrunklove wrote:

    best setlist ever (esp. 2-6). lucinda, don’t be hard on SYL! i want to hear this so-called best-sounding version ever.

    EDIT: so i read everything. well, nice to know that she loves the song. there was a comment here a few years ago attached to a setlist in which she (supposedely) said that not all of her songs can be masterpieces, and that was refering to SYL. could never forget it because SYL is always a huge favorite around here.

    SYL is a gorgeous love song that even my non-LUheads friends love, but i agree that the live versions i have aren’t exactly magical or stellar or whatever. the luscious aspect, of course, goes away, but the luscious aspect IS the song, you take that and all there’s left are half-empty words. i’m glad you’re working towards a glorious live version. it’s a song delved into our aesthetic pleasure, and keeping it sublime for a colective aesthetic experience should be the stairway to paradise. keep playing it.

    It was gorgeous, pdl. It had a swampy sound, IMHO.


    How many guitar straps does Lu own? I would love to keep a running track of her collection of guitar straps used on the tour. Do they have a setlist.fm statistic for guitar straps? 🙂

    Last night, very cool rhinestone(or are they swarovski?) skulls on her custom metal guitar and this one on her acoustic.

    photo credit: Tim Thurman (posted on FB)


    @Lafayette wrote:

    or are they swarovski?

    For those who, like me, are not “in tune” with luxury items – from Wikipedia:

    Swarovski is the brand name for a range of precisely-cut crystal and related luxury products produced by Swarovski AG of Wattens, Austria.

    😉 😳



    Here’s a review of the show from “Indy’s Alternative Voice”, Nuvo.

    Alternative, indeed. The writer came up with an “alternative” spelling of Butch’s name – “Butch Martin“. 🙄 At least he was complementary of Lu’s drummer, if not accurate regarding his surname, writing that he “looked and sounded commanding from behind the set”…



    The “featured” photograph of Lu in the Vogue review finds yours truly (with hand in the air) and the towering figure behind me, the one and only s t o g e r .


    @Lafayette wrote:

    The “featured” photograph of Lu in the Vogue review finds yours truly (with hand in the air) and the towering figure behind me, the one and only s t o g e r .

    Great picture Lafayette, I remember seeing a similar pose with your arm from the Mellencamp gig in Windsor.
    How do you keep getting into the front row ?
    Back to the Vogue and your thread under the Covington concert wherein you reported that Over the Rhine are on tour and therefore no suprise appearance at the Madison Theatre would be possible.
    I do follow Lucinda’s FB and very rarely sign on but I thought this was a neat comment on the Vogue concert.
    Over the Rhine is currently way over in Japan doing a benefit concert but Karen Bergquist took the time to write this about Lu at the Vogue.
    I just know. she rocked the house! And all was right with this Sweet Old World for a few hours.
    End quote”

    That’s Kool.


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